Release Manual 6.1.x

    Upgrade instructions

    For upgrade instructions, refer to Upgrade XL Deploy.

    Important: If you plan to skip versions when you upgrade, ensure that you read the version-specific upgrade notes for each intermediate version. You may be required to perform manual actions as part of the upgrade.

    XL Deploy 6.1.0

    XL Deploy 6.1.0 is a short-term support (STS) version that will be supported until it is superseded by the next STS or long-term support (LTS) version. STS versions do not receive specific maintenance releases. For more information, refer to Short-term support/Long-term support policy.

    XL Deploy 6.1.0 new features

    Enhancements to the Explorer

    The Technical Preview of the Explorer now allows you to:

    • Edit deployment and deployed properties when setting up a deployment
    • Verify the relationship among deployables, containers, and deployeds in a deployment
    • See a real-time log of steps in a running task
    • Update an application by selecting Update on the deployed application

    To access the Explorer, go to XL_DEPLOY_URL:PORT/technical-preview.html.

    Deployment report available in HTML-based UI

    The Technical Preview of the HTML-based user interface now includes the deployment report. You can filter the report by start date and end date, as well as export it to comma-separated values (CSV) format. To access the report, go to XL_DEPLOY_URL:PORT/technical-preview.html and click Reports in the top menu.

    Role and permission management available in HTML-based UI

    You can now use the Technical Preview of the HTML-based user interface to create, edit, and delete roles, and to assign global permissions to roles. To access user management, go to XL_DEPLOY_URL:PORT/technical-preview.html and click User Management in the top menu.

    XL Deploy 6.1.0 upgrade notes

    Mutual authentication now required for satellite

    To ensure that communication between XL Deploy and its satellites is secure, mutual authentication between XL Deploy and satellites is now required. If you are already using satellites, you must generate a key and a public certificate for the XL Deploy server and add them to a truststore on each satellite server. For information about configuring mutual authentication, refer to Configure secure communication between XL Deploy and satellites.

    Contact XebiaLabs Support if you have hotfixes

    Before upgrading, check whether there are any hotfixes installed in the XL Deploy hotfix directory. If hotfixes are installed, contact the XebiaLabs support team before upgrading.

    Items removed in XL Deploy 6.1.0

    Support for Internet Explorer 10

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 is no longer supported as of XL Deploy 6.1.0. The latest version of Internet Explorer or another browser should be used instead. Refer to Requirements for installing XL Deploy for more information.

    XL Deploy 6.1.0 release notes

    New features

    • Explorer
      • [DEPL-10711] - Show deployeds when deploying in the Explorer
      • [DEPL-10590] - Show deployable-to-container mapping for a deployment in the Explorer
      • [DEPL-10592] - Allow deployment properties to be edited in the Explorer
      • [DEPL-10593] - Allow deployed item properties to be edited in the Explorer
      • [DEPL-10709] - Show icon and total number of errors and/or warnings on deployment screen in the Explorer
      • [DEPL-10199] - Show deployment step log in the Explorer
      • [DEPL-10333] - Allow deployment properties to be specified when undeploying an application using the Explorer
      • [DEPL-10796] - Add icons to tabs in the Explorer
    • Deployment report
      • [DEPL-10598] - Support HTML-based deployment report
      • [DEPL-10595] - Allow HTML-based deployment report to be filtered by start date and end date
      • [DEPL-10629] - Allow columns in HTML-based deployments report to be sorted
      • [DEPL-10597] - Allow HTML-based deployment report to be exported
    • User management
      • [DEPL-10614] - Allow roles to be configured in HTML-based user interface
      • [DEPL-10618] - Allow global permissions to be configured in HTML-based user interface
    • [DEPL-10746] - Support import of packages from URL behind a proxy


    • [DEPL-10305] - Improve the step log when synchronizing plugins to satellite
    • [DEPL-10369] - Improve feedback to user when satellite is disabled
    • [DEPL-10461] - Remove redundant satellite connectivity check step blocks

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-10191] - Java process is not stopped after deploying to WebLogic with satellite
    • [DEPL-10245] - In Explorer, context menu is not always fully visible
    • [DEPL-10339] - Unrecoverable task on satellite can result in hanging XL Deploy task execution
    • [DEPL-10341] - XL Deploy server hangs when task running on satellite fails
    • [DEPL-10342] - Cannot cancel a task with satellite that failed while checking extension on satellite
    • [DEPL-10377] - Tasks can be in an inconsistent state when XL Deploy can communicate with a satellite but the satellite cannot reply
    • [DEPL-10588] - Cannot set satellite CI properties through Jython API
    • [DEPL-10680] - Importing and deploying a package containing a ZIP file using Maven changes the permissions of files in the ZIP to 0000
    • [DEPL-10737] - Overthere causes slow communication over SSH
    • [DEPL-10788] - Empty step block appears in deployment plan with satellite
    • [DEPL-10811] - Overthere causes slow communication over SSH when using JumpStation
    • [DEPL-10846] - Overthere returns exception when PEM file is specified
    • [DEPL-10923] - Reports resource does not enforce report#view permission
    • [DEPL-10967] - Configuring satellite with SSL enabled returns akka.remote.RemoteTransportException
    • [DEPL-9339] - file.Folder or generic.Folder cannot be imported if the name of the CI ends with .zip