Interface MetadataService

@Path("/metadata") @Consumes({"application/xml","application/json"}) @Produces({"application/xml","application/json"}) public interface MetadataService
Provides XL Deploy's metadata: available types, permissions and orchestrators.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    findDescriptor(com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.reflect.Type type)
    Gets the Descriptor for a specific type from the XL Deploy Type System.
    Creates a map of the parent/child relationships of all the types known to the XL Deploy Type System.
    Lists all the Descriptors of all the types known to the XL Deploy Type System.
    Lists all the Orchestrator names that can be used to orchestrate a Deployment done by the DeploymentService.
    Lists all the Permissions that can be granted or revoked.
  • Method Details

    • listDescriptors

      @GET @Path("type") List<com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.reflect.Descriptor> listDescriptors()
      Lists all the Descriptors of all the types known to the XL Deploy Type System. Hidden properties are not exposed.
      A List of Descriptors
    • inheritance

      @GET @Path("types/inheritance") Map<String,Set<String>> inheritance()
      Creates a map of the parent/child relationships of all the types known to the XL Deploy Type System.
      A Map of descriptor type name to list of children types.
    • findDescriptor

      @GET @Path("type/{type}") com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.reflect.Descriptor findDescriptor(@PathParam("type") com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.reflect.Type type)
      Gets the Descriptor for a specific type from the XL Deploy Type System.
      type - the type to get the descriptor of.
      The descriptor matching the type
    • listPermissions

      @GET @Path("permissions") List<Permission> listPermissions()
      Lists all the Permissions that can be granted or revoked.
      A List of Permissions
    • listOrchestrators

      @GET @Path("orchestrators") List<String> listOrchestrators()
      Lists all the Orchestrator names that can be used to orchestrate a Deployment done by the DeploymentService.
      A List of orchestrator names.