
Manages Deployment Packages.

POST /package/fetch Fetches a package from a URL outside of the XL Deploy Server.
POST /package/fetch2 Fetches a package from a URL outside of the XL Deploy Server.
GET /package/import Lists all packages that are present in the importablePackages directory on the XL Deploy Server.
POST /package/import/{file:.+} Imports a package that is present in the importablePackages directory on the XL Deploy Server.
POST /package/upload/{file:.+} Uploads a package to the XL Deploy Server.

POST /package/fetch


Fetches a package from a URL outside of the XL Deploy Server.
import#initial - for importing the first version of a package
import#upgrade - if another version of the package already exists
Request body application/xml String The URL to import from
Response body
ConfigurationItem - The com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Version CI that is created after importing.
Content type: application/xml

POST /package/fetch2

Fetches a package from a URL outside of the XL Deploy Server.
import#initial - for importing the first version of a package
import#upgrade - if another version of the package already exists
Request body application/xml ImportFromUrlParams The import URL parameters
Response body
ConfigurationItem - The com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Version CI that is created after importing.
Content type: application/xml

GET /package/import

Lists all packages that are present in the importablePackages directory on the XL Deploy Server.
Response body
String - List of names of packages that can be imported.
Content type: application/xml

POST /package/import/{file:.+}

Imports a package that is present in the importablePackages directory on the XL Deploy Server.
import#initial - for importing the first version of a package
import#upgrade - if another version of the package already exists
Path file String The name of the package to import
Response body
ConfigurationItem - The com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Version CI that is created after importing.
Content type: application/xml

POST /package/upload/{file:.+}

Uploads a package to the XL Deploy Server.
import#initial - for importing the first version of a package
import#upgrade - if another version of the package already exists
Path file String The name of the package to be imported
Multipart FileUpload The upload form.
Response body
ConfigurationItem - The com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Version CI that is created after importing.
Content type: application/xml