These are the public REST services exposed by the XL Deploy server. You can access the XL Deploy REST API via a URL of the form: http://[host]:[port]/[context-root]/deployit/[service-resource]. For example, http://localhost:4516/deployit/control Note: In XL Deploy 4.5.0 and later, a Content-Type header must be specified with all REST requests that have a body. The header can be either application/xml or application/json.
ControlService | Provides access to control methods defined on CIs. |
DeploymentService | Deployment management |
InspectionService | Inspects middleware. |
MetadataService | Provides XL Deploy's metadata: available types, permissions and orchestrators. |
PackageService | Manages Deployment Packages. |
PermissionService | Manages permissions in XL Deploy. |
RepositoryService | Provides access to the XL Deploy repository. |
RoleService | Manages the roles in XL Deploy's security system. |
SatelliteService | Services related to XL Satellites and hosts attached to them. |
ServerService | Services related to the operation of the XL Deploy server process. |
TaskBlockService | Manages tasks with blocks on the XL Deploy Server. |
TaskService | Manages tasks on the XL Deploy Server.(Deprecated) |
UserService | Manages users in XL Deploy's internal user repository. |