Release Manual 7.2.x

    Upgrade instructions

    For upgrade instructions, refer to Upgrade XL Deploy.

    Important: If you plan to skip versions when you upgrade, ensure that you read the version-specific upgrade notes for each intermediate version. You may be required to perform manual actions as part of the upgrade.

    XL Deploy 7.2.0

    XL Deploy 7.2.0 is a short-term support (STS) version that will be supported until it is superseded by the next STS or long-term support (LTS) version. STS versions do not receive specific maintenance releases. For more information, refer to Short-term support/Long-term support policy.

    XL Deploy 7.2.0 new features

    Implemented the XL Deploy Lightweight Command-line interface

    The Lightweight CLI is a Python based command line interface that allows you to connect to an XL Deploy server, to generate a Deployfile, to apply a Deployfile, or to read environment variables. For more information, refer to Introduction to the XL Deploy Lightweight CLI.

    Added JMX counters support for XL Satellite

    You can use the Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology to manage and monitor your XL Satellite servers. With JMX counters you can keep track of the resources the XL Satellite server is consuming. A JMX agent can be started on XL Deploy or XL Satellite and connect to it through a port to view the information tracked by the JMX counters. For more information, refer to Using JMX counters for XL Satellite.

    Added satellite groups

    As of XL Deploy version 7.2, you can define groups of satellites that are logically connected together, for example: several satellites that are installed in the same datacenter. Assign a satellite group to a host to ensure that when a satellite from the group is down, other satellites can be used to perform future deployments. For more information, refer to Using satellite groups.

    XL Deploy 7.2.0 upgrade notes

    Java Development Kit (JDK) version requirement

    XL Deploy 7.2.0 requires JDK 1.8.0_25 or higher.

    XL Satellite does not require a restart after communication failure

    The satellite.conf file was divided into two sections: for configuring the akka communication system and for configuring the akka task system. If a communication failure occurs between the satellite and the XL Deploy server, the akka task system continues to function and only the akka communication system will require a restart.

    If you added configuration options in satellite.conf under the akka key and you upgrade to XL Deploy version 7.2.0, the satellite will not start. The satellite log will show an error and you will have to move the configuration options to satellite.communication.akka or satellite.tasks.akka.

    Simple application dependencies without SemVer

    If you upgrade to XL Deploy version 7.2.0, an upgrader will run to convert the open version ranges such as 1.0.0 to the SemVer [1.0.0,) format.

    Renamed Xfile to Deployfile

    The Groovy DSL file that you can store in source control and allows you to store information about your infrastructure and environments has been renamed from Xfile to Deployfile.

    Recompile plugins that are using Scala

    Before upgrading to XL Deploy version 7.2, verify that all community plugins using Scala are compiled against Scala 2.12 version.

    Limitation for property attributes in CIs using the HTML GUI

    • Known issue: When you are using the default GUI to create a new CI with the properties size=large and password-true or to modify an existing CI with these properties, the values are not stored correctly. The CIs are created but the deployment will fail.
    • Workaround: Use the legacy GUI, the Command-line interface, a Deployfile, or the REST API to create or modify a desired CI with those specified properties.

    Contact XebiaLabs Support if you have hotfixes

    If you have hotfixes installed, contact the XebiaLabs support team before upgrading.

    XL Deploy 7.2.0 release notes

    New features

    • [DEPL-10708] - Support simple application dependencies without Semantic Versioning
    • [DEPL-10937] - Allow license to be renewed from HTML-based user interface
    • [DEPL-11104] - Compare up to five configuration items
    • [DEPL-11540] - Use lightweight CLI to connect to XL Deploy, generate Groovy, and apply Groovy
    • [DEPL-11541] - Enable lightweight CLI to read environment variables
    • [DEPL-11807] - Support satellite groups
    • [DEPL-11902] - Add specific JMX counters for satellite


    • [DEPL-10386] - Use different color directory icons depending on parent node
    • [DEPL-10603] - Warn user that environment cannot be deprovisioned because of deployed application(s)
    • [DEPL-10727] - Make tab names consistent for initial deployment, update deployment, undeployment, and rollback
    • [DEPL-11502] - Map or unmap multiple deployables at the same time
    • [DEPL-11900] - Do not require satellite to be restarted after communication failure

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-11293] - Deploying and undeploying to same environment in parallel returns "Repository entity has been updated" error
    • [DEPL-11784] - Script interpolates password string with $ character
    • [DEPL-11893] - XL Deploy server cannot load certificates generated on systems with IBM Java
    • [DEPL-11910] - After XL Deploy restarts, it cannot connect to satellite until satellite is restarted
    • [DEPL-11966] - Package ordering does not handle some formats of pre-release versions
    • [DEPL-11982] - Multiple CIs are sent to the server in separate transactions
    • [DEPL-12066] - Sending a deployment task through two satellites fails with
    • [DEPL-12073] - XL Deploy log-in screen uses absolute paths for files
    • [DEPL-12148] - Legacy user interface does not load custom extensions