
Deployment management

POST /deployment/ Creates the deployment task.
GET /deployment/dictionary Get the effective dictionary for an environment, optionally filtered by application and container.
GET /deployment/exists Returns whether or not a com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Version of the com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Application that is passed in is already deployed to the com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Environment.
POST /deployment/generate/selected Generates only the deployeds for the given deployables in the deployment.
POST /deployment/generate/selected/deployables Generates only the deployeds for the given deployables in the deployment.
POST /deployment/generate/single Generates a deployed for the given deployable to the given container in the deployment.
POST /deployment/prepare/deployeds Prepares all the deployeds for the given deployment.
GET /deployment/prepare/initial Prepares an initial deployment.
GET /deployment/prepare/undeploy Prepares an undeployment.
GET /deployment/prepare/update Prepares an update deployment.
POST /deployment/previewblock Calculate the plan that XL Deploy will execute for the given deployment.
POST /deployment/previewblock/{blockId}/{stepNr} Get details on a step in a step block.
POST /deployment/rollback/{taskid} Rollback a STOPPED or EXECUTED task.
POST /deployment/validate Validates the generated deployment.

POST /deployment/

Creates the deployment task.
deploy#initial - for initial deployments
deploy#upgrade - for upgrades
deploy#remove - for undeployments
Request body application/xml Deployment The fully prepared Deployment parameter object.
Response body
String - a reference to a Task ID that can be executed by the TaskService .
Content type: application/xml

GET /deployment/dictionary

Get the effective dictionary for an environment, optionally filtered by application and container.
Query environment String The ID of the environment
Query applicationVersion String The ID of the applicationVersion (package) (optional, can be null)The ID of the application (optional, can be null). This parameter will be ignored if the applicationVersion is provided.
Query application String The ID of the applicationVersion (package) (optional, can be null)The ID of the application (optional, can be null). This parameter will be ignored if the applicationVersion is provided.
Query container String The ID of the container (optional, can be null)
Response body
String - the entries of the dictionary as it applies to a deployment to that environment
Content type: application/xml

GET /deployment/exists

Returns whether or not a com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Version of the com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Application that is passed in is already deployed to the com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Environment.
Query application String The ID of the com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Application .
Query environment String The ID of the com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Environment .
Response body
boolean - true if there exists a deployed version of the application on the environment, false otherwise.
Content type: application/xml

POST /deployment/generate/selected


Generates only the deployeds for the given deployables in the deployment.
Query deployables String The list of IDs of deployables to generate the deployeds for.
Request body application/xml Deployment The prepared Deployment parameter object
Response body
Deployment - An updated Deployment parameter object.
Content type: application/xml

POST /deployment/generate/selected/deployables

Generates only the deployeds for the given deployables in the deployment.
Request body application/xml SelectedDeployment The prepared Deployment parameter object with list of IDs of deployables to generate the deployeds for.
Response body
Deployment - An updated Deployment parameter object.
Content type: application/xml

POST /deployment/generate/single

Generates a deployed for the given deployable to the given container in the deployment.
Query deployable String The ID of the deployable to generate a deployed for
Query container String The ID of the container to generate a deployed to
Query deployedtype Type (Optional) The type of the deployed to generate
Request body application/xml Deployment The prepared Deployment parameter object
Response body
Deployment - An updated Deployment parameter object.
Content type: application/xml

POST /deployment/prepare/deployeds

Prepares all the deployeds for the given deployment.
Request body application/xml Deployment The prepared Deployment parameter object
Response body
Deployment - An updated Deployment parameter object.
Content type: application/xml

GET /deployment/prepare/initial

Prepares an initial deployment.
Query version String The ID of the com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Version that is the source of the deployment.
Query environment String The ID of the com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Environment that is the target of the deployment.
Response body
Deployment - A new Deployment object to which you can add deployeds.
Content type: application/xml

GET /deployment/prepare/undeploy

Prepares an undeployment.
Query deployedApplication String The ID of the com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.DeployedApplication that is to be undeployed.
Response body
Deployment - A new Deployment object which contains no deployeds (ie. all deployeds of the previous deployment will be deleted).
Content type: application/xml

GET /deployment/prepare/update

Prepares an update deployment.
Query version String The ID of the new com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Version that is the source of the deployment.
Query deployedApplication String The ID of the com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.DeployedApplication that is to be updated.
Response body
Deployment - A new Deployment object which contains the updated deployeds.
Content type: application/xml

POST /deployment/previewblock

Calculate the plan that XL Deploy will execute for the given deployment.
deploy#initial - for initial deployments
deploy#upgrade - for upgrades
deploy#remove - for undeployments
Request body application/xml Deployment The deployment to generate the block for.
Response body
TaskPreviewBlock - The block.
Content type: application/xml

POST /deployment/previewblock/{blockId}/{stepNr}

Get details on a step in a step block.
deploy#initial - for initial deployments
deploy#upgrade - for upgrades
deploy#remove - for undeployments
task#preview_step - to see all details about a step
Request body application/xml Deployment The deployment to generate the block for.
Path blockId String The id of the step block to query the steps for.
Path stepNr int The number of the step to retrieve.
Response body
StepState - The step.
Content type: application/xml

POST /deployment/rollback/{taskid}

Rollback a STOPPED or EXECUTED task.
Path taskid String the ID of the task
Response body
String - the ID of the new task.
Content type: application/xml

POST /deployment/validate

Validates the generated deployment.
Request body application/xml Deployment The deployment to validate.
Response body
Deployment - The validated deployment.
Content type: application/xml