
Triggers release when a new ticket in a list returned by JQL is triggered.

Type hierarchy: jira.IssueTrigger > xlrelease.ReleaseTrigger > xlrelease.BasePythonScript > udm.BaseConfigurationItem
Label: Jira: Issue Trigger


Property Kind Description
triggerState String Trigger State
initialFire Boolean Set this property to true to trigger a new release on the initial trigger fire. Otherwise, the first release will be triggered on the next state change
title String Symbolic name for the trigger
description String The description of the trigger.
releaseTitle String Name given to releases created by this trigger. This field can contain variables
pollType Enum Type of polling to use; this is a repeatable period in seconds (for example, every 10 seconds) or a cron expression
periodicity String Interval in seconds (REPEAT) or as a cron expression (CRON). The cron pattern is a list of six fields separated by a single space; these fields represent second, minute, hour, day, month, weekday. Month and weekday names can be given as the first three letters of their English names. For example: 0 0 * * * * = the top of every hour of every day; */10 * * * * * = every ten seconds; 0 0 9-17 * * MON-FRI = on the hour nine-to-five weekdays
enabled Boolean Enabled
executionId String Execution Id
variables List of xlrelease.Variable (contained) Variables
template xlrelease.Release (parent) Template
tags List of string Tags
jql String Query in JQL to monitor for new issues. Make sure to ‘order by’ in a specific order, see https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirasoftwarecloud/advanced-searching-keywords-reference-764478340.html?_ga=2.210588821.1256381095.1529514991-1866243919.1515112423#Advancedsearching-keywordsreference-ORDER_BYORDERBY.
server jira.Server JIRA server to execute JQL against.
username String Custom username to override global server configuration
password Password Custom password to override global server configuration
apiToken Password Overrides the API token used to connect to the server
latestIssue String Latest issue key found in list.


Trigger State


Set this property to true to trigger a new release on the initial trigger fire. Otherwise, the first release will be triggered on the next state change


Symbolic name for the trigger


The description of the trigger.


Name given to releases created by this trigger. This field can contain variables


Type of polling to use; this is a repeatable period in seconds (for example, every 10 seconds) or a cron expression


Interval in seconds (REPEAT) or as a cron expression (CRON). The cron pattern is a list of six fields separated by a single space; these fields represent second, minute, hour, day, month, weekday. Month and weekday names can be given as the first three letters of their English names. For example: 0 0 * * * * = the top of every hour of every day; */10 * * * * * = every ten seconds; 0 0 9-17 * * MON-FRI = on the hour nine-to-five weekdays




Execution Id








Query in JQL to monitor for new issues. Make sure to ‘order by’ in a specific order, see https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirasoftwarecloud/advanced-searching-keywords-reference-764478340.html?_ga=2.210588821.1256381095.1529514991-1866243919.1515112423#Advancedsearching-keywordsreference-ORDER_BYORDERBY.


JIRA server to execute JQL against.


Custom username to override global server configuration


Custom password to override global server configuration


Overrides the API token used to connect to the server


Latest issue key found in list.

Hidden properties

Property Kind Description
scriptLocation String Script Location


Script Location