Annotation Interface PostPlanProcessor

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface PostPlanProcessor
A PostProcessor for a Plan. PostProcessors are allowed to add steps to the very end of a plan. These added steps will only be ordered relative to all the steps added by PostPlanProcessors, not with respect to all the steps in the plan. PostProcessors are executed in an ordered fashion. Their ordering is the following:
  1. A lower order() god before a higher order (default 100).
  2. Same orders are ordered alphabetically by Class.getSimpleName() of the class of the annotated PostProcessor.
  3. Same class names are ordered by Method.getName() of the annotated method
A method annotated with PostPlanProcessor should take the following parameters:
  • DeltaSpecification The specification for the current deployment
  • The method should return either a DeploymentStep or a List of DeploymentStep. The class that contains this annotated method should have a default or no-arg constructor.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements
      Modifier and Type
      Optional Element
    • Element Details

      • order

        int order