All Classes and Interfaces

A resolver for Artifact files.
Denote which protocols the ArtifactResolver supports.
Event class representing an event that occurred in the system.
Exception thrown when any error happens during artifact resolution in ArtifactResolver.
Base class for events dealing with CIs.
A CompositePlan holds other sub-plans which are either parallellized (see: ParallelOrchestration) or serialized (see: SerialOrchestration).
Marker annotation for classes that want to be notified of events that happen in XL Deploy.
Interface that can be implemented by objects stored as step execution context attributes to get notified about the lifecycle of the task or step execution context.
The lowest type of sub-plan, this plan contains steps which can be executed and Delta objects for which this InterleavedPlan has been built.
A plan of DeploymentSteps.
An Orchestrator converts a DeltaSpecification into a Orchestration, which can then be resolved to result in steps.
A CompositeOrchestration that executed steps in parallel.
Repository factory, can be used to create repositories, either with or without a work directory attached where the binaries will be stored.
Interface for classes which initialize an empty XL repository for a product or a plugin.
The ResolvedArtifactFile is created by the ArtifactResolver and represents the (possibly remote) artifact file.
A CompositeOrchestration which executes all sub-plans in serial.
Marker interface to bridge the gap between T2Bus and Spring.
Represents a version of data in repository.