
Description unavailable

Type hierarchy: delivery.FindOrCreateDelivery > xlrelease.PythonScript > xlrelease.BasePythonScript > udm.BaseConfigurationItem
Label: Delivery: Find Or Create Delivery


Property Kind Description
customScriptTask xlrelease.CustomScriptTask (parent) Custom Script Task
taskColor String Task Color
iconClass String Icon Class
configurationUri String URI of the HTML file to render the task for custom script tasks
deliveryPatternId String Select a delivery pattern to filter the deliveries
strategy Enum Select a method to search for the delivery. ‘Latest delivery from pattern’ uses the latest created delivery from the pattern selected above, and ‘Search by name’ allows you to search the filtered deliveries.
searchByName String Either enter the delivery name, or use a query with * (replace with 0 or more characters) and ? (replace 0 or 1 characters) operators to find the name.
fallback Boolean If no delivery was found, create a new delivery
title String Enter a name to use when creating the delivery
startDate Date Date and time when you want the delivery to start
endDate Date Date and time when you want the delivery to end
deliveryId String Select an ID variable to hold the delivery ID created from this search


Custom Script Task


Task Color


Icon Class


URI of the HTML file to render the task for custom script tasks


Select a delivery pattern to filter the deliveries


Select a method to search for the delivery. ‘Latest delivery from pattern’ uses the latest created delivery from the pattern selected above, and ‘Search by name’ allows you to search the filtered deliveries.


Either enter the delivery name, or use a query with * (replace with 0 or more characters) and ? (replace 0 or 1 characters) operators to find the name.


If no delivery was found, create a new delivery


Enter a name to use when creating the delivery


Date and time when you want the delivery to start


Date and time when you want the delivery to end


Select an ID variable to hold the delivery ID created from this search

Hidden properties

Property Kind Description
scriptLocation String Script Location
maxOutputPropertySize Integer Maximum size of output property values of type string. Default value is 32768
iconLocation String Icon Location
outputVarHelpText String Output Var Help Text
preconditionEnabled Boolean Indicates whether preconditions should be enabled
failureHandlerEnabled Boolean Indicates whether failure handler should be enabled


Script Location


Maximum size of output property values of type string. Default value is 32768


Icon Location


Output Var Help Text


Indicates whether preconditions should be enabled


Indicates whether failure handler should be enabled