
Retrieves information about Environments: which DeployedApplications and which Hosts are there in an environment? A User must have READ permission on the environment to obtain the requested info.

GET /environment/{id:.+}/deployed-applications Finds DeployedApplications on an environment.
GET /environment/{id:.+}/infrastructure Finds Hosts that take part in the specified environment.

GET /environment/{id:.+}/deployed-applications

Finds DeployedApplications on an environment.
Path id String the environment ID to query
Query deployedAppName String (Optional) (part of the) deployed application name to look for.
Request body Paging Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
Query order Ordering Which ordering to use when listing results.
Response body
ConfigurationItemId - a list of {@see com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.ConfigurationItemId} objects corresponding to deployed applications on the indicated environment
Content type:

GET /environment/{id:.+}/infrastructure

Finds Hosts that take part in the specified environment.
Path id String the environment ID to query
Query name String (Optional) (part of) the host name to look for
Request body Paging Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
Query order Ordering Which ordering to use when listing results
Response body
DeploymentInfo - a list of {@see com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.DeploymentInfo} objects
Content type: