Interface ConfigurationItem

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AppliedProvisioner<D>, ArchiveArtifact, Artifact, Container, Deployable, DeployableArtifact, DeployableContainer, Deployed<D,C>, DerivedArtifact<D>, EmbeddedDeployable, EmbeddedDeployed<D,C>, EmbeddedDeployedContainer<D,C>, FileArtifact, FolderArtifact, HostContainer, IDictionary, IEncryptedDictionary, LookupValueProvider, Provisionable, Provisioned<D,C>, Provisioner, SourceArtifact, Taggable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDictionary, Application, BaseAppliedProvisioner, BaseAppliedProvisionerArtifact, BaseConfigurationItem, BaseConfigurationItemWithPolicies, BaseContainer, BaseDeployable, BaseDeployableArchiveArtifact, BaseDeployableArtifact, BaseDeployableContainer, BaseDeployableFileArtifact, BaseDeployableFolderArtifact, BaseDeployed, BaseDeployedArtifact, BaseDeployedContainer, BaseDeployedInfrastructureAsCode, BaseEmbeddedDeployable, BaseEmbeddedDeployed, BaseProvisionable, BaseProvisioned, BaseProvisionedContainer, BaseProvisioner, BaseProvisionerArtifact, CompositePackage, Configuration, DeployedApplication, DeploymentPackage, Dictionary, Directory, EmbeddedDeployableArtifact, EmbeddedDeployedArtifact, EncryptedDictionary, Environment, Host, Parameters, ProvisioningPackage, SimpleLookupValueProvider, Template, Version

public interface ConfigurationItem extends Serializable
Base interface of all configuration item types.

Do not directly implement this class, instead extend BaseConfigurationItem or one of the types derived from it (e.g. BaseDeployable, BaseDeployed or BaseContainer).

The following contract is required: - The Type of a ConfigurationItem should be stored in a field called 'type'.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      The id of the CI.
    • setId

      void setId(String id)
      Sets The id of the CI.
    • getName

      String getName()
      The name of the CI.
    • getType

      Type getType()
      The type metadata for this CI.
    • getProperty

      <T> T getProperty(String key)
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the property.
      key - The name of the property.
      The value of type T of the property.
    • hasProperty

      boolean hasProperty(String key)
      key - The name of the property.
      True if the CI has a added property with the given name.
    • setProperty

      <T> void setProperty(String key, T value)
      Adds a custom property of a generic type to the CI.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the property.
      key - The name of the property.
      value - The value of type T of the property.
    • get$validationMessages

      List<ValidationMessage> get$validationMessages()
      Gets the validation messages set on the ConfigurationItem.
      a List<ValidationMessage>
    • get$internalId

      Integer get$internalId()
      The internal ID of ConfigurationItem.
    • get$securedCi

      Integer get$securedCi()
      The ID of secured CI which determines ConfigurationItem's permissions.
    • get$directoryReference

      String get$directoryReference()
      The UUID of ConfigurationItem's directory.
    • get$securedDirectoryReference

      String get$securedDirectoryReference()
      The UUID of ConfigurationItems secured directory which determines ConfigurationItems permissions.
    • get$referenceId

      String get$referenceId()
      The reference UUID of ConfigurationItem.