Release Manual 6.2.x

    Upgrade instructions

    For upgrade instructions, refer to Upgrade XL Deploy.

    Important: If you plan to skip versions when you upgrade, ensure that you read the version-specific upgrade notes for each intermediate version. You may be required to perform manual actions as part of the upgrade.

    XL Deploy 6.2.1

    XL Deploy 6.2.1 release notes

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-11283] - Using new user interface occasionally returns error that workDir does not exist

    XL Deploy 6.2.0

    XL Deploy 6.2.0 is a short-term support (STS) version that will be supported until it is superseded by the next STS or long-term support (LTS) version. For more information, refer to Short-term support/Long-term support policy.

    XL Deploy 6.2.0 new features

    Enhanced deployment process

    When you deploy an application using the Explorer:

    • XL Deploy automatically detects whether it is an initial or update deployment
    • The Configure step shows all packages and deployables that will be deployed because of application dependencies
    • The Configure step indicates errors and warnings in deployed and deployment properties
    • You can preview the deployment plan and see the effect of changing the deployment (for example, adding an orchestrator)
    • You can see details about a step in the plan (including a preview of the script, where applicable) by double-clicking a step in the preview
    • Before executing a deployment, you can skip steps and/or insert pause steps

    When you expand the Environments node in the Explorer, you will see the versions of applications that are deployed to your environments.

    Deployment report details now available

    The deployment report now allows you to see the exact plan that was executed when an application was deployed, updated, or undeployed, or when a plan was rolled back. To access report details, double-click a row in the deployment report (requires the report#view global permission).

    Configure local permissions in the Explorer

    The Explorer now allows you to configure local permissions for applications, environments, infrastructure, and configuration CIs. To edit permissions, click Local permissions on a root node or on a directory (requires the security#edit global permission). For information about local permissions, refer to Roles and permissions in XL Deploy.

    XL Deploy 6.2.0 upgrade notes

    Security configuration for XL Deploy has been modified

    The XL_DEPLOY_HOME/conf/deployit-security.xml file has been changed to simplify and clarify the parameters needed for Spring Security configuration. When upgrading, use the deployit-security.xml file that is provided with XL Deploy 6.2.0 instead of copying the file from your previous installation. If you have customized the file — for example, by adding LDAP parameters — you must redo the changes in the new file.

    XL Deploy AWS plugin has been renamed

    The XL Deploy Amazon Web Services (AWS) plugin has been renamed from xld-aws-ec2-plugin to xld-aws-plugin. When upgrading, ensure that you remove the previous version of the plugin and use the 6.2.0 version instead. For information about the AWS plugin, refer to the XL Deploy AWS plugin reference.

    Using the new user interface and legacy user interface

    After upgrading to XL Deploy 6.2.0, ensure that you clear your browser cache before accessing the XL Deploy user interface.

    You will log into the default HTML-based user interface by default. To use the default user interface and the legacy Flash-based user interface at the same time, you must open them in different browsers. The user interfaces have different authentication methods, so you cannot log into both in the same browser (even in different tabs).

    To access to legacy GUI, click the gear menu and select Go to legacy interface. You can also access it by going to XL_DEPLOY_URL:PORT/legacy-interface.html in a browser.

    admin permissions in the new user interface

    In XL Deploy 6.0.0 and later, the built-in admin user account is a normal user account with permissions that can be changed. When you install XL Deploy, admin has all permissions by default; however, if you assign admin to a role, then its default permissions are overridden by the permissions of that role.

    The new user interface is designed to check the user's permissions before allowing access to certain features, such as Reports or User Management. This means that in XL Deploy 6.2.0 and later, the admin user will not be able to access features unless it is not assigned to any role or unless it is assigned to a role that includes permission to access the feature.

    Contact XebiaLabs Support if you have hotfixes

    If you have hotfixes installed, contact the XebiaLabs support team before upgrading.

    XL Deploy 6.2.0 release notes

    New features

    • [DEPL-10600] - Allow user to access deployment report details
    • [DEPL-10606] - Allow user to skip a step in deployment plan
    • [DEPL-10607] - Allow user to unskip a step in deployment plan
    • [DEPL-10608] - Allow the user to insert a pause step in deployment plan
    • [DEPL-10627] - Show application dependencies when mapping deployables to containers
    • [DEPL-10710] - Highlight deployment items that have warnings or errors
    • [DEPL-10800] - Show or hide menus and tabs based on user permissions
    • [DEPL-10856] - Allow user to log in to and log out of the user interface
    • [DEPL-10904] - Log in to the new user interface by default
    • [DEPL-10906] - Allow user to preview deployment plan
    • [DEPL-10941] - Allow user to configure local permissions
    • [DEPL-10981] - Allow user to view and modify deployment plan before executing
    • [DEPL-11198] - Support existing user interface extensions
    • [DEPL-8998] - Allow user to preview step details in deployment plan


    • [DEPL-10338] - Show real-time progress of "Register deployeds" step in step log
    • [DEPL-10428] - Show deployed application version in Explorer tree
    • [DEPL-10913] - Allow user to select valid orchestrators
    • [DEPL-10997] - Add all provisioneds that are containers to the environment
    • [DEPL-11044] - Detect whether deployment is initial or update when starting from deployment package
    • [DEPL-11046] - Allow deployables to be added to provisioning packages
    • [DEPL-11216] - Remove unneeded security configuration from deployit-security.xml
    • [DEPL-6903] - Enable compression on the file streaming channel for satellite

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-10693] - Name of deployment package appears twice in deployment report
    • [DEPL-10773] - TaskNotFound error occurs while cancelling a task
    • [DEPL-10797] - XXE vulnerability in importing packages
    • [DEPL-10834] - Only the first line of a stacktrace appears in red text in the step log
    • [DEPL-10902] - Large deployment via satellite occasionally returns KryoException related to buffer overflow
    • [DEPL-10987] - "Register deployeds" step can be skipped, resulting in repository that is not updated
    • [DEPL-11008] - Repository is not updated after partially completed plan is cancelled
    • [DEPL-11070] - Status of deployment steps is not updated in Task Monitor
    • [DEPL-9246] - Artifact is uploaded twice in target host when using satellite