Interface DeploymentPlanningContext

public interface DeploymentPlanningContext
Context that is passed along during the Planning stage of a Deployment. This can be used to add DeploymentStep to the current plan, or store and retrieve attributes to transfer knowledge between multiple Contributors/Processors.
  • Method Details

    • addStep

      @Deprecated void addStep(DeploymentStep step)
      Use Step instead of DeploymentStep
      Add a step to the current plan.
      step - the step to add.
    • addSteps

      @Deprecated void addSteps(DeploymentStep... steps)
      Use Step instead of DeploymentStep
      Add multiple steps to the current plan.
      steps - the steps to add.
    • addSteps

      @Deprecated void addSteps(Collection<DeploymentStep> steps)
      Use Step instead of DeploymentStep
      Add multiple steps to the current plan.
      steps - the steps to add.
    • addStep

      void addStep(Step step)
      Add a step to the current plan.
      step - the step to add.
    • addSteps

      void addSteps(Step... steps)
      Add multiple steps to the current plan.
      steps - the steps to add.
    • addSteps

      void addSteps(Iterable<Step> steps)
      Add multiple steps to the current plan.
      steps - the steps to add.
    • addCheckpoint

      void addCheckpoint(Step step, Checkpoint checkpoint)
      Add a checkpoint so that the state after this step has been executed can be committed.

      N.B. This does not add the step to the planning context, use addStep(com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.flow.Step).

      step - The Step that needs to complete before we checkpoint
      checkpoint - The checkpoint to add.
    • addCheckpoint

      void addCheckpoint(Step step, Delta delta)
      Add a checkpoint so that the state after this step has been executed can be committed.

      N.B. This does not add the step to the planning context, use addStep(com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.flow.Step).

      step - The Step that needs to complete before we checkpoint
      delta - The Delta that needs to be checkpointed.
    • addCheckpoint

      void addCheckpoint(Step step, Delta delta, Operation overrideOperation)
      Add a checkpoint so that the state after this step has been executed can be committed.

      N.B. This does not add the step to the planning context, use addStep(com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.flow.Step).

      step - The Step that needs to complete before we checkpoint
      delta - The Delta that needs to be checkpointed.
      overrideOperation - The operation that is actually performed on the Delta, useful in case of split implementations of Update Delta's (ie. DESTROY -> CREATE).
    • addCheckpoint

      void addCheckpoint(Step step, Iterable<Delta> deltas)
      Add a checkpoint so that the state after this step has been executed can be committed.

      N.B. This does not add the step to the planning context, use addStep(com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.flow.Step).

      step - The Step that needs to complete before we checkpoint
      deltas - The Deltas that need to be checkpointed.
    • addStepWithCheckpoint

      void addStepWithCheckpoint(Step step, Checkpoint checkpoint)
      Add a step and register a checkpoint so that the state after this step has been executed can be committed.

      step - The Step that needs to complete before we checkpoint
      checkpoint - The checkpoint that needs to be committed
    • addStepWithCheckpoint

      void addStepWithCheckpoint(Step step, Delta delta)
      Add a step and register a checkpoint so that the state after this step has been executed can be committed.

      step - The Step that needs to complete before we checkpoint
      delta - The Delta that needs to be checkpointed.
    • addStepWithCheckpoint

      void addStepWithCheckpoint(Step step, Delta delta, Operation overrideOperation)
      Add a step and register a checkpoint so that the state after this step has been executed can be committed.

      step - The Step that needs to complete before we checkpoint
      delta - The Delta that needs to be checkpointed.
      overrideOperation - The operation that is actually performed on the Delta, useful in case of split implementations of Update Delta's (ie. DESTROY -> CREATE).
    • addStepWithCheckpoint

      void addStepWithCheckpoint(Step step, Iterable<Delta> deltas)
      Add a step and register a checkpoint so that the state after this step has been executed can be committed.

      step - The Step that needs to complete before we checkpoint
      deltas - The Deltas that need to be checkpointed.
    • getAttribute

      Object getAttribute(String name)
      Returns the planning context attribute with the given name, or null if there is no attribute by that name.
      name - the name of the attribute
      the value of the attribute, or null if there is no attribute by that name.
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String name, Object value)
      Stores an attribute in the planning context. This attribute will be available while the deployment plan is being created.
      name - the name of the attribute
      value - the value of the attribute
    • getDeployedApplication

      DeployedApplication getDeployedApplication()
      Returns the DeployedApplication for which the plan is being created.
      the DeployedApplication for which the plan is being created.
    • getPreviousDeployedApplication

      DeployedApplication getPreviousDeployedApplication()
      Returns the DeploymentApplication of the previous deployment.
      Previous DeployedApplication. In case of new deployments returns null
    • getRepository

      Repository getRepository()
      Returns the repository where all the ConfigurationItems known in XL Deploy are stored. Note: This repository cannot be stored in a step and should only be used during planning. During execution you have access to the repository through the ExecutionContext.
      the repository
    • patch

      Applies patches to the content provided.
      content - the content that needs to be patched
      ci - the ci related to the content
      the patched string
    • patch

      String patch(String content, ConfigurationItem ci)
      Applies patches to the content provided.
      content - the content that needs to be patched
      ci - the ci related to the content
      the patched string
    • getArtifactTransformer getArtifactTransformer(String transformerName)
      Returns the artifact transformer for given name. If the transformer with given name is not registered an runtime exception will be thrown.
      transformerName - the transformer name registered in system
      the corresponding artifact transformer
    • isRollback

      boolean isRollback()
      Whether the planning occurs as the result of a rollback of a previous deployment.
      true if this is a planning operation for a rollback deployment