
Retrieves reports for Deployment or Control Tasks A User must have a REPORT_VIEW permission to be able to run these operations. A User must have at least READ permission on the environment or application for Deployment Task report to contain data for them. A User must have at least CONTROLTASK_EXECUTE permission on target CI for Control Task report to contain data for them.

GET /report/app-env-status Fetch number of deployments per application and environment.
GET /report/applications Find all Application CIs availble in reporting for given user This will include both names of existing CIs user has permissions for and a list of CIs that are existing in reports but are deleted or renamed.
POST /report/controltasks Find all archived Control Tasks, optionally filtered by parameters.
POST /report/download/audit Export audit report containing global and folder permissions of roles
POST /report/download/audit/v2 Export audit report containing global and folder permissions of roles
POST /report/download/controltasks Find all archived Control Tasks, optionally filtered by parameters.
POST /report/download/tasks Find all archived Deployment Tasks, optionally filtered by parameters.
GET /report/environments Find all Environment CIs availble in reporting for given user.
POST /report/preview/audit Generates preview audit report for local and global permissions.
GET /report/status-overview Fetch overall number of deployments per deployment state.
POST /report/tasks Find all archived Deployment Tasks, optionally filtered by parameters.
GET /report/tasks/query-by-archived-date Find all archived Tasks by archived date, optionally filtered by parameters.

GET /report/app-env-status

Fetch number of deployments per application and environment.
Query begin Date filter by time interval beginning with date
Query end Date filter by time interval ending with date
Response body
AppEnvStatusReport - a list of AppEnvStatusReport objects
Content type: application/xml

GET /report/applications

Find all Application CIs availble in reporting for given user This will include both names of existing CIs user has permissions for and a list of CIs that are existing in reports but are deleted or renamed.
Accept application/json
Response body
ConfigurationItemId - a list of com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.ConfigurationItemId objects
Content type: application/xml

POST /report/controltasks

Find all archived Control Tasks, optionally filtered by parameters.
Query begin Date (Optional) filter by time interval beginning with date
Query end Date (Optional) filter by time interval ending with date
Query states String (Optional) filter on tasks in states
Query taskName String (Optional) filter on task name
Query fetchMode FetchMode toggle to fetch FULL task with blocks or just task SUMMARY
Query users String (Optional) filter tasks belonging to users
Query order Ordering Which ordering to use when listing results
Query worker String (Optional) filter only specified workers
Query taskId String (Optional) filter by task id
Request body application/xml Paging Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
Request body application/xml String filter by list of target CIs
Response body
ControlTaskReportLine - a list of ControlTaskReportLine objects
Content type: application/xml

POST /report/download/audit

Export audit report containing global and folder permissions of roles
Response body
String - a {java.util.String} containing audit report
Content type: application/xml

POST /report/download/audit/v2

Export audit report containing global and folder permissions of roles
Query folders String Which folders in audit report
Response body
String - a {java.util.String} containing audit report
Content type: application/xml

POST /report/download/controltasks

Find all archived Control Tasks, optionally filtered by parameters.
Content-Type application/json
Query begin Date (Optional) filter by time interval beginning with date
Query end Date (Optional) filter by time interval ending with date
Query states String (Optional) filter on tasks in states
Query taskName String (Optional) filter on task name
Query users String (Optional) filter tasks belonging to users
Query order Ordering (Optional) Which ordering to use when listing results
Query worker String (Optional) filter only specified workers
Query taskId String (Optional) filter by task id
Request body application/xml String filter by list of target CIs
Response body
String - a {java.util.String} containing CSV report
Content type: application/xml

POST /report/download/tasks

Find all archived Deployment Tasks, optionally filtered by parameters.
Content-Type application/json
Query begin Date filter by time interval beginning with date
Query end Date filter by time interval ending with date
Query order Ordering (Optional) Which ordering to use when listing results
Query users String (Optional) filter tasks belonging to users
Query states String (Optional) filter on tasks in statesDeprecated use taskStates instead
Query types String (Optional) filter on tasks types
Query taskId String (Optional) filter task with exact taskId
Query onlySuccessful boolean Deprecated use taskStates instead
Query worker String (Optional) filter only specified workers
Request body application/xml ConfigurationItemId filter by list of CIs - environment and application correlated to the Deployment task
Response body
String - a {java.util.String} containing CSV report
Content type: application/xml

GET /report/environments

Find all Environment CIs availble in reporting for given user.
Accept application/json
Response body
ConfigurationItemId - a list of com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.ConfigurationItemId objects
Content type: application/xml

POST /report/preview/audit

Generates preview audit report for local and global permissions.
Query folders String Which folders in audit report
Query order Ordering Which ordering to use when listing results
Request body application/xml Paging Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
Response body
AuditPreviewRow - a list of AuditPreviewRow objects
Content type: application/xml

GET /report/status-overview

Fetch overall number of deployments per deployment state.
Query begin Date filter by time interval beginning with date
Query end Date filter by time interval ending with date
Response body
DeploymentsStatusOverview - a DeploymentsStatusOverview object
Content type: application/xml

POST /report/tasks

Find all archived Deployment Tasks, optionally filtered by parameters.
Content-Type application/json
Query begin Date filter by time interval beginning with date
Query end Date filter by time interval ending with date
Request body application/xml Paging (Optional) Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
Query order Ordering (Optional) Which ordering to use when listing results
Query users String (Optional) filter tasks belonging to users
Query states String Deprecated use taskStates instead(Optional) filter on tasks in states
Query types String (Optional) filter on tasks types
Query fetchMode FetchMode (Optional) toggle to fetch FULL task with blocks or just task SUMMARY
Query taskId String (Optional) filter task with exact taskId
Query onlySuccessful boolean Deprecated use taskStates instead
Query worker String (Optional) filter only specified workers
Request body application/xml ConfigurationItemId filter by list of CIs - environment and application correlated to the Deployment task
Response body
DeploymentTaskReportLine - a list of DeploymentTaskReportLine objects
Content type: application/xml

GET /report/tasks/query-by-archived-date

Find all archived Tasks by archived date, optionally filtered by parameters.
Query begin Date filter by time interval beginning with date
Query end Date filter by time interval ending with date
Request body application/xml Paging (Optional) Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
Query order String (Optional) Which ordering to use on archived date when listing results
Query fetchMode FetchMode (Optional) toggle to fetch FULL task with blocks or just task SUMMARY
Query taskType TaskKind (Optional) Filter by task type. DEPLOYMENT or CONTROL_TASK
Response body
TaskWithBlock - a list of tasks. response header X-Total-Count determines the total number of tasks.
Content type: application/xml