Release Manual

    Upgrade instructions

    For upgrade instructions, refer to Upgrade XL Deploy.

    Important: If you plan to skip versions when you upgrade, ensure that you read the version-specific upgrade notes for each intermediate version. You may be required to perform manual actions as part of the upgrade.

    XL Deploy 6.0.0

    XL Deploy 6.0.0 release notes

    XL Deploy 6.0.0 upgrade notes

    deployit-security.xml file has changed

    The deployit-security.xml file has changed in XL Deploy 6.0.0. The following line:

    <security:authentication-provider ref="jcrAuthenticationProvider"/>

    Is replaced by:

    <security:authentication-provider ref="xlAuthenticationProvider"/>

    Also, the following line has been removed:

    <bean id="jcrAuthenticationProvider" class=""/>

    When upgrading, do not copy XL_DEPLOY_SERVER_HOME/conf/deployit-security.xml from the old installation to the new installation. Instead, use the deployit-security.xml file that is provided with XL Deploy 6.0.0. If you have customized deployit-security.xml, it is recommended that you manually redo the changes in the file provided with XL Deploy 6.0.0.

    Automatic upgrade is not supported for provisioning CIs and plugins

    Due to changes in XL Deploy configuration items (CIs), it is not possible to automatically upgrade from XL Deploy 5.5.x to 6.0.0 if your repository contains provisioning (UPM) CIs.

    To upgrade, first manually delete all CIs under the Blueprints, Providers, and ProvisioningEnvironments root nodes, including directories. The repository must not contain any CIs of the following types:

    upm.AppliedProvisioner upm.BaseEmbeddedProvisionable
    upm.BaseEmbeddedProvisioned upm.Blueprint
    upm.Dictionary upm.Provider
    upm.Provisionable upm.Provisioned
    upm.ProvisionedBlueprint upm.Provisioner
    upm.ProvisioningEnvironment upm.ProvisioningPackage
    Any custom CI type that extends one of the above types

    After you have deleted the CIs, follow the procedure to upgrade XL Deploy. Ensure that your upgraded installation contains the 6.0.0 version of the following plugins in the plugins directory:

    • xld-aws-ec2-plugin-6.0.0.xldp
    • xld-provision-puppet-plugin-6.0.0.xldp

    Also, ensure that the plugins directory does not contain any version of the xld-provision-x.y.z.xldp plugin.

    After you upgrade, you can recreate CIs related to provisioning by using UDM CI types.

    Contact XebiaLabs Support if you have hotfixes

    Before upgrading, check whether there are any hotfixes installed in the XL Deploy hotfix directory. If hotfixes are installed, contact the XebiaLabs support team before upgrading.

    Known issues

    Items deprecated in XL Deploy 6.0.0

    Composite packages

    Composite packages (udm.CompositePackage) are deprecated. Application dependencies should be used instead.

    XL Scale

    XL Scale and the XL Scale EC2 and vSphere plugins are deprecated. XL Deploy's provisioning feature should be used instead.

    Items removed in XL Deploy 6.0.0

    XL Deploy 6.0.0 new features

    Automatically archive tasks according to a policy

    XL Deploy keeps all active tasks in the Task Monitor, which is available under the gear button. Executed tasks are archived when you manually click Close or Cancel on the task. Now, you can define a custom task archive policy that will automatically archive tasks that are visible in the Task Monitor. For more information, refer to Automatically archive tasks according to a user-defined policy.

    Application dependencies and orchestration

    Deployments with application dependencies are no longer ordered by reverse topological order by default. To enforce reverse topological order, use the sequential-by-dependency orchestrator. This orchestrator will deploy all applications in reverse topological order to ensure that dependent applications are deployed first. You must manually select this orchestrator when setting up the deployment (this includes updates of applications that are already deployed).

    Undeploying applications with dependencies

    You can now undeploy an application with all of its direct or transient dependencies. To do so, enable the Undeploy Dependencies option in the deployment properties. If this option is not enabled, the application will be undeployed, but its dependencies will remain deployed.

    New task execution engine options

    You can now configure advanced options such as the maximum number of simultaneous running tasks allowed in the XL Deploy task engine. For more information, refer to Configure the task execution engine.

    New support for the SMB protocol

    XL Deploy now supports the [SMB network file sharing protocol]( through the Overthere framework. The SMB protocol provides better performance than the CIFS protocol when connecting to Microsoft Windows hosts.

    Note: SMB support will also be implemented in XL Deploy 5.5.6.

    Contact XebiaLabs Support if you have hotfixes

    Before upgrading, check whether there are any hotfixes installed in the XL Deploy hotfix directory. If hotfixes are installed, contact the XebiaLabs support team before upgrading.

    Known issues

    Items deprecated in XL Deploy 6.0.0

    Deprecated features are still available, but will be removed in the next major release.

    Composite packages

    Composite packages (udm.CompositePackage) are deprecated as of XL Deploy 6.0.0. Application dependencies should be used instead.

    XL Scale

    Support for XL Scale, the XL Scale EC2 plugin, and the XL Scale vSphere plugin is deprecated as of XL Deploy 6.0.0. The XL Deploy provisioning feature should be used instead.

    Items removed in XL Deploy 6.0.0