Class AbstractDictionary

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractDictionary

        public AbstractDictionary()
    • Method Detail

      • getRestrictToContainers

        public java.util.Set<Container> getRestrictToContainers()
        The set of Containers only for which the dictionary is applied.
      • getRestrictToApplications

        public java.util.Set<Application> getRestrictToApplications()
        The set of Applications only for which the dictionary is applied.
      • applyTo

        public IDictionary applyTo​(IDictionary.DictionaryContext context)
        Description copied from interface: IDictionary
        Return a view on this dictionary as applicable to the given context.
        Specified by:
        applyTo in interface IDictionary
        context - The context to generate the view for.
        a dictionary tailored for the given context. Can be this if no adjustments are required or null if the dictionary is not applicable to the given context.