Class Permission


public class Permission extends AbstractDto
XL Deploy supports a role-based access control scheme to ensure the security of your middleware and deployments. The security mechanism is based on the concepts of roles and permissions. A (security) role is a group of entities that can be authenticated and that can be assigned permissions over resources in XL Deploy. These rights can be either global (that is, they apply to all of XL Deploy, such as login permission) or relevant for a particular CI or set of CIs (for instance, the permission to read certain CIs in the repository). The security system uses the same permissions whether the system is accessed via the GUI or the CLI.
  • Constructor Details

    • Permission

      public Permission()
    • Permission

      public Permission(String permissionName, String level, String root)
  • Method Details

    • getPermissionName

      public String getPermissionName()
      The name of the permission.
    • setPermissionName

      public void setPermissionName(String permissionName)
      permissionName - The name of the permission.
    • getLevel

      public String getLevel()
      Whether this permission is global permissions, or applicable on a CI level. Possible values: GLOBAL or CI.
    • setLevel

      public void setLevel(String level)
      level - Whether this permission is global permissions, or applicable on a CI level. Possible values: GLOBAL or CI.
    • getRoot

      public String getRoot()
      If set, the root node in the repository this permission is relevant for. Possible values: Applications, Environments or Infrastructure.
    • setRoot

      public void setRoot(String root)
      root - If set, the root node in the repository this permission is relevant for. Possible values: Applications, Environments or Infrastructure.