Interface EmbeddedDeployed<D extends EmbeddedDeployable,C extends EmbeddedDeployedContainer>

All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationItem, EmbeddedDeployedContainer<D,C>, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseAppliedProvisioner, BaseAppliedProvisionerArtifact, BaseEmbeddedDeployed, EmbeddedDeployedArtifact

public interface EmbeddedDeployed<D extends EmbeddedDeployable,C extends EmbeddedDeployedContainer> extends EmbeddedDeployedContainer<D,C>
Some deployeds can have modules, for example an EAR archive can contain some WAR modules inside that can potentially be deployed to different containers. A EmbeddedDeployed is a CI representation of such a deployed module.