
Provides access to the XL Deploy repository.

POST /repository/candidate-values Find candidate values for a property of a com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.ConfigurationItem.
GET /repository/ci/id/{referenceId:.+} Reads a configuration item from the repository.
GET /repository/ci/new Composes CI prototype filled in with default values.
GET /repository/ci/{ID:.+} Reads a configuration item from the repository.
POST /repository/ci/{ID:.+} Creates a new configuration item.
POST /repository/ci/{ID:.+} Creates a new artifact CI with data.
PUT /repository/ci/{ID:.+} Modifies a configuration item and returns the updated CI if the the update was successful
PUT /repository/ci/{ID:.+} Modifies an artifact (upload new data) and returns the updated artifact if the the update was successful
DELETE /repository/ci/{ID:.+} Deletes a configuration item.
POST /repository/cis Creates multiple configuration items.
PUT /repository/cis Modifies multiple configuration items.
POST /repository/cis/delete Deletes multiple configuration items from the repository.
POST /repository/cis/read Reads multiple configuration items from the repository.
POST /repository/copy/{ID:.+} Copy a configuration item in the repository.
GET /repository/exists/{ID:.+} Checks if a configuration item exists.
GET /repository/is-secure/{ID:.+} Checks if CI is a secure CI
POST /repository/move/{ID:.+} Moves a configuration item in the repository.
GET /repository/query Retrieves configuration items by way of a query.
POST /repository/rename/{ID:.+} Changes the name of a configuration item in the repository.
GET /repository/v2/query Retrieves configuration items by way of a query.
GET /repository/v3/query
GET /repository/v3/query-extended
POST /repository/validate Validate the configuration items, returning any validation errors found.

POST /repository/candidate-values

Find candidate values for a property of a com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.ConfigurationItem.
Query propertyName String the property name of the com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.ConfigurationItem for which to find candidate values
Query namePattern String a search pattern for the name. This is like the SQL "LIKE" pattern: the character '%' represents any string of zero or more characters, and the character '_' (underscore) represents any single character. Any literal use of these two characters must be escaped with a backslash ('\'). Consequently, any literal instance of a backslash must also be escaped, resulting in a double backslash ('\\').
Query idPattern String a search pattern for the id. This is like the SQL "LIKE" pattern: the character '%' represents any string of zero or more characters, and the character '_' (underscore) represents any single character. Any literal use of these two characters must be escaped with a backslash ('\'). Consequently, any literal instance of a backslash must also be escaped, resulting in a double backslash ('\\'). * @param page the desired page, in case of a paged query.
Query page long a search pattern for the id. This is like the SQL "LIKE" pattern: the character '%' represents any string of zero or more characters, and the character '_' (underscore) represents any single character. Any literal use of these two characters must be escaped with a backslash ('\'). Consequently, any literal instance of a backslash must also be escaped, resulting in a double backslash ('\\'). * @param page the desired page, in case of a paged query.the page size, or {@code -1} for no paging.
Query resultsPerPage long the page size, or {@code -1} for no paging.
Request body application/xml ConfigurationItem The com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.ConfigurationItem for which to find the candidate values
Response body
ConfigurationItemId - a list of references to CIs
Content type: application/xml

GET /repository/ci/id/{referenceId:.+}

Reads a configuration item from the repository.
Path referenceId String the referenceId of the CI
Response body
ConfigurationItem - the CI, or a {@code 404} error code if not found.
Content type: application/xml

GET /repository/ci/new

Composes CI prototype filled in with default values.
Query type Type the type of the CI
Response body
ConfigurationItem - the CI prototype filled with default values, or a {@code 404} error code if not found.
Content type: application/xml

GET /repository/ci/{ID:.+}

Reads a configuration item from the repository.
Path ID String the ID of the CI
Response body
ConfigurationItem - the CI, or a {@code 404} error code if not found.
Content type: application/xml

POST /repository/ci/{ID:.+}

Creates a new configuration item.
Path ID String the ID/path of the new CI.
Request body application/xml ConfigurationItem the data of the CI.
Response body
ConfigurationItem - the newly created CI
Content type: application/xml

POST /repository/ci/{ID:.+}

Creates a new artifact CI with data.
Path ID String the ID/path of the new artifact.
Multipart ArtifactAndData the data of the artifact.
Response body
ConfigurationItem - the newly created artifact
Content type: application/xml

PUT /repository/ci/{ID:.+}

Modifies a configuration item and returns the updated CI if the the update was successful otherwise returns a {@code 409} error code if the CI has been updated on the server and you are sending modifications on an old version.
Path ID String the ID of the CI to modify.
Request body application/xml ConfigurationItem the new data of the CI.
Response body
ConfigurationItem - the updated CI if update was successful
Content type: application/xml

PUT /repository/ci/{ID:.+}

Modifies an artifact (upload new data) and returns the updated artifact if the the update was successful otherwise returns a {@code 409} error code if the CI has been updated on the server and you are sending modifications on an old version.
Path ID String the ID of the artifact to modify.
Multipart ArtifactAndData the new data of the artifact.
Response body
ConfigurationItem - the updated artifact if update was successful
Content type: application/xml

DELETE /repository/ci/{ID:.+}

Deletes a configuration item.
Path ID String the ID of the CI to delete.
Response body

POST /repository/cis

Creates multiple configuration items.
Request body application/xml ConfigurationItem the data of the CIs.
Response body
ConfigurationItem - the newly created CIs
Content type: application/xml

PUT /repository/cis

Modifies multiple configuration items. Returns {@code 409} error code if one of the CIs has been updated on the server and you are sending modifications on an old version.
Request body application/xml ConfigurationItem the new data of the CIs.
Response body
ConfigurationItem - the updated CIs if the update was successful
Content type: application/xml

POST /repository/cis/delete

Deletes multiple configuration items from the repository.
Request body application/xml String the ids of the CIs
Response body

POST /repository/cis/read

Reads multiple configuration items from the repository. Returns a {@code 404} error code if one of them was not found.
Request body application/xml String the ids of the CIs
Response body
ConfigurationItem - the CIs
Content type: application/xml

POST /repository/copy/{ID:.+}

Copy a configuration item in the repository.
Path ID String the ID of the CI to copythe new ID of the copied CI, reflecting the path in the repository.
Query newId String the new ID of the copied CI, reflecting the path in the repository.
Response body
ConfigurationItem - the copied CI
Content type: application/xml

GET /repository/exists/{ID:.+}

Checks if a configuration item exists.
Path ID String the ID of the CI to check
Response body
Boolean - {@code true} if the CI exists, {@code false} if not.
Content type: application/xml

GET /repository/is-secure/{ID:.+}

Checks if CI is a secure CI
Path ID String id of the CI to check
Response body
Boolean - {@code true} if the CI is a secure CI, {@code false} if not.
Content type: application/xml

POST /repository/move/{ID:.+}

Moves a configuration item in the repository.
Path ID String the ID of the CI to movethe new ID of the CI, reflecting the path in the repository.
Query newId String the new ID of the CI, reflecting the path in the repository.
Response body
ConfigurationItem - the moved CI
Content type: application/xml

GET /repository/query

Retrieves configuration items by way of a query.
Query type Type the type of the CI
Query parent String the parent ID of the CI. If set, only the direct children of this CI are searched.
Query ancestor String the ancestor ID of the CI. If set, only the subtree of this CI is searched.
Query namePattern String a search pattern for the name. This is like the SQL "LIKE" pattern: the character '%' represents any string of zero or more characters, and the character '_' (underscore) represents any single character. Any literal use of these two characters must be escaped with a backslash ('\'). Consequently, any literal instance of a backslash must also be escaped, resulting in a double backslash ('\\').
Query lastModifiedBefore DateTime look for CIs modified before this date.
Query lastModifiedAfter DateTime look for CIs modified after this date.
Query page long the desired page, in case of a paged query.the page size, or {@code -1} for no paging.
Query resultsPerPage long the page size, or {@code -1} for no paging.
Response body
ConfigurationItemId - a list of references to CIs
Content type: application/xml

POST /repository/rename/{ID:.+}

Changes the name of a configuration item in the repository.
Path ID String the ID of the CI to rename
Query newName String the new name.
Response body
ConfigurationItem - the renamed CI
Content type: application/xml

GET /repository/v2/query

Retrieves configuration items by way of a query.
Query type Type the type of the CI
Query parent String the parent ID of the CI. If set, only the direct children of this CI are searched.
Query ancestor String the ancestor ID of the CI. If set, only the subtree of this CI is searched.
Query namePattern String a search pattern for the name. This is like the SQL "LIKE" pattern: the character '%' represents any string of zero or more characters, and the character '_' (underscore) represents any single character. Any literal use of these two characters must be escaped with a backslash ('\'). Consequently, any literal instance of a backslash must also be escaped, resulting in a double backslash ('\\').
Query idPattern String a search pattern for the id. This is like the SQL "LIKE" pattern: the character '%' represents any string of zero or more characters, and the character '_' (underscore) represents any single character. Any literal use of these two characters must be escaped with a backslash ('\'). Consequently, any literal instance of a backslash must also be escaped, resulting in a double backslash ('\\').
Query lastModifiedBefore DateTime look for CIs modified before this date.
Query lastModifiedAfter DateTime look for CIs modified after this date.
Query page long the desired page, in case of a paged query.the page size, or {@code -1} for no paging.
Query resultsPerPage long the page size, or {@code -1} for no paging.
Response body
ConfigurationItemId - a list of references to CIs
Content type: application/xml

GET /repository/v3/query

Query type Type
Query parent String
Query ancestor String
Query namePattern String
Query idPattern String
Query lastModifiedBefore DateTime
Query lastModifiedAfter DateTime
Query page long
Query resultsPerPage long
Query properties ConfigurationItemProperties
Response body
Content type: application/xml

GET /repository/v3/query-extended

Query type Type
Query parent String
Query ancestor String
Query namePattern String
Query idPattern String
Query lastModifiedBefore DateTime
Query lastModifiedAfter DateTime
Query page long
Query resultsPerPage long
Query properties ConfigurationItemProperties
Response body
Content type: application/xml

POST /repository/validate

Validate the configuration items, returning any validation errors found.
Request body application/xml ConfigurationItem The list of configuration items to valdiate.
Response body
ConfigurationItem - The validated configuration items, including any validation messages.
Content type: application/xml