Remoting Plugin Reference

    CI Reference

    Configuration Item Overview


    CI Description
    overthere.CifsHost Machine that can be connected to using either WinRM or Telnet and can perform file manipulation via the CIFS protocol
    overthere.Host Machine that runs middleware, on which scripts can be executed, etc
    overthere.Jumpstation Base class for jumpstations
    overthere.LocalHost Machine on which the XL Deploy Server is running
    overthere.RemoteHost Description unavailable
    overthere.SshHost Machine that can be connected to using SSH
    overthere.SshJumpstation Machine that can be used to create a tunneled connection to a destination host

    Other Configuration Items

    CI Description
    overthere.CifsHost Machine that can be connected to using either WinRM or Telnet and can perform file manipulation via the CIFS protocol
    overthere.Host Machine that runs middleware, on which scripts can be executed, etc
    overthere.Jumpstation Base class for jumpstations
    overthere.LocalHost Machine on which the XL Deploy Server is running
    overthere.RemoteHost Description unavailable
    overthere.SshHost Machine that can be connected to using SSH
    overthere.SshJumpstation Machine that can be used to create a tunneled connection to a destination host

    Configuration Item Details


    Type Hierarchy overthere.RemoteHost >> overthere.Host >> udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Taggable, udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Container, overthere.HostContainer

    Machine that can be connected to using either WinRM or Telnet and can perform file manipulation via the CIFS protocol

    Public Properties
    address : STRING
    Address of the host
    Type of CIFS connection to create
    Operating system the host runs
    password : STRING
    Password to use for authentication
    username : STRING
    Username to connect with
    cifsPort : INTEGER  = 445
    Port on which the CIFS server runs
    jumpstation : CI<overthere.Jumpstation >
    Jumpstation that should be used to reach this host
    pathShareMappings : MAP_STRING_STRING
    Mapping from Windows paths to Windows share names, e.g. C:\IBM\WebSphere -> WebSphereShare
    port : INTEGER
    Port on which the Telnet or WinRM server runs
    satellite : CI<xl.Satellite>
    Instance of xl-satellite that can manage this host.
    stagingDirectoryPath : STRING
    Directory into which staged files are stored. Will be cleaned up when the task is finished.
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    temporaryDirectoryPath : STRING
    Directory into which temporary files are stored. Will be cleaned up when the connection is closed.
    winrmEnableHttps : BOOLEAN  = false
    Enable SSL communication to the WinRM server
    winrsAllowDelegate : BOOLEAN  = false
    Specifies that the user's credentials can be used to access a remote share, for example, found on a different machine than the target endpoint (WINRM_NATIVE only)
    winrsProxy : CI<overthere.Host >
    Host on which to run the winrs command. Defaults to localhost. (WINRM_NATIVE only)
    Hidden Properties
    connectionTimeoutMillis : INTEGER  = 1200000
    Number of milliseconds Overthere waits for a connection to a remote host to be established
    protocol : STRING  = cifs
    Protocol to use when connecting to this host
    tmpFileCreationRetries : INTEGER  = 1000
    Number of times Overthere attempts to create a temporary file with a unique name
    winrmContext : STRING  = /wsman
    Context used by the WinRM server (WINRM only)
    winrmEnvelopSize : INTEGER  = 153600
    Envelop size for WinRM messages (WINRM only)
    winrmHttpsCertificateTrustStrategy : ENUM [STRICT, SELF_SIGNED, ALLOW_ALL]  = STRICT
    HTTPS certifiacte trust strategy for WinRM over HTTPS (WINRM_INTERNAL only)
    winrmHttpsHostnameVerificationStrategy : ENUM [STRICT, BROWSER_COMPATIBLE, ALLOW_ALL]  = STRICT
    HTTPS host name verification strategy for WinRM over HTTPS (WINRM_INTERNAL only)
    winrmLocale : STRING  = en-US
    Locale to use for WinRM messages (WINRM only)
    winrmTimeout : STRING  = PT60.000S
    Timeout to use for WinRM messages in XML schema duration format
    tmpDeleteOnDisconnect : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, delete the temporary connection directory when the connection is closed
    winrmKerberosAddPortToSpn : BOOLEAN  = false
    Add the port number (e.g. 5985) to the service principal name (SPN) for which a Kerberos ticket is requested (WINRM_INTERNAL only)
    winrmKerberosDebug : BOOLEAN  = false
    Enable Kerberos debug messages (WINRM only)
    winrmKerberosUseHttpSpn : BOOLEAN  = false
    Use the HTTP protocol in the service principal name (SPN) for which a Kerberos ticket is requested, instead of the default WSMAN protocol (WINRM_INTERNAL only)
    winrsCompression : BOOLEAN  = false
    Turn on compression. Older installations on remote machines may not support compression so it is off by default (WINRM_NATIVE only)
    winrsNoecho : BOOLEAN  = false
    Specifies that echo should be disabled. This may be necessary to ensure that user's answers to remote prompts are not displayed locally (WINRM_NATIVE only)
    winrsNoprofile : BOOLEAN  = false
    Specifies that the user's profile should not be loaded. By default the server will attempt to load the user profile. If the remote user is not a local administrator on the target system then this option will be required (the default willresult in error) (WINRM_NATIVE only)
    winrsUnencrypted : BOOLEAN  = false
    Disable encryption. Requires the remote host to have been configured to allow that (WINRM_NATIVE only)
    Control task Parameter CI Attributes Description

    delegate = connectionChecker

    No description.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Taggable, udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Container, overthere.HostContainer

    Machine that runs middleware, on which scripts can be executed, etc.

    Public Properties
    Operating system the host runs
    satellite : CI<xl.Satellite>
    Instance of xl-satellite that can manage this host.
    stagingDirectoryPath : STRING
    Directory into which staged files are stored. Will be cleaned up when the task is finished.
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    temporaryDirectoryPath : STRING
    Directory into which temporary files are stored. Will be cleaned up when the connection is closed.
    Hidden Properties
    protocol : STRING
    Protocol to use when connecting to this host
    tmpFileCreationRetries : INTEGER  = 1000
    Number of times Overthere attempts to create a temporary file with a unique name
    tmpDeleteOnDisconnect : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, delete the temporary connection directory when the connection is closed
    Control task Parameter CI Attributes Description

    delegate = connectionChecker

    No description.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy overthere.RemoteHost >> overthere.Host >> udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Taggable, udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Container, overthere.HostContainer

    Base class for jumpstations

    Public Properties
    jumpstation : CI<overthere.Jumpstation >
    Jumpstation that should be used to reach this host
    satellite : CI<xl.Satellite>
    Instance of xl-satellite that can manage this host.
    stagingDirectoryPath : STRING
    Directory into which staged files are stored. Will be cleaned up when the task is finished.
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    Hidden Properties
    connectionTimeoutMillis : INTEGER  = 1200000
    Number of milliseconds Overthere waits for a connection to a remote host to be established
    Operating system the host runs
    protocol : STRING
    Protocol to use when connecting to this host
    tmpFileCreationRetries : INTEGER  = 1000
    Number of times Overthere attempts to create a temporary file with a unique name
    temporaryDirectoryPath : STRING
    The default platform value (/tmp) suffices as no temporary files will be placed on the jumpstation
    tmpDeleteOnDisconnect : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, delete the temporary connection directory when the connection is closed
    Control task Parameter CI Attributes Description

    delegate = connectionChecker

    No description.


    Type Hierarchy overthere.Host >> udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Taggable, udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Container, overthere.HostContainer

    Machine on which the XL Deploy Server is running

    Public Properties
    Operating system the host runs
    satellite : CI<xl.Satellite>
    Instance of xl-satellite that can manage this host.
    stagingDirectoryPath : STRING
    Directory into which staged files are stored. Will be cleaned up when the task is finished.
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    temporaryDirectoryPath : STRING
    Directory into which temporary files are stored. Will be cleaned up when the connection is closed.
    Hidden Properties
    protocol : STRING  = local
    Protocol to use when connecting to this host
    tmpFileCreationRetries : INTEGER  = 1000
    Number of times Overthere attempts to create a temporary file with a unique name
    tmpDeleteOnDisconnect : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, delete the temporary connection directory when the connection is closed
    Control task Parameter CI Attributes Description

    delegate = connectionChecker

    No description.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy overthere.Host >> udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Taggable, udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Container, overthere.HostContainer

    Description unavailable

    Public Properties
    Operating system the host runs
    jumpstation : CI<overthere.Jumpstation >
    Jumpstation that should be used to reach this host
    satellite : CI<xl.Satellite>
    Instance of xl-satellite that can manage this host.
    stagingDirectoryPath : STRING
    Directory into which staged files are stored. Will be cleaned up when the task is finished.
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    temporaryDirectoryPath : STRING
    Directory into which temporary files are stored. Will be cleaned up when the connection is closed.
    Hidden Properties
    connectionTimeoutMillis : INTEGER  = 1200000
    Number of milliseconds Overthere waits for a connection to a remote host to be established
    protocol : STRING
    Protocol to use when connecting to this host
    tmpFileCreationRetries : INTEGER  = 1000
    Number of times Overthere attempts to create a temporary file with a unique name
    tmpDeleteOnDisconnect : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, delete the temporary connection directory when the connection is closed
    Control task Parameter CI Attributes Description

    delegate = connectionChecker

    No description.


    Type Hierarchy overthere.RemoteHost >> overthere.Host >> udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Taggable, udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Container, overthere.HostContainer

    Machine that can be connected to using SSH

    Public Properties
    address : STRING
    Address of the host
    Type of SSH connection to create
    Operating system the host runs
    port : INTEGER  = 22
    Port on which the SSH server runs
    username : STRING
    Username to connect with
    jumpstation : CI<overthere.Jumpstation >
    Jumpstation that should be used to reach this host
    passphrase : STRING
    Optional passphrase for the private key in the private key file
    password : STRING
    Password to use for authentication
    privateKeyFile : STRING
    Private key file to use for authentication
    satellite : CI<xl.Satellite>
    Instance of xl-satellite that can manage this host.
    stagingDirectoryPath : STRING
    Directory into which staged files are stored. Will be cleaned up when the task is finished.
    suPassword : STRING
    Password of user to su to when accessing files or executing commands
    suUsername : STRING
    Username to su to when accessing files or executing commands
    sudoUsername : STRING
    Username to sudo to when accessing files or executing commands
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    temporaryDirectoryPath : STRING
    Directory into which temporary files are stored. Will be cleaned up when the connection is closed.
    Hidden Properties
    connectionTimeoutMillis : INTEGER  = 1200000
    Number of milliseconds Overthere waits for a connection to a remote host to be established
    interactiveKeyboardAuthRegex : STRING  = .*Password:[ ]?
    Regular expression to look for in keyboard-interactive authentication before sending the password
    protocol : STRING  = ssh
    Protocol to use when connecting to this host
    suCommandPrefix : STRING  = su - {0} -c
    Su command to prefix to the original command. The placeholder {0} is replaced with the sudoUsername
    suPasswordPromptRegex : STRING  = .*[Pp]assword.*:
    Regular expression to look for before sending the password
    sudoCommandPrefix : STRING  = sudo -u {0}
    Sudo command to prefix to the original command. The placeholder {0} is replaced with the sudoUsername
    sudoPasswordPromptRegex : STRING  = .*[Pp]assword.*:
    Regular expression to look for in interactive sudo before sending the password
    tmpFileCreationRetries : INTEGER  = 1000
    Number of times Overthere attempts to create a temporary file with a unique name
    allocateDefaultPty : BOOLEAN  = false
    If true, a default PTY (dummy:80:24:0:0) is allocated when executing a command
    allocatePty : STRING
    Specification for the PTY to be allocated when executing a command. The format is TERM:COLS:ROWS:WIDTH:HEIGHT, e.g. xterm:80:24:0:0
    suOverrideUmask : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, permissions are explicitly changed with chmod -R go+rX after uploading a file or directory
    suPreserveAttributesOnCopyFromTempFile : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, files are copied from the connection temporary directory using the -p flag to the cp command
    suPreserveAttributesOnCopyToTempFile : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, files are copied to the connection temporary directory using the -p flag to the cp command
    suQuoteCommand : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, the original command is quoted when it is prefixed with suCommandPrefix
    sudoOverrideUmask : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, permissions are explicitly changed with chmod -R go+rX after uploading a file or directory
    sudoPreserveAttributesOnCopyFromTempFile : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, files are copied from the connection temporary directory using the -p flag to the cp command
    sudoPreserveAttributesOnCopyToTempFile : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, files are copied to the connection temporary directory using the -p flag to the cp command
    sudoQuoteCommand : BOOLEAN  = false
    If true, the original command is quoted when it is prefixed with sudoCommandPrefix
    tmpDeleteOnDisconnect : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, delete the temporary connection directory when the connection is closed
    Control task Parameter CI Attributes Description

    delegate = connectionChecker

    No description.


    Type Hierarchy overthere.Jumpstation >> overthere.RemoteHost >> overthere.Host >> udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Taggable, udm.ConfigurationItem, udm.Container, overthere.HostContainer

    Machine that can be used to create a tunneled connection to a destination host

    Public Properties
    address : STRING
    Address of the host
    port : INTEGER  = 22
    Port on which the SSH server runs
    username : STRING
    Username to connect with
    jumpstation : CI<overthere.Jumpstation >
    Jumpstation that should be used to reach this host
    passphrase : STRING
    Optional passphrase for the private key in the private key file
    password : STRING
    Password to use for authentication
    privateKeyFile : STRING
    Private key file to use for authentication
    satellite : CI<xl.Satellite>
    Instance of xl-satellite that can manage this host.
    stagingDirectoryPath : STRING
    Directory into which staged files are stored. Will be cleaned up when the task is finished.
    tags : SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
    Hidden Properties
    connectionTimeoutMillis : INTEGER  = 1200000
    Number of milliseconds Overthere waits for a connection to a remote host to be established
    Connection Type
    interactiveKeyboardAuthRegex : STRING  = .*Password:[ ]?
    Regular expression to look for in keyboard-interactive authentication before sending the password
    Operating system the host runs
    portAllocationRangeStart : INTEGER  = 1025
    Port from where to start looking for freely available ports to use as the local part of an SSH port forward
    protocol : STRING  = ssh
    Protocol to use when connecting to this host
    tmpFileCreationRetries : INTEGER  = 1000
    Number of times Overthere attempts to create a temporary file with a unique name
    temporaryDirectoryPath : STRING
    The default platform value (/tmp) suffices as no temporary files will be placed on the jumpstation
    tmpDeleteOnDisconnect : BOOLEAN  = true
    If true, delete the temporary connection directory when the connection is closed
    Control task Parameter CI Attributes Description

    delegate = connectionChecker

    No description.