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    Welcome to the XL Deploy system documentation. This document describes the content of the XL Deploy documentation and helps you find the information you need.

    Documentation Contents

    The XL Deploy documentation contains all the information needed to install, configure, setup and use XL Deploy. The documentation consists of the following documents:

    XL Deploy comes with several standard plugins, whose documentation is also available:

    • Command Plugin Manual. This document describes the Command plugin which allows packaging and execution of arbitrary commands.
    • Database Plugin Manual. This document describes the Database plugin which is responsible for deploying SQL to databases.
    • Deployment Group Orchestrator Plugin Manual. This document describes the Deployment Group Orchestrator plugin which allows fine-grained control over deployment plan orchestration.
    • File Plugin Manual. This document describes the File plugin which is responsible for deploying files and folders.
    • Generic Model Plugin Manual. This document describes the Generic Model plugin which is a building block to build new plugins.
    • JEE Plugin Manual. This document describes the JEE plugin which contains basic JEE CIs.
    • PowerShell Plugin Manual. This document describes the PowerShell plugin which is responsible for communicating with PowerShell-based middleware and systems (Windows only).
    • Python Plugin Manual. This document describes the Python plugin which is responsible for communicating with Python-based middleware.
    • Remoting Plugin Manual. This document describes the Remoting plugin which is responsible for communicating with remote systems.
    • Webserver Plugin Manual. This document describes the Webserver plugin which is responsible for deploying static content to webservers.
    • Trigger Plugin Manual. Describes the Trigger Plugin, that allows you hook actions on state changes in tasks or steps. You can use it to send emails when a step fails, for example.

    Using the Documentation

    Every document is written as a standalone document and can be read separately. References to other documents are included when relevant. Depending on your role, some documents are more relevant than others. The following list contains a suggested reading order for specific roles:

    • System Administrator: Reference Manual, System Administration Manual, Command Line Interface (CLI) Manual, Customization Manual.
    • Deployer: Reference Manual, Graphical User Interface (GUI) Manual, Command Line Interface (CLI) Manual.
    • Senior Deployer: Reference Manual, Graphical User Interface (GUI) Manual, Command Line Interface (CLI) Manual, Customization Manual.
    • Developer: Reference Manual, Packaging Manual, Graphical User Interface (GUI) Manual.
    • Manager: Reference Manual, Graphical User Interface (GUI) Manual, Release Dashboard Manual.

    Online Documentation

    There is also an online version of the documentation at our documentation site ( The documentation site contains the latest and most up-to-date copy of the documentation.

    Contacting XebiaLabs Technical Support

    To contact XebiaLabs technical support, use our support desk (

    For urgent problems, the XebiaLabs support team can also be reached by phone:

    • Europe: +31 85 8883951
    • US: (866) 656-4408 (standard US business hours and workdays only)


    If you're impatient to get started using XL Deploy, here is a quick rundown of steps you'll need to take and where to find the relevant information:

    • Install XL Deploy: see System Administration Manual, section Installation Procedure.
    • Setup your environment: see System Administration Manual, section Setting up XL Deploy.
    • Import the PetClinic sample application: see Graphical User Interface (GUI) Manual, section Importing Packages or Command Line Interface (CLI) Manual, section Performing a Simple Deployment.
    • Deploy the PetClinic sample application: see Graphical User Interface (GUI) Manual, section Initial deployment or Command Line Interface (CLI) Manual, section Performing a Simple Deployment.