Release Manual 7.1.x

    Upgrade instructions

    For upgrade instructions, refer to Upgrade XL Deploy.

    Important: If you plan to skip versions when you upgrade, ensure that you read the version-specific upgrade notes for each intermediate version. You may be required to perform manual actions as part of the upgrade.

    XL Deploy 7.1.0

    XL Deploy 7.1.0 is a short-term support (STS) version that will be supported until it is superseded by the next STS or long-term support (LTS) version. STS versions do not receive specific maintenance releases. For more information, refer to Short-term support/Long-term support policy.

    XL Deploy 7.1.0 new features

    Xfile: Groovy DSL for defining CIs

    With XL Deploy version 7.1.0 you can now store information about your environments in a Groovy-based DSL script that you can keep in version control. This allows you to maintain and update environment information outside of the XL Deploy repository. The environment information can be updated by multiple users or teams or automatically updated by infrastructure automation tools. For more information, refer to Environment as code using Xfile.

    Integrated cluster management system

    As of XL Deploy 7.1.0, you can configure XL Deploy in a clustered active/hot-standby mode. Running XL Deploy in this mode ensures that you have a Highly Available (HA) XL Deploy. For more information, refer to Configure active/hot-standby mode.

    Implemented deployment pipeline

    In XL Deploy version 7.1.0 you can view the deployment pipeline for an application or a deployment/provisioning package. In the deployment pipeline you can view the sequence of environments to which an application is deployed during its lifecycle. The deployment pipeline also allows you to see the data about the last deployment of an application to each environment. You must first define a deployment pipeline for each application you want to view. For more information, refer to Using the deployment pipeline.

    Improvements in the HTML User Interface

    • Added discovery for middleware items
    • Improved deployment package sorting
    • Added option to map a deployable to a specific container
    • Added scheduling or rescheduling a task from the execution screen
    • Deploy the latest version of an application

    XL Deploy Script plugin has been released

    The XL Deploy Script plugin has been released and is bundled with the XL Deploy product. The Script plugin enables XL Deploy to install and provision scripts on hosts. For more information, refer to the Script Plugin Reference Manual.

    XL Deploy 7.1.0 upgrade notes

    Deployment package sorting with SemVer

    After upgrading to XL Deploy version 7.1.0, the deployment packages for an application will still be sorted lexicographically. You must create a new package for an application to apply the new method that includes both SemVer and lexicographical sorting.

    Contact XebiaLabs Support if you have hotfixes

    If you have hotfixes installed, contact the XebiaLabs support team before upgrading.

    XL Deploy 7.1.0 release notes

    New features

    • [DEPL-10419] - Allow user to deploy the latest version of an application
    • [DEPL-10971] - Allow user to discover middleware items
    • [DEPL-11440] - Integrate cluster management system in XL Deploy
    • [DEPL-11539] - Apply Groovy with complex CI property kinds to the XL Deploy repository
    • [DEPL-11543] - Support MODIFY, DELETE, and NOOP operations when applying Groovy to the repository
    • [DEPL-11549] - Allow user to view the deployment pipeline for an application
    • [DEPL-11550] - Allow user to start a deployment from deployment pipeline
    • [DEPL-11551] - Allow user to satisfy checklist items on deployment pipelines
    • [DEPL-11578] - Allow user to edit properties of discovered middleware items and save them as CIs
    • [DEPL-11585] - Generate Groovy based on a directory
    • [DEPL-11587] - Apply Groovy to the XL Deploy repository
    • [DEPL-11599] - Apply and generate Groovy using the CLI
    • [DEPL-11669] - Implement local permission for generating Groovy
    • [DEPL-11671] - Check user permissions for deployment pipeline
    • [DEPL-11703] - Allow user to access Deployment Workspace
    • [DEPL-11729] - Generate a directory in Groovy from the HTML5 GUI
    • [DEPL-11738] - Set permissions on directories when applying Groovy


    • [DEPL-10898] - Improve the ordering of packages when determining the "latest"
    • [DEPL-11139] - Show spinner while HTML5 GUI is loading after log in
    • [DEPL-11150] - Allow user to map a deployable to a specific container
    • [DEPL-11225] - Allow user to schedule or reschedule a task from the execution screen
    • [DEPL-11302] - Do not require cache to be cleared after upgrading XL Deploy GUI
    • [DEPL-11326] - In context menu, show options as disabled if user does not have permission
    • [DEPL-11406] - Show progress bar when uploading artifact for CI
    • [DEPL-11514] - Add visual indication for items that can be reordered
    • [DEPL-11554] - Improve menu option order for packages and deployed applications
    • [DEPL-11685] - Add AccessLogFilter for incoming HTTP requests
    • [DEPL-11809] - Show save confirmation on User Management screens

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-11036] - Table row shading in map-string-string component is incorrect
    • [DEPL-11097] - Order of SET_OF_CI members can be changed in the GUI
    • [DEPL-11533] - Information missing from server log messages for control tasks
    • [DEPL-11589] - When DB2 is installed on Windows, DB2 username and password appears in plain text in deployit.log
    • [DEPL-11593] - REST API call to repository/cis fails if list includes deployable with fileUri property set
    • [DEPL-11605] - Cannot start satellite on Windows with run.cmd
    • [DEPL-11606] - Satellite started with run.cmd does not automatically restart
    • [DEPL-11687] - HTML5 GUI does not show embedded deployeds beyond one level
    • [DEPL-11699] - udm.Application CI type can be changed to udm.DeploymentPackage using the REST API
    • [DEPL-11765] - On "select environment" screen, disabled options do not have icons
    • [DEPL-11824] - Generic error appears when performing update deployment with auto-map disabled
    • [DEPL-11846] - Icons are not correct on IE in some places