Interface Deployed<D extends Deployable,C extends Container>

Type Parameters:
D - Something that is a Deployable
C - Something that is a Container
All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationItem, EmbeddedDeployedContainer<D,C>, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseDeployed, BaseDeployedArtifact, BaseDeployedContainer, BaseDeployedInfrastructureAsCode, BaseProvisioned, BaseProvisionedContainer

@TypeIcon("icons/types/udm.Deployed.svg") public interface Deployed<D extends Deployable,C extends Container> extends EmbeddedDeployedContainer<D,C>
Deployeds are configuration items (CIs) that represent Deployables CIs in their deployed form on the target Container. Deployeds go through the following life-cycle:
  • The deployed is created on a target container for the first time in an initial deployment.
  • The deployed is upgraded to a new version in an upgrade deployment.
  • The deployed is removed from the target container when it is undeployed.