Annotation Type Property

  • @Documented
    public @interface Property
    Specifies that this field is part of the configuration item. It will be injected with the correct value to be read from runbooks.

    N.B.: If this annotation is used on a field of an Enum type, the enum should not have a toString method defined.

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean asContainment
      Whether this property is modeled as a parent/child containment instead of a foreign key reference in the JCR tree.
      java.lang.String candidateValuesFilter
      The CandidateValuesFilter to apply when selecting values for this CI, SET_OF_CI, LIST_OF_CI property
      java.lang.String category
      The category of this property.
      java.lang.String defaultValue
      A Default value for a Property.
      java.lang.String description
      The description of this property as it should be shown in the user interface.
      boolean hidden
      Whether this property is hidden, ie.
      boolean isTransient
      Whether or not this property is transient, ie.
      java.lang.String label
      The descriptive id of this property as it should be shown in the user interface.
      boolean nested
      Whether this property is a nested CI.
      boolean password
      Whether this property is a password property.
      boolean readonly
      Whether or not this property is readonly.
      boolean required
      Whether this property is required.
      Property.Size size
      The size of this property as it should be shown in the user interface.
    • Element Detail

      • asContainment

        boolean asContainment
        Whether this property is modeled as a parent/child containment instead of a foreign key reference in the JCR tree.
      • nested

        boolean nested
        Whether this property is a nested CI.
      • category

        java.lang.String category
        The category of this property. In the user interface all the properties belonging to the same category will be grouped together.
      • label

        java.lang.String label
        The descriptive id of this property as it should be shown in the user interface. If no id is not specified, the name of the field is used. Camel case in the field name is replaced by spaces and the first character is capitalized, e.g. "classLoaderPolicy" is transformed into "Class loader policy".
      • description

        java.lang.String description
        The description of this property as it should be shown in the user interface. If no description is specified, the id is used.
      • required

        boolean required
        Whether this property is required.
      • password

        boolean password
        Whether this property is a password property. If true this field will be masked in the user interface.
      • size

        Property.Size size
        The size of this property as it should be shown in the user interface.
      • defaultValue

        java.lang.String defaultValue
        A Default value for a Property. Can only be a String due to Java limitations. PropertyDescriptor will convert it for you.
      • hidden

        boolean hidden
        Whether this property is hidden, ie. cannot be changed via a client.
      • isTransient

        boolean isTransient
        Whether or not this property is transient, ie. it won't be persisted when the CI is persisted. N.B.: You cannot use 'real' transient fields, due to the recovery of tasks.
      • candidateValuesFilter

        java.lang.String candidateValuesFilter
        The CandidateValuesFilter to apply when selecting values for this CI, SET_OF_CI, LIST_OF_CI property
        The name of the CandidateValuesFilter
      • readonly

        boolean readonly
        Whether or not this property is readonly. If readonly, the property cannot be updated.