Selected Deployment

The Deployment information and selected deployable ids are rendered in XML as a <selectedDeployment> element.

Child elements

The <mapping-for-deployables element contains a list of string denoting the deployable ids being deployed, upgraded or undeployed.
Contains deployment information as described in Deployment.

Validation messages

The XL Deploy Server may return validated CIs. The XML of the CI has then been enhanced with <validation-messages>. These elements are metadata about the CI and are not considered as ordinary properties.


Request to /selected/deployables call to server. It contains the DeployedApplication CI, that contains the properties for application to be deployed, the available deployables and the containers they can be deployed to as well as a list of deployables to consid

  <deployment type="INITIAL">
      <udm.DeployedApplication id="Environments/0hostEnv0/AnimalZoo-ear">
        <version ref="Applications/AnimalZoo-ear/1.0"/>
        <environment ref="Environments/0hostEnv0"/>
      <ci ref="Applications/AnimalZoo-ear/1.0/AnimalZooBE" type="test-v3.DummyEar"/>
      <ci ref="Applications/AnimalZoo-ear/1.0/AnimalZooFE" type="test-v3.DummyEar"/>
      <ci ref="Applications/AnimalZoo-ear/1.0/AnimalZooWeb" type="test-v3.DummyWar"/>
      <ci ref="Infrastructure/Host-with-hostServer" type="test-v3.DummyHost"/>
      <ci ref="Infrastructure/hostServer0" type="test-v3.DummyJeeServer"/>