Deploy 10.3.x Release Notes

    Upgrade instructions

    The Deploy upgrade process you use depends on the version from which you are upgrading, and the version to which you want to go.

    For detailed instructions based on your upgrade scenario, refer to Upgrade Deploy.

    In addition, you can consider Central Configuration as a standalone microservice, which is a new feature in Deploy 10.3.2 as you plan your installation or upgrade.

    Support Policy

    See Support Policy. Deploy 10.3.2

    In addition to bug fixes, the Deploy 10.3.2 includes the following new features:

    • Permission microservice (BETA)
    • Central Configuration Management as a standalone microservice
    • Enhanced Kubernetes Operator-based installer
    • Plugin Manager APIs
    • Internet Explorer 11 support—end-of-life
    • CentOS-only Docker image for Deploy
    • Support for PostgreSQL 13.4
    • Updates to Deploy Plugins

    Permission microservice (BETA)

    • The Deploy's Permission service—by default—runs (embedded) on the Deploy server.
    • One of the best practices is to run the Permission service with its own (separate) database schema in order to separate the connection pools from the Deploy's database schema.
    • Use the centralConfiguration/deploy-permission-service.yaml file to define the Permission service's database configuration if you want to have the Permissions data stored in a separate database.
    • You can also customize your Deploy installation or upgrade to have the Permission microservice installed on a separate server, if required. This feature is BETA in Deploy 10.3 and is not recommended for use in production setup.


    • The Operator-based installer for Deploy has no support to install the Permissions microservice on a standalone server. If you use the Operator-based installer to install Deploy, go through the Operator-based installation process to install Deploy first and follow the instructions here to install the Permissions microservice on a separate server.
    • There is no separate Docker image available for installing the Permissions microservice on a standalone server.

    For more information, see Permission microservice

    Central Configuration

    • In Deploy 10.3.2, you can run the Central Configuration as a standalone service. You can now run the Central Configuration as a separate service if you have a setup with multiple Deploy servers with external workers configured on your system.
    • The Central Configuration service is installed on the Deploy server as an embedded service by default. You can choose to run the Central Configuration as a separate or embedded service.
    • Are you upgrading from Deploy 10.1 or later to 10.3?
      • If you are upgrading from Deploy 10.1 or later to 10.3 and if you want to run Central Configuration on a separate server, you must manually copy the centralConfiguration directory from the Deploy server to the newly configured Central Configuration server. For more information, see Install Central Configuration as a separate microservice.

    For more information, see Central Configuration

    Enhancements to Deploy's encryption policy

    The following alpha-numeric and special characters are used when Deploy encrypts sensitive information such as passwords.

    • Uppercase letters (A–Z)
    • Lowercase letters (a–z)
    • Numbers (0–9)
    • Special characters (~!@#%^&*()-_=+[{]}|;:'",<.>/?")

    Kubernetes Operator-based Installation

    With Deploy 10.3.2, the Kubernetes Operator-based installer offers the following enhancements:

    • Kubernetes Operator supports installation of Deploy on Kubernetes On-premise cluster and OpenShift VMWare vSphere clusters
    • With upgrade to Deploy 10.3.2, you can migrate the previous Helm-based installation (Deploy 10.1) to Operator-based installation on Kubernetes On-premise and OpenShift VMWare vSphere clusters.

    For more information, see:

    Plugin Manager APIs

    REST API docs for the Plugin Manager have been published to allow non-interactive installation and upgrade of Deploy plugins.

    No support for Internet Explorer 11

    Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported by Deploy 10.3 and later.

    CentOS-only Docker image for Deploy

    Deploy 10.3 and later Docker image would be available in CentOS only. No other Linux flavors are supported in Docker.

    Support for PostgreSQL 13.4

    In addition to other supported PostgreSQL versions as listed in Deploy System Requirements, Deploy 10.3.2 supports PostgreSQL 13.4.

    Removed schedule.GarbageCollectionJob CI from Deploy

    As we moved away from JCR in favor of RDBMS, the schedule.GarbageCollectionJob CI is no longer useful and is throwing an unknown type error while reading nodes. Hence, with Deploy 10.3.2, the schedule.GarbageCollectionJob configuration CI has been removed from the UI as well.


    JBoss plugin Deploy 10.3 JBoss plugin introduces the following new functionalities.

    Google Cloud Compute plugin

    • Implemented IAM Token Generation for Deploy Google Cloud Compute Plugin. You can use this feature to generate IAM token for authentication using Overthere connection. See Generate IAM Token.
    • introduces Token based authentication for GCP using Overthere connection. See Service Account Token Gcp Credentials.

    HashiCorp Vault plugin introduces Namespace functionality in Hashicorp Vault plugin. You can use this functionality to store and retrieve secrets based on namespace.

    Azure plugin

    • Improvised the Azure plugin to configure Azure Web App Slots with cloning.

    AWS plugin

    • AWS plugin has now enabled DurationSeconds settings for Assumed Role.

    OpenShift plugin

    • OpenShift plugin now provides the provision to the user to save template and process the template in 'Openshift : TemplateResourceFile' task.

    Microsoft IIS plugin

    • Microsoft IIS Plugin allows you to modify all IIS settings in a DAR. Deploy 10.3.4

    In addition to bug fixes, the Deploy 10.3.4 includes the following new features:

    • Enhanced Kubernetes Operator-based installer
    • Enhanced Cluster Auto-downing feature

    Kubernetes Operator-based Installation

    The Kubernetes Operator-based installer offers the following enhancements:

    • Kubernetes Operator now supports installation of Deploy on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
    • You can now upgrade to Deploy 10.3 from Deploy 10.2 (installed using Deploy Operator 10.2)

    Cluster Auto-downing

    The Akka framework is upgraded to support the Split Brain Resolver strategy:

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.3.2

    • [ENG-1998] - Modified the Deployment Mapping screen message.
    • [ENG-2022] - Fix made to ensure multiple updates to the same CI will pick the latest key and token from the previous update for WAS Plugin.
    • [ENG-4296] - Fixed the deployment packages sorting issue.
    • [ENG-6934] - Fixed the Force Redeploy issue that breaks the deployment rollback feature.
    • [ENG-8081] - Fixed the Worker Retry Connection failure issue.
    • [ENG-7400] - Fixed the "Failed to Deserialize Payload" error in Deploy 10.3 GUI.
    • [ENG-7800] - Fixed the deployment issue in Deploy 10.2.4.
    • [ENG-7904] - Fixed the issue with stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in the Maintenance banner.
    • [ENG-7980] - Fixed the broken Jython patch for issues 2618 and 2894.
    • [FI-744] - Fixed the issue where XL-deploy failed when configured to start the JMX.
    • [FI-787] - Updated the task.step.execution-threads property in xl-deploy.conf file.
    • [FI-798] - Fixed the issue where the upgrade to 10.2.2 Directory reference updates cannot be applied.
    • [FI-800] - Fixed the placeholders issue where the empty folders are deleted.
    • [FI-813] - Fixed the Deploy application unresponsiveness caused by session timeout.
    • [FI-829] - Fixed the "Cannot be cast error" when upgrading XLD from 9.5.3 to 10.2.2.

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.3.3

    • [FI-830] - Fixed the AWS CloudFormation file validation issue.
    • [FI-851] - Fixed the memory consumption issue caused when upgrading to Deploy 10.0.5.

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.3.4

    • [ENG-8336] - Fixed a bug in Plugin synchronization on Windows where the plugin manager is unable to delete old Plugin file on the file system.
    • [FI-884] - As part of making lock plugin more resource friendly, a new option - lockRetryAsync is introduced. When set to true (the default value), the retry releases the currently executing thread to the pool instead of blocking it. This will improve the overall system responsiveness. When explicitly set to false, the lock plugin blocks the currently executing thread.
    • [FI-868] - Fixed the OIDC session time out upon inactivity issue. Fixed the issue with user session timeout handling where user had to re-login despite OIDC session being active. Deploy will now use the already active OIDC session without forcing user to re-login.
    • [FI-869] - Fixed the issue with importing file.Folder CI that has accented characters.
    • [FI-872] - Fixed the XL CLI user list fetching issue.
    • [FI-880] - Fixed the issue with scheduled tasks where user with proper permissions is not able to see them.
    • [FI-888] - Fixed the issue with 'repository.keystore.password' post the Deploy setup.
    • [FI-896] - Fixed the issue with cluster AutoDowning where XLD fails to start in hot-standby mode.
    • [FI-900] - Fixed the issue with http.context.root configuration when accessing Reports.
    • [FI-910] - Fixed the issue where the accented characters were not displayed in Dictionary upon saving.

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.3.5

    Note: We recommend that you do not upgrade to this version due to a known issue with Oracle database where the application fails to authorize the user in case of non-admin users. Instead, we recommend that you install the next maintenance version that includes the fix.

    • [FI-853] - Fixed the latency issue that caused some delay in loading the Deploy application logo.

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.3.6

    • [FI-847] - Fixed the issue where invalid archive is not copied when Replace Placeholders is enabled.
    • [FI-856] - Fixed the issue where the non-admin users cannot view the old archived tasks that were visible before the upgrade.
    • [FI-897] - Updated warnings for unresolved placeholders when updating the deployment.
    • [FI-934] - Fixed the crowd integration issue in Deploy 10.3.3.
    • [FI-936] - Fixed the issue that limited maximum number of expressions in a list to 1000.
    • [FI-938] - Fixed the deployment issue that occurred when Deploy is started as a service.
    • [FI-951] - Fixed the latency issue that caused some delay in loading the Deploy application logo.
    • [FI-955] - Fixed the Task archive issue with mysql database.
    • [FI-963] - Deploy and Release are not susceptible to log4j vulnerability. Though Deploy and Release were bundled with log4j-to-slf4j and log4j-api files, these JAR files cannot be exploited. While neither these files nor Deploy and Release are susceptible to attack due to this log4j vulnerability, some threat detection systems may flag these files. To avoid any such false positive threat indications in future, the latest log4j library files (interface and supporting third party libraries) were bundled with both Release and Deploy. For more information, see Log4j Vulnerability to Zero-Day Exploit and Release and Deploy.

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.3.7

    • [FI-954] - Fixed a UI issue that prevented automatic user session timeouts past the threshold idle time.

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.3.8

    • ENG-8812 — Deploy and Release are not susceptible to log4j vulnerability. Though Deploy and Release were bundled with log4j-to-slf4j and log4j-api files, these JAR files cannot be exploited. While neither these files nor Deploy and Release are susceptible to attack due to this log4j vulnerability, some threat detection systems may flag these files. To avoid any such false positive threat indications in future, the latest log4j library files (interface and supporting third party libraries) were bundled with both Release and Deploy. For more information, see this article.

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.3.9

    • ENG-9080 — Fixed an issue where the cluster data was not properly persisted in the database.
    • FI-982 — Fixed an issue that displayed an error in the Register Deployed section even after deployment was cancelled.
    • FI-1006 — Fixed an issue that prevented the display of a particular activity in the monitoring and report pages.
    • FI-1011 — Fixed an issue that prevented the command from starting the satellite with wrapper Java options.

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.3.11

    Note: There is no Deploy version 10.3.10.

    • D-20597 - Fixed an issue with the Deploy Oracle Service Bus (OSB) plugin that prevented users from being able to deploy packages with placeholders.
    • ENG-7906 - Fixed an issue due to which only users with Report-View permission were able to download the generated report.
    • D-20598 - Fixed the INTERACTIVE_SUDO connection type vulnerability.
    • D-20556 - Fixed an issue with the plugin install-or-update API that prevented users from being able to update plugins with source as filesystem.

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.3.13

    Note: There is no Deploy version 10.3.12.

    • D-18895 - Fixed an issue with the user session expiry for a deleted user, who has the permission or access to an active session. Now, a deleted user will be denied access to an active session.
    • D-20452 - Fixed an issue with Deploy that is set up in HA mode, which shows a Null pointer exception while making changes in Instance customization.
    • D-20538 - Fixed the deadlock issue within the Lock plugin.
    • D-20857 - Fixed an issue with the permissions service REST API results, which were returning all configuration items instead of the folders.

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.3.14

    • D-18337 - Fixed a UI issue with the Resolved Placeholders table to show the lengthy Dictionary entries (with ellipses) fully when hovered over.
    • D-19883 - Fixed an issue that removed the logo up on adding a custom logo.
    • D-21443 - Fixed an issue that caused deployments with long Dictionary title to error out.

    Bug Fixes and Field Incidents—10.3.15

    • D-21661 - Infrastructure details that are set in the environment are visible while editing the properties of the Environments CI but are not visible in the Environment view. This issue is now fixed.