Interface ReportService

@Path("/report") @Consumes({"application/xml","application/json"}) @Produces({"application/xml","application/json"}) public interface ReportService
Retrieves reports for Deployment or Control Tasks A User must have a REPORT_VIEW permission to be able to run these operations. A User must have at least READ permission on the environment or application for Deployment Task report to contain data for them. A User must have at least CONTROLTASK_EXECUTE permission on target CI for Control Task report to contain data for them.
  • Method Details

    • listApplications

      @GET @Path("applications") List<ConfigurationItemId> listApplications()
      Find all Application CIs availble in reporting for given user This will include both names of existing CIs user has permissions for and a list of CIs that are existing in reports but are deleted or renamed. Deleted CIs are visible only to user with ADMIN rights.
      a list of ConfigurationItemId objects
    • getControlTasksReport

      @POST @Path("controltasks") Stream<ControlTaskReportLine> getControlTasksReport(@QueryParam("begin") Date begin, @QueryParam("end") Date end, @QueryParam("states") List<String> states, @QueryParam("taskName") String taskName, @QueryParam("fetchMode") FetchMode fetchMode, @QueryParam("users") List<String> users, @QueryParam("order") List<com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.Ordering> order, @QueryParam("worker") String workerName, @QueryParam("taskId") String taskId, @BeanParam com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.Paging paging, Set<String> targets)
      Find all archived Control Tasks, optionally filtered by parameters.
      users - (Optional) filter tasks belonging to users
      states - (Optional) filter on tasks in states
      taskName - (Optional) filter on task name
      begin - (Optional) filter by time interval beginning with date
      end - (Optional) filter by time interval ending with date
      paging - Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
      order - Which ordering to use when listing results
      targets - filter by list of target CIs
      workerName - (Optional) filter only specified workers
      fetchMode - toggle to fetch FULL task with blocks or just task SUMMARY
      taskId - (Optional) filter by task id
      a list of ControlTaskReportLine objects
    • getTaskReport

      @POST @Path("tasks") Stream<DeploymentTaskReportLine> getTaskReport(@QueryParam("begin") Date begin, @QueryParam("end") Date end, @BeanParam com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.Paging paging, @QueryParam("order") List<com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.Ordering> order, @QueryParam("users") List<String> users, @QueryParam("states") List<String> taskStates, @QueryParam("types") List<String> taskTypes, @QueryParam("fetchMode") FetchMode fetchMode, @QueryParam("taskId") String taskId, @QueryParam("onlySuccessful") boolean onlySuccessful, @QueryParam("worker") String workerName, List<ConfigurationItemId> configurationItemIds)
      Find all archived Deployment Tasks, optionally filtered by parameters.
      taskId - (Optional) filter task with exact taskId
      onlySuccessful - Deprecated use taskStates instead
      users - (Optional) filter tasks belonging to users
      taskStates - (Optional) filter on tasks in states
      taskTypes - (Optional) filter on tasks types
      begin - filter by time interval beginning with date
      end - filter by time interval ending with date
      paging - (Optional) Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
      order - (Optional) Which ordering to use when listing results
      fetchMode - (Optional) toggle to fetch FULL task with blocks or just task SUMMARY
      workerName - (Optional) filter only specified workers
      configurationItemIds - filter by list of CIs - environment and application correlated to the Deployment task
      a list of DeploymentTaskReportLine objects
    • downloadControlTasksReport

      @POST @Path("download/controltasks") String downloadControlTasksReport(@QueryParam("begin") Date begin, @QueryParam("end") Date end, @QueryParam("states") List<String> states, @QueryParam("taskName") String taskName, @QueryParam("users") List<String> users, @QueryParam("order") List<com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.Ordering> order, @QueryParam("worker") String workerName, @QueryParam("taskId") String taskId, Set<String> targets)
      Find all archived Control Tasks, optionally filtered by parameters.
      users - (Optional) filter tasks belonging to users
      states - (Optional) filter on tasks in states
      taskName - (Optional) filter on task name
      begin - (Optional) filter by time interval beginning with date
      end - (Optional) filter by time interval ending with date
      order - (Optional) Which ordering to use when listing results
      workerName - (Optional) filter only specified workers
      taskId - (Optional) filter by task id
      targets - filter by list of target CIs
      a {java.util.String} containing CSV report
    • downloadTaskReport

      @POST @Path("download/tasks") String downloadTaskReport(@QueryParam("begin") Date begin, @QueryParam("end") Date end, @QueryParam("order") List<com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.Ordering> order, @QueryParam("users") List<String> users, @QueryParam("states") List<String> taskStates, @QueryParam("types") List<String> taskTypes, @QueryParam("taskId") String taskId, @QueryParam("onlySuccessful") boolean onlySuccessful, @QueryParam("worker") String workerName, List<ConfigurationItemId> configurationItemIds)
      Find all archived Deployment Tasks, optionally filtered by parameters.
      begin - filter by time interval beginning with date
      end - filter by time interval ending with date
      order - (Optional) Which ordering to use when listing results
      users - (Optional) filter tasks belonging to users
      taskStates - (Optional) filter on tasks in states
      taskTypes - (Optional) filter on tasks types
      taskId - (Optional) filter task with exact taskId
      onlySuccessful - Deprecated use taskStates instead
      workerName - (Optional) filter only specified workers
      configurationItemIds - filter by list of CIs - environment and application correlated to the Deployment task
      a {java.util.String} containing CSV report
    • listEnvironments

      @GET @Path("environments") List<ConfigurationItemId> listEnvironments()
      Find all Environment CIs availble in reporting for given user. This will include both names of existing CIs user has permissions for and a list of CIs that are existing in reports but are deleted or renamed. Deleted CIs are visible only to user with ADMIN rights.
      a list of ConfigurationItemId objects
    • downloadAuditReport

      @POST @Path("download/audit") String downloadAuditReport()
      Export audit report containing global and folder permissions of roles
      a {java.util.String} containing audit report
    • downloadAuditReport

      @POST @Path("download/audit/v2") String downloadAuditReport(@QueryParam("folders") List<String> folders)
      Export audit report containing global and folder permissions of roles
      folders - Which folders in audit report
      a {java.util.String} containing audit report
    • previewAuditReport

      @POST @Path("preview/audit") Stream<com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.AuditPreviewRow> previewAuditReport(@QueryParam("folders") List<String> folders, @QueryParam("order") List<com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.Ordering> order, @BeanParam com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.Paging paging)
      Generates preview audit report for local and global permissions.
      folders - Which folders in audit report
      order - Which ordering to use when listing results
      paging - Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
      a list of AuditPreviewRow objects
    • getStatusOverview

      @GET @Path("status-overview") DeploymentsStatusOverview getStatusOverview(@QueryParam("begin") Date begin, @QueryParam("end") Date end)
      Fetch overall number of deployments per deployment state.
      begin - filter by time interval beginning with date
      end - filter by time interval ending with date
      a DeploymentsStatusOverview object
    • getAppEnvStatus

      @GET @Path("app-env-status") List<AppEnvStatusReport> getAppEnvStatus(@QueryParam("begin") Date begin, @QueryParam("end") Date end)
      Fetch number of deployments per application and environment.
      begin - filter by time interval beginning with date
      end - filter by time interval ending with date
      a list of AppEnvStatusReport objects
    • queryByArchivedDate

      @GET @Path("tasks/query-by-archived-date") Stream<TaskWithBlock> queryByArchivedDate(@QueryParam("begin") Date begin, @QueryParam("end") Date end, @BeanParam com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.Paging paging, @QueryParam("order") String order, @QueryParam("fetchMode") FetchMode fetchMode, @QueryParam("taskType") TaskKind taskType)
      Find all archived Tasks by archived date, optionally filtered by parameters.
      begin - filter by time interval beginning with date
      end - filter by time interval ending with date
      order - (Optional) Which ordering to use on archived date when listing results
      paging - (Optional) Which page and how many results per page to retrieve
      fetchMode - (Optional) toggle to fetch FULL task with blocks or just task SUMMARY
      taskType - (Optional) Filter by task type. DEPLOYMENT or CONTROL_TASK
      a list of tasks. response header X-Total-Count determines the total number of tasks.