
Description unavailable

Type hierarchy: remoteScript.BaseSmbHost > remoteScript.RemoteScript > xlrelease.PythonScript > xlrelease.BasePythonScript > udm.BaseConfigurationItem
Label: Remote Script: Base Smb Host
Virtual: true


Property Kind Description
customScriptTask xlrelease.CustomScriptTask (parent) Custom Script Task
script String Shell script to execute on the remote host
scriptIgnoreVariableInterpolation Boolean If disabled ‘${}’ placeholder will be replaced with variables defined in XLR. Variable interpolation is enabled by default.
remotePath String Path on the remote host where the script will be executed
output String Console output of the process
err String Error stream of the process
temporaryDirectoryPath String Directory in which temporary files are stored. This directory will be cleaned up when the connection is closed.
jumpstation remoteScript.Jumpstation Jumpstation that should be used to reach this host.
remoteCharacterEncoding String The character encoding used to transcode files from one connection to the other
address String Address of the host
port Integer Port on which the Telnet or WinRM server runs
username String Username to connect with
password Password Password to use for authentication
winrmEnableHttps Boolean Enable SSL communication to the WinRM server
timeout String Timeout to use for WinRM messages in XML schema duration format
winrsAllowDelegate Boolean Specifies that the user’s credentials can be used to access a remote share, for example, found on a different machine than the target endpoint (WINRM_NATIVE only)


Custom Script Task


Shell script to execute on the remote host


If disabled ‘${}’ placeholder will be replaced with variables defined in XLR. Variable interpolation is enabled by default.


Path on the remote host where the script will be executed


Console output of the process


Error stream of the process


Directory in which temporary files are stored. This directory will be cleaned up when the connection is closed.


Jumpstation that should be used to reach this host.


The character encoding used to transcode files from one connection to the other


Address of the host


Port on which the Telnet or WinRM server runs


Username to connect with


Password to use for authentication


Enable SSL communication to the WinRM server


Timeout to use for WinRM messages in XML schema duration format


Specifies that the user’s credentials can be used to access a remote share, for example, found on a different machine than the target endpoint (WINRM_NATIVE only)

Hidden properties

Property Kind Description
configurationUri String URI of the HTML file to render the task for custom script tasks
maxOutputPropertySize Integer Maximum size of output property values of type string. Default value is 32768
iconLocation String Icon Location
iconClass String Icon Class
outputVarHelpText String Output Var Help Text
taskColor String Task Color
preconditionEnabled Boolean Indicates whether preconditions should be enabled
failureHandlerEnabled Boolean Indicates whether failure handler should be enabled
scriptLocation String Script Location
tmpDeleteOnDisconnect Boolean If true, delete the temporary connection directory when the connection is closed
tmpFileCreationRetries Integer Number of times Overthere attempts to create a temporary file with a unique name
connectionTimeoutMillis Integer Number of milliseconds Overthere waits for a connection to a remote host to be established
winrmContext String Context used by the WinRM server (WINRM only)
winrmEnvelopSize Integer Envelop size for WinRM messages (WINRM only)
winrmLocale String Locale to use for WinRM messages (WINRM only)
winrmHttpsCertificateTrustStrategy Enum HTTPS certifiacte trust strategy for WinRM over HTTPS (WINRM_INTERNAL only)
winrmHttpsHostnameVerificationStrategy Enum HTTPS host name verification strategy for WinRM over HTTPS (WINRM_INTERNAL only)
winrmKerberosDebug Boolean Enable Kerberos debug messages (WINRM only)
winrmKerberosAddPortToSpn Boolean Add the port number (e.g. 5985) to the service principal name (SPN) for which a Kerberos ticket is requested (WINRM_INTERNAL only)
winrmKerberosUseHttpSpn Boolean Use the HTTP protocol in the service principal name (SPN) for which a Kerberos ticket is requested, instead of the default WSMAN protocol (WINRM_INTERNAL only)
winrsCompression Boolean Turn on compression. Older installations on remote machines may not support compression so it is off by default (WINRM_NATIVE only)
winrsNoecho Boolean Specifies that echo should be disabled. This may be necessary to ensure that user’s answers to remote prompts are not displayed locally (WINRM_NATIVE only)
winrsNoprofile Boolean Specifies that the user’s profile should not be loaded. By default the server will attempt to load the user profile. If the remote user is not a local administrator on the target system then this option will be required (the default willresult in error) (WINRM_NATIVE only)
winrsUnencrypted Boolean Disable encryption. Requires the remote host to have been configured to allow that (WINRM_NATIVE only)


URI of the HTML file to render the task for custom script tasks


Maximum size of output property values of type string. Default value is 32768


Icon Location


Icon Class


Output Var Help Text


Task Color


Indicates whether preconditions should be enabled


Indicates whether failure handler should be enabled


Script Location


If true, delete the temporary connection directory when the connection is closed


Number of times Overthere attempts to create a temporary file with a unique name


Number of milliseconds Overthere waits for a connection to a remote host to be established


Context used by the WinRM server (WINRM only)


Envelop size for WinRM messages (WINRM only)


Locale to use for WinRM messages (WINRM only)


HTTPS certifiacte trust strategy for WinRM over HTTPS (WINRM_INTERNAL only)


HTTPS host name verification strategy for WinRM over HTTPS (WINRM_INTERNAL only)


Enable Kerberos debug messages (WINRM only)


Add the port number (e.g. 5985) to the service principal name (SPN) for which a Kerberos ticket is requested (WINRM_INTERNAL only)


Use the HTTP protocol in the service principal name (SPN) for which a Kerberos ticket is requested, instead of the default WSMAN protocol (WINRM_INTERNAL only)


Turn on compression. Older installations on remote machines may not support compression so it is off by default (WINRM_NATIVE only)


Specifies that echo should be disabled. This may be necessary to ensure that user’s answers to remote prompts are not displayed locally (WINRM_NATIVE only)


Specifies that the user’s profile should not be loaded. By default the server will attempt to load the user profile. If the remote user is not a local administrator on the target system then this option will be required (the default willresult in error) (WINRM_NATIVE only)


Disable encryption. Requires the remote host to have been configured to allow that (WINRM_NATIVE only)