
Manages tasks with blocks on the XL Deploy Server.

POST /tasks/v2//force-cancel Force-cancels stopped tasks - do a best-effort cleanup, continuing on when steps of an always-run phase fail
GET /tasks/v2/current Returns the active tasks of the logged in user.
GET /tasks/v2/current/all Returns all active tasks for all users.
GET /tasks/v2/current/all/satellite Returns all active satellite tasks for all users.
GET /tasks/v2/current/satellite Returns all active satellite tasks the logged in user.
GET /tasks/v2/export Searches for tasks with detailed step information.
GET /tasks/v2/query Searches for archived tasks without step information.
GET /tasks/v2/{taskId}/step-log/{stepPath} Returns task status by path.
GET /tasks/v2/{taskid} Returns a task by ID.
DELETE /tasks/v2/{taskid} Cancels a stopped task.
POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/abort Aborts an active task.
POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/add-pause/{stepPath} Add a pause step at the specified position.
POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/archive Archive an executed task.
POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/assign/{owner} Assigns a task to a different user.
GET /tasks/v2/{taskid}/block/{blockPath} Returns a block by ID.
GET /tasks/v2/{taskid}/block/{blockPath}/step Returns a block with steps by ID.
DELETE /tasks/v2/{taskid}/force Force-cancels a stopped task - do a best-effort cleanup, continuing on when steps of an always-run phase fail
GET /tasks/v2/{taskid}/full Returns a full task by ID.
POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/schedule Schedules a task.
POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/skip Indicates that one or more steps should be skipped.
POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/start Starts a task.
GET /tasks/v2/{taskid}/status/{path} Returns task status by path.
GET /tasks/v2/{taskid}/step/{stepPath} Retrieves information about a step.
POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/stop Gracefully stops an active task.
GET /tasks/v2/{taskid}/summary Returns a task summary by ID.
POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/takeover/{owner} Takeover a task from the owner.
POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/unskip Indicates that one or more steps should no longer be skipped, but executed.

POST /tasks/v2//force-cancel

Force-cancels stopped tasks - do a best-effort cleanup, continuing on when steps of an always-run phase fail
Available - only to admin
Request body application/xml List of String the IDs of the tasks
Response body

GET /tasks/v2/current

Returns the active tasks of the logged in user. By default returns full tasks, but summary mode should be preferred for performance.
Query fetchMode FetchMode whether to strip block data for tasks or to do a full fetch
Response body
List of TaskWithBlock - a list of tasks with blocks.
Content type: application/xml

GET /tasks/v2/current/all

Returns all active tasks for all users. Only allowed for admin. By default returns full tasks, but summary mode should be preferred for performance.
Query fetchMode FetchMode whether to strip block data for tasks or to do a full fetch
Response body
List of TaskWithBlock - a list of tasks with blocks.
Content type: application/xml

GET /tasks/v2/current/all/satellite

Returns all active satellite tasks for all users. Only allowed for admin. By default returns full tasks, but summary mode should be preferred for performance.
Query satelliteId String the ID of the satellite where task will be executed
Query fetchMode FetchMode whether to strip block data for tasks or to do a full fetch
Response body
List of TaskWithBlock - a list of tasks with blocks.
Content type: application/xml

GET /tasks/v2/current/satellite

Returns all active satellite tasks the logged in user. By default returns full tasks, but summary mode should be preferred for performance.
Query satelliteId String the ID of the satellite where task will be executed
Query fetchMode FetchMode whether to strip block data for tasks or to do a full fetch
Response body
List of TaskWithBlock - a list of tasks with blocks.
Content type: application/xml

GET /tasks/v2/export

Searches for tasks with detailed step information.
Query begindate LocalDate The first day we want to see tasks from, or null for no such limit.
Query enddate LocalDate The last day we want to see tasks from, or null for no such limit.
Request body application/xml Paging Paging paging parameters to fetch tasks page by page.
Response body
Stream of TaskWithBlock - a list of tasks limited to maximum of value of deploy.server.rest.api.maxPageSize per page. response header X-Total-Count determines the total number of tasks.
Content type: application/xml

GET /tasks/v2/query

Searches for archived tasks without step information.
Query begindate LocalDate The first day we want to see tasks from, or null for no such limit.
Query enddate LocalDate The last day we want to see tasks from, or null for no such limit.
Request body application/xml Paging Paging paging parameters to fetch tasks page by page.
Response body
Stream of TaskWithBlock - a list of tasks limited to maximum of value of deploy.server.rest.api.maxPageSize per page. response header X-Total-Count determines the total number of tasks.
Content type: application/xml

GET /tasks/v2/{taskId}/step-log/{stepPath}

Returns task status by path.
Path taskId String the ID of the task
Path stepPath String the path of the step
Response body
TaskStepLog - the block.
Content type: application/xml

GET /tasks/v2/{taskid}

Returns a task by ID.
Available - only to admin and owner of the task
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Query fetchMode FetchMode whether to strip block data for tasks or to do a full fetch (default: full)
Response body
TaskWithBlock - the task with blocks.
Content type: application/xml

DELETE /tasks/v2/{taskid}

Cancels a stopped task.
Available - only to admin and owner of the task
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Response body

POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/abort

Aborts an active task.
Available - only to admin and owner of the task
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Response body

POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/add-pause/{stepPath}

Add a pause step at the specified position.
Available - only to admin and owner of the task
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Path stepPath String the path of the step
Response body
StepBlockState - a task with full step information.
Content type: application/xml

POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/archive

Archive an executed task.
Available - only to admin and owner of the task
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Response body

POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/assign/{owner}

Assigns a task to a different user.
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Path owner String the name of the user that will be the new owner of the task.
Response body
TaskWithBlock - the task.
Content type: application/xml

GET /tasks/v2/{taskid}/block/{blockPath}

Returns a block by ID.
Available - only to admin and owner of the task
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Path blockPath String the ID of the block
Response body
BlockState - the block.
Content type: application/xml

GET /tasks/v2/{taskid}/block/{blockPath}/step

Returns a block with steps by ID.
Available - only to admin and owner of the task
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Path blockPath String the ID of the block
Response body
StepBlockState - the block with steps.
Content type: application/xml

DELETE /tasks/v2/{taskid}/force

Force-cancels a stopped task - do a best-effort cleanup, continuing on when steps of an always-run phase fail
Available - only to admin
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Response body

GET /tasks/v2/{taskid}/full

Returns a full task by ID.
Available - only to admin and owner of the task
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Response body
TaskWithBlock - the task with blocks.
Content type: application/xml

POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/schedule

Schedules a task.
Available - only to admin and owner of the task
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Query time DateTime the local time (including the local timezone) when the task should be started by the server.
Response body

POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/skip

Indicates that one or more steps should be skipped.
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Request body application/xml List of String the paths of the steps to skip
Response body
TaskWithBlock - a task
Content type: application/xml

POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/start

Starts a task.
Available - only to admin and owner of the task
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Response body

GET /tasks/v2/{taskid}/status/{path}

Returns task status by path.
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Path path String path
Response body
TaskPathStatus - the block.
Content type: application/xml

GET /tasks/v2/{taskid}/step/{stepPath}

Retrieves information about a step. The call returns a response with status code of 304 (Not Modified) if the step has not been modified since ifModifiedSince , otherwise returns a status code of 200 (OK) and the XML containing a StepState.
Available - only to admin and owner of the task
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Path stepPath String the path of the step in the block tree.
Header If-Modified-Since DateTime the if-modified-since date in RFC 1123 (RFC 822 with 4-digit years) date format.
Response body
StepState - XML containing a StepState if the step has not been modified since ifModifiedSince
Content type: application/xml

POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/stop

Gracefully stops an active task.
Available - only to admin and owner of the task
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Response body

GET /tasks/v2/{taskid}/summary

Returns a task summary by ID.
Available - only to admin and owner of the task
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Response body
TaskWithBlock - the task with blocks.
Content type: application/xml

POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/takeover/{owner}

Takeover a task from the owner. This will re-assign the task to your logged in user. This is the reverse of the #assign(String, String) method, which allows you to re-assign a task.
Path taskid String the ID of the task to take over
Path owner String the current owner of the task
Response body
TaskWithBlock - the task you took over.
Content type: application/xml

POST /tasks/v2/{taskid}/unskip

Indicates that one or more steps should no longer be skipped, but executed.
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Request body application/xml List of String the paths of the steps to unskip
Response body
TaskWithBlock - a task
Content type: application/xml