
Information about placeholders

GET /placeholder/archived/environment/{ID:.+} Gets historic resolved placeholder values on an environment, optionally restricted to finding those used in a specific deployment task, optionally filtered by (parts of) the key name, the placeholder value, and/or deployed application name, dictionary name, and/or host name that the value is restricted to.
GET /placeholder/defined Find all defined placeholders, optionally filtered by (exact) key, (part of) the application ID and (part of) the application name.
GET /placeholder/defined/by-dictionary Find placeholders, optionally filtered by (exact) key, or (part of) the value, dictionary ID and/or dictionary name Returns whether it is encrypted; if it isn't and the user has read access, provides its value; and tells which dictionary defines its value
GET /placeholder/defined/by-environment Find placeholders, optionally filtered by (exact) key, or (part of) the environment name or ID
GET /placeholder/defined/names Find placeholders by (part of their) key.
GET /placeholder/environment/{ID:.+} Gets resolved placeholder values, as far as the user has read permissions on them, on an environment, optionally filtered by (parts of) the key name, the placeholder value, and/or deployed application name, dictionary name, and/or host name that the value is restricted to.
GET /placeholder/host/{ID:.+} Gets resolved placeholder values for placeholders that have been restricted to a host, optionally filtered by (parts of) the key name, the placeholder value, and/or deployed application name, dictionary name, and/or host name that the value is restricted to.

GET /placeholder/archived/environment/{ID:.+}

Gets historic resolved placeholder values on an environment, optionally restricted to finding those used in a specific deployment task, optionally filtered by (parts of) the key name, the placeholder value, and/or deployed application name, dictionary name, and/or host name that the value is restricted to. Returns information about the placeholder key, value (if readable), whether it is an encrypted entry, and restrictions
Path ID String The environment to query the resolved placeholder values against
Query key String (Optional) (part of) placeholder key to look for
Query value String (Optional) (part of) the placeholder value to look for
Query deployedName String (Optional) (part of) the deployed application name that the placeholder should be restricted to
Query dictionaryName String (Optional) (part of) the dictionary name that defines the placeholder
Query hostName String (Optional) (part of) the host name that the placeholder is restricted to
Query taskId String (Optional) The task ID for which to find used placeholders
Request body application/xml Paging Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
Query order Ordering Which ordering to use when listing results
Response body
List of ResolvedPlaceholderView - a list of com.xebialabs.deployit.core.api.dto.ResolvedPlaceholderView objects
Content type: application/xml

GET /placeholder/defined

Find all defined placeholders, optionally filtered by (exact) key, (part of) the application ID and (part of) the application name.
Query key String (Optional) the exact key to look for
Query idPattern String (Optional) (part of) the application ID to filter on
Query namePattern String (Optional) (part of) the application name to filter on
Request body application/xml Paging Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
Query order Ordering Which ordering to use when listing results
Response body
List of DefinedPlaceholderView - a list of com.xebialabs.deployit.core.api.dto.DefinedPlaceholderView objects
Content type: application/xml

GET /placeholder/defined/by-dictionary

Find placeholders, optionally filtered by (exact) key, or (part of) the value, dictionary ID and/or dictionary name Returns whether it is encrypted; if it isn't and the user has read access, provides its value; and tells which dictionary defines its value
Query key String (Optional) The exact placeholder key to look for
Query value String (Optional) (Part of) the placeholder value to look for
Query idPattern String (Optional) (Part of) the dictionary ID to look for
Query namePattern String (Optional) (Part of) the dictionary name to look for
Request body application/xml Paging Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
Query order Ordering Which ordering to use when listing results
Response body
List of DictionaryWithValueView - a list of com.xebialabs.deployit.core.api.dto.DictionaryWithValueView objects
Content type: application/xml

GET /placeholder/defined/by-environment

Find placeholders, optionally filtered by (exact) key, or (part of) the environment name or ID
Query key String (Optional) The exact placeholder key to look for
Query idPattern String (Optional) (Part of) the dictionary ID to look for
Query namePattern String (Optional) (Part of) the dictionary name to look for
Request body application/xml Paging Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
Query order Ordering Which ordering to use when listing results
Response body
List of DefinedPlaceholderReference - A list of com.xebialabs.deployit.core.api.dto.DefinedPlaceholderReference objects
Content type: application/xml

GET /placeholder/defined/names

Find placeholders by (part of their) key.
Query namePattern String the key name pattern to match against
Request body application/xml Paging Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
Query order Ordering Which ordering to use when listing results
Response body
List of String - a list of placeholder key names
Content type: application/xml

GET /placeholder/environment/{ID:.+}

Gets resolved placeholder values, as far as the user has read permissions on them, on an environment, optionally filtered by (parts of) the key name, the placeholder value, and/or deployed application name, dictionary name, and/or host name that the value is restricted to. Returns information about the placeholder key, value (if readable), whether it is an encrypted entry, and restrictions
Path ID String The environment to query the resolved placeholder values against
Query key String (Optional) (part of) placeholder key to look for
Query value String (Optional) (part of) the placeholder value to look for
Query deployedName String (Optional) (part of) the deployed application name that the placeholder should be restricted to
Query dictionaryName String (Optional) (part of) the dictionary name that defines the placeholder
Query hostName String (Optional) (part of) the host name that the placeholder is restricted to
Request body application/xml Paging Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
Query order Ordering Which ordering to use when listing results
Response body
List of ResolvedPlaceholderView - a list of com.xebialabs.deployit.core.api.dto.ResolvedPlaceholderView objects
Content type: application/xml

GET /placeholder/host/{ID:.+}

Gets resolved placeholder values for placeholders that have been restricted to a host, optionally filtered by (parts of) the key name, the placeholder value, and/or deployed application name, dictionary name, and/or host name that the value is restricted to. Returns information about the placeholder key, value (if readable), whether it is an encrypted entry, and restrictions
Path ID String the host ID to query resolved placeholders against
Query key String (Optional) (part of) placeholder key to look for
Query value String (Optional) (part of) the placeholder value to look for
Query deployedName String (Optional) (part of) the deployed application name that the placeholder should be restricted to
Query dictionaryName String (Optional) (part of) the dictionary name that defines the placeholder
Query hostName String (Optional) (part of) the environment name that the placeholder is restricted to
Request body application/xml Paging Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
Query order Ordering Which ordering to use when listing results
Response body
List of ResolvedPlaceholderView - a list of com.xebialabs.deployit.core.api.dto.ResolvedPlaceholderView objects
Content type: application/xml