Interface EmbeddedDeployedContainer<D extends ConfigurationItem,C extends ConfigurationItem>

Type Parameters:
D - The type for the deployable CI.
C - The type for the container CI.
All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationItem, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
AppliedProvisioner<D>, Deployed<D,C>, EmbeddedDeployed<D,C>, Provisioned<D,C>
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseAppliedProvisioner, BaseAppliedProvisionerArtifact, BaseDeployed, BaseDeployedArtifact, BaseDeployedContainer, BaseDeployedInfrastructureAsCode, BaseEmbeddedDeployed, BaseProvisioned, BaseProvisionedContainer, EmbeddedDeployedArtifact

public interface EmbeddedDeployedContainer<D extends ConfigurationItem,C extends ConfigurationItem> extends ConfigurationItem
A super type for both Deployeds and EmbeddedDeployeds. Deployeds are configuration items (CIs) that represent Deployables CIs in their deployed form.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getDeployable

      D getDeployable()
      The associated Deployable CI.
    • setDeployable

      void setDeployable(D deployable)
      deployable - The associated Deployable CI.
    • getContainer

      C getContainer()
      The target Container.
    • setContainer

      void setContainer(C container)
      container - The target Container.