Release Manual 7.0.x

    Upgrade instructions

    For upgrade instructions, refer to Upgrade XL Deploy.

    Important: If you plan to skip versions when you upgrade, ensure that you read the version-specific upgrade notes for each intermediate version. You may be required to perform manual actions as part of the upgrade.

    XL Deploy 7.0.3

    XL Deploy 7.0.3 release notes

    New features

    • [DEPL-12689] - Fail task steps after a configurable timeout

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-10903] - XL Deploy shows completed blocks as disconnected when Satellite is gone
    • [DEPL-12824] - Satellite - Aborting/Cancelling of Hung Task doesn't work
    • [DEPL-13044] - Satellite doesn't start when there are recoverable tasks that involve non-satellite blocks
    • [DEPL-13149] - Re-deployment getting triggered while packages have the same checksum
    • [DEPL-13159] - Task fails when using Satellite both directly and in a Satellite Group
    • [DEPL-13175] - Update deployment after changing dictionary isn't showing all the dependent applications (files)
    • [DEPL-13393] - Zip Slip Vulnerability Protection

    XL Deploy 7.0.2

    XL Deploy 7.0.2 release notes

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-11357] - Deployment fails due to 'Text file busy' message
    • [DEPL-11649] - udm.BaseAppliedProvisioner and udm.BaseAppliedProvisionerArtifact always appear in New context menu
    • [DEPL-11893] - XL Deploy server cannot load certificates generated on systems with IBM Java
    • [DEPL-12066] - Sending a deployment task through two satellites fails with
    • [DEPL-12073] - XL Deploy log-in screen uses absolute paths for files
    • [DEPL-12118] - Error is not shown when saving CI using WINRM_INTERNAL and username with leading backslahes
    • [DEPL-12203] - Task execution hangs after satellite is restarted and task is resumed from the XL Deploy user interface
    • [DEPL-12365] - Wrong error toaster message shown when saving cifs host having username with leading backslashes

    XL Deploy 7.0.1

    XL Deploy 7.0.1 release notes


    • [DEPL-11150] - Allow user to map a deployable to a specific container
    • [DEPL-11225] - Allow user to schedule or reschedule a task from the execution screen
    • [DEPL-11514] - Add visual indication for items that can be reordered
    • [DEPL-11685] - Add AccessLogFilter for incoming HTTP requests

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-11097] - Order of SET_OF_CI members can be changed in the GUI
    • [DEPL-11533] - Information missing from server log messages for control tasks
    • [DEPL-11589] - When DB2 is installed on Windows, DB2 username and password appears in plain text in deployit.log
    • [DEPL-11593] - REST API call to repository/cis fails if list includes deployable with fileUri property set
    • [DEPL-11605] - Cannot start satellite on Windows with run.cmd
    • [DEPL-11606] - Satellite started with run.cmd does not automatically restart
    • [DEPL-11687] - HTML5 GUI does not show embedded deployeds beyond one level
    • [DEPL-11699] - udm.Application CI type can be changed to udm.DeploymentPackage using the REST API
    • [DEPL-11784] - Script interpolates password string with $ character
    • [DEPL-11824] - Generic error appears when performing update deployment with auto-map disabled
    • [DEPL-11982] - Multiple CIs are sent to the server in separate transactions

    XL Deploy 7.0.0

    XL Deploy 7.0.0 is a long-term support (LTS) version that will be supported for a year after it is superseded by the next major LTS release. For more information, refer to Short-term support/Long-term support policy.

    If you are upgrading from XL Deploy version 6.0.x, make sure you view the release manuals for XL Deploy 6.1.x and XL Deploy 6.2.x.

    XL Deploy 7.0.0 new features

    Service wrappers for XL Satellite

    You can now install and run XL-Satellite as a service on your Unix or Microsoft Windows machine. The satellite service wrapper requires Java Development Kit 8 or higher to be installed on the target Unix or Windows machine. For more information, refer to Install Xl Satellite as a service.

    Cardinality for provisioning

    XL Deploy 7.0.0 supports the cardinality property when provisioning an environment or when crating a provisioning package. Cardinality allows you to create multiple provisioneds based on a single provisionable. For more information, refer to Cardinality in provisionables.

    Improvements in the HTML User Interface

    As of Xl Deploy 7.0.0, the HTML-based user interface is the default GUI and has been updated with several features:

    • Using the Task Monitor to manage deployment tasks and control tasks that are active in your system
    • Deployment improvements that allow you to adjust the mapping of deployables to containers to fit your specific use case, or to schedule a deployment or a rollback to be executed at a future date and time
    • Importing and exporting of deployment and provisioning packages
    • Improved visibility that includes more detailed search results and ability to easily distinguish among your environments when setting up an initial or update deployment
    • Organizing CIs by moving them into directories and comparing two versions of a CI

    XL Deploy 7.0.0 upgrade notes

    Security configuration for XL Deploy has been modified

    The XL_DEPLOY_HOME/conf/deployit-security.xml file has been changed to simplify and clarify the parameters needed for Spring Security configuration. When upgrading, use the deployit-security.xml file that is provided with XL Deploy 7.0.0 instead of copying the file from your previous installation. If you have customized the file — for example, by adding LDAP parameters — you must redo the changes in the new file.

    XL Deploy AWS plugin has been renamed

    The XL Deploy Amazon Web Services (AWS) plugin has been renamed from xld-aws-ec2-plugin to xld-aws-plugin. When upgrading, ensure that you remove the previous version of the plugin and use the 7.0.0 version instead. For information about the AWS plugin, refer to the XL Deploy AWS plugin reference.

    Using the new user interface and legacy user interface

    After upgrading to XL Deploy 7.0.0, ensure that you clear your browser cookies before accessing the XL Deploy user interface.

    You will log into the default HTML-based user interface by default. To use the default user interface and the legacy Flash-based user interface at the same time, you must open them in different browsers. The user interfaces have different authentication methods, so you cannot log into both in the same browser (even in different tabs).

    You can configure your preferred GUI in XL Deploy 7.0.0 by setting the parameter in the deployit.conf file. For more information, see Configure your preferred GUI

    Mutual authentication now required for satellite

    To ensure that communication between XL Deploy and its satellites is secure, mutual authentication between XL Deploy and satellites is now required. If you are already using satellites, you must generate a key and a public certificate for the XL Deploy server and add them to a truststore on each satellite server. For information about configuring mutual authentication, refer to Configure secure communication between XL Deploy and satellites.

    XL Deploy Compare plugin has been renamed

    The XL Deploy Compare plugin has been renamed from compare-plugin to xld-compare-plugin and can now be downloaded separately from the XebiaLabs Software Distribution site.

    Contact XebiaLabs Support if you have hotfixes

    If you have hotfixes installed, contact the XebiaLabs support team before upgrading.

    XL Deploy 7.0.0 release notes

    New features

    • [DEPL-10030] - Allow user to close all tabs and close other tabs in the Explorer
    • [DEPL-10238] - Show links to external sites in the question mark icon menu
    • [DEPL-10239] - Provide information about XL Deploy installation
    • [DEPL-10312] - Show task block status for satellite
    • [DEPL-10459] - Create Unix and Microsoft Windows service wrappers for satellite
    • [DEPL-10591] - Allow user to change mappings for a deployment
    • [DEPL-10784] - Implement new validation design in React components
    • [DEPL-10785] - Inject server-side validation information into React components
    • [DEPL-10786] - Highlight group when at least one field is invalid
    • [DEPL-10850] - Allow user to import a package
    • [DEPL-10865] - Allow user to access the Task Monitor
    • [DEPL-10866] - Allow user to open a task from the Task Monitor
    • [DEPL-10867] - Allow user to switch between their own tasks and all tasks in the Task Monitor
    • [DEPL-10968] - Allow user to assign tasks in the Task Monitor
    • [DEPL-10970] - Allow user to provide input for a control task
    • [DEPL-10975] - Support deployment auto-map toggle
    • [DEPL-10986] - Allow user to move a configuration item in the Explorer
    • [DEPL-11054] - Support Modify plan and Schedule options for rollback
    • [DEPL-11105] - Allow user to compare two versions of a CI
    • [DEPL-11141] - Make Compare plugin accessible from HTML5 GUI
    • [DEPL-11199] - Allow user to export a deployment package
    • [DEPL-11232] - Focus on the first invalid field
    • [DEPL-11276] - Show full path to CI in search results
    • [DEPL-11330] - Do not show version number on the new user interface
    • [DEPL-11347] - Allow user to set the preferred user interface


    • [DEPL-10988] - Support cardinality for provisioning
    • [DEPL-11057] - Indicate deployables that are not mapped
    • [DEPL-11060] - Upgrade service wrapper to yajsw-stable-12.08
    • [DEPL-11261] - Allow user to close task tab without cancelling task
    • [DEPL-11286] - Show full path to items on "Select environment" and "Select package" screens

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-10317] - Deltas not belonging to a delta specification are ignored during planning
    • [DEPL-10388] - Common folder in database plugin does not work
    • [DEPL-10604] - Contextual placeholders cannot be used in template CI names
    • [DEPL-10888] - If deployment contains empty provisiongingId, server tries to cast the deployment to ProvisionPackage instead of DeploymentPackage
    • [DEPL-11231] - Import of composite package fails
    • [DEPL-11256] - Investigate whether two plugins using different versions of the same Python libraries clash
    • [DEPL-11265] - ItemAlreadyExistsException when rolling back an update
    • [DEPL-11272] - Cannot scroll vertically in step script preview in Firefox
    • [DEPL-11306] - Changing the selected orchestrator when undeploying an application gives an error
    • [DEPL-11313] - In some cases, only local permissions are evaluated
    • [DEPL-11334] - Task object on the client side doesn't have the correct structure in order to fetch all step ids
    • [DEPL-11419] - None.get exception on XLS
    • [DEPL-11428] - TrustStore Password is exposed in wrapper.log
    • [DEPL-11443] - Control Service which prepares task fails with json
    • [DEPL-11465] - Control Service which creates a task doesn't support json
    • [DEPL-7276] - Cannot use the UI to open, rename, or delete a CI with $, #, or % in its name
    • [DEPL-9433] - Service wrapper occasionally fails to start XL Deploy server on Unix
    • [DEPL-9442] - lastModifiedAfter is ignored in GET /repository/query REST call
    • [DEPL-9492] - Performing an update deployment to a shared library or virtual host after CIs have been re-discovered results in NullPointerException
    • [DEPL-9647] - NOOP Deltas not present in DeltaSpecification for rollbacks
    • [DEPL-9711] - Service wrapper includes Apache Commons Collection library
    • [DEPL-9832] - Cannot use placeholders in provisionable names