
A dashboard with tiles displayed in XL Release UI

Type hierarchy: xlrelease.Dashboard > xlrelease.ReleaseExtension > udm.BaseConfigurationItem
Label: Xlrelease: Dashboard


Property Kind Description
title String Symbolic name for the dashboard. Max length of 255 characters.
description String Description for the dashboard.
parentId String Parent that the dashboard belongs to
owner String The owner of this dashboard. This user has implicit read and edit permission on the dashboard
tiles List of xlrelease.Tile (contained) Tiles in this dashboard
roleViewers List of string List of roles or teams with view permission on this dashboard
roleEditors List of string List of roles or teams with edit permission on this dashboard
rows Integer Set number of rows the dashboard can contain
columns Integer Number of columns the dashboard can contain


Symbolic name for the dashboard. Max length of 255 characters.


Description for the dashboard.


Parent that the dashboard belongs to


The owner of this dashboard. This user has implicit read and edit permission on the dashboard


Tiles in this dashboard


List of roles or teams with view permission on this dashboard


List of roles or teams with edit permission on this dashboard


Set number of rows the dashboard can contain


Number of columns the dashboard can contain

Hidden properties

Property Kind Description
supportedScopes List of string Determines on which levels the dashboard template can be used.
configurationUri String URI of the HTML file to render the configuration mode of this dashboard
scriptLocation String Custom classpath location of the dashboard configuration Jython script
templateLocation String Custom classpath location of the dashboard template JSON file


Determines on which levels the dashboard template can be used.


URI of the HTML file to render the configuration mode of this dashboard


Custom classpath location of the dashboard configuration Jython script


Custom classpath location of the dashboard template JSON file