Annotation Type Metadata

  • @Documented
    public @interface Metadata
    Specifies that this class is a configuration item.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String description
      The description of this configuration item.
      boolean inspectable
      Whether or not the type is inspectable.
      java.lang.String label
      The label of this configuration item.
      Metadata.ConfigurationItemRoot root
      The root under which to place configuration items of this type in the JCR tree.
      java.lang.String rootName
      In case when root() is set to Metadata.ConfigurationItemRoot.BY_ROOT_NAME this value is read as desired root for this item.
      boolean versioned
      Whether or not this is a versioned type, i.e.
      boolean virtual
      Whether or not this is a virtual type, i.e.
    • Element Detail

      • description

        java.lang.String description
        The description of this configuration item.
        "Description unavailable"
      • label

        java.lang.String label
        The label of this configuration item.
      • virtual

        boolean virtual
        Whether or not this is a virtual type, i.e. whether or not CIs of this type can be created.
      • versioned

        boolean versioned
        Whether or not this is a versioned type, i.e. whether or not the JCR version history for CIs of this type is kept.
      • inspectable

        boolean inspectable
        Whether or not the type is inspectable.