All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationItem, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
ArchiveArtifact, DeployableArtifact, DerivedArtifact<D>, FileArtifact, FolderArtifact, SourceArtifact
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseAppliedProvisionerArtifact, BaseDeployableArchiveArtifact, BaseDeployableArtifact, BaseDeployableFileArtifact, BaseDeployableFolderArtifact, BaseDeployedArtifact, BaseDeployedInfrastructureAsCode, BaseProvisionerArtifact, EmbeddedDeployableArtifact, EmbeddedDeployedArtifact

@TypeIcon("icons/types/udm.Artifact.svg") public interface Artifact extends ConfigurationItem
Artifacts are files containing application resources such as code or images. The following are examples of artifacts:
  • a WAR file.
  • an EAR file.
  • a folder containing static content such as HTML pages or images.
  • Method Details

    • getFile

      com.xebialabs.overthere.OverthereFile getFile()
      A representation of a file that can be access through an Overthere connection.
    • setFile

      void setFile(com.xebialabs.overthere.OverthereFile file)
      file - A representation of a file that can be access through an Overthere connection.