Class Environment

    • Constructor Detail

      • Environment

        public Environment()
      • Environment

        public Environment​(Container... members)
    • Method Detail

      • getMembers

        public java.util.Set<Container> getMembers()
        The set of Containers that are members of this environment.
      • getMembersOfType

        public <T extends> java.util.Set<T> getMembersOfType​(java.lang.Class<T> classType)
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type against which to match the members.
        classType - An instance of the given type.
        Only the members that matches the given type.
      • setMembers

        public void setMembers​(java.util.Set<Container> members)
        members - The set of Containers that are members of this environment.
      • addMember

        public void addMember​(Container member)
        Adds a Container as a member of this environment.
      • getDictionaries

        public java.util.List<IDictionary> getDictionaries()
        The dictionaries providing placeholder values. If the same entry exists in multiple dictionaries, the first one in the list is taken.
        The list of IDictionarys associated with this environment.
      • setDictionaries

        public void setDictionaries​(java.util.List<IDictionary> dictionaries)
        The dictionaries providing placeholder values. If the same entry exists in multiple dictionaries, the first one in the list is taken.
        dictionaries - The list of IDictionarys associated with this environment.
      • getPatchDictionaries

        public java.util.List<com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.transformer.PatchDictionary> getPatchDictionaries()
      • setPatchDictionaries

        public void setPatchDictionaries​(java.util.List<com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.transformer.PatchDictionary> patchDictionaries)
      • getDirectoryPath

        public java.lang.String getDirectoryPath()
      • setDirectoryPath

        public void setDirectoryPath​(java.lang.String directoryPath)