Class DeploymentPackage

All Implemented Interfaces:
ConfigurationItem, Serializable, Comparable<BaseConfigurationItem>
Direct Known Subclasses:

@Metadata(description="A package of a certain version of an application. Groups all deployable artifact CIs for an application for a certain version. Is contained by the Application CI.") public class DeploymentPackage extends Version
A particular version of an Application consisting of both artifacts and resource specifications (a set of Deployables) that can be deployed onto a Container.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DeploymentPackage

      public DeploymentPackage()
    • DeploymentPackage

      public DeploymentPackage(Deployable... deployables)
      deployables - The Deployables that are part of this package.
  • Method Details

    • getTemplates

      public Set<Template> getTemplates()
    • setTemplates

      public void setTemplates(Set<Template> templates)
    • getBoundTemplates

      public Set<Template> getBoundTemplates()
    • setBoundTemplates

      public void setBoundTemplates(Set<Template> boundTemplates)
    • getDeployables

      public Set<Deployable> getDeployables()
      Specified by:
      getDeployables in class Version
      The set of Deployables that are part of this package.
    • setDeployables

      public void setDeployables(Set<Deployable> deployables)
      deployables - The set of Deployables that are part of this package.
    • addDeployable

      public void addDeployable(Deployable deployable)
      Adds a Deployable The set of Deployables that are part of this package.
    • getApplicationDependencies

      public Map<String,String> getApplicationDependencies()
      Gets the application versions that the this package depends on. This is a mapping from application names or id's to version ranges. A version range is a string in OSGi Semantic Versioning format.
      a Map<String, String>
    • setApplicationDependencies

      public void setApplicationDependencies(Map<String,String> applicationDependencies)
      Sets the application versions that this package depends on. This is a mapping from application names or id's (e.g. "Application/PetClinic") to version ranges. A version range is a string in OSGi Semantic Versioning format, e.g. "[1.5,3)"
      applicationDependencies - the map of dependencies for this application version.
    • getDependencyResolution

      public String getDependencyResolution()
    • setDependencyResolution

      public void setDependencyResolution(String dependencyResolution)
    • getUndeployDependencies

      public String getUndeployDependencies()
    • setUndeployDependencies

      public void setUndeployDependencies(String undeployDependencies)