
The Maven XL Deploy plugin has two main uses:

  • To create an XL Deploy deployment package that includes artifacts (managed in pom.xml file or a Maven repository) and file sets corresponding to configuration files, SQL files, static content, and so on. The dar packaging type provides a dedicated lifecycle and produces deployment archives (DAR files). DAR files can be deployed within the Maven plugin or imported into a XL Deploy server directly from an enterprise Maven repository such as Artifactory or Nexus.
  • To deploy an XL Deploy deployment package to an environment in order to, for example, run a set of tests (such as functional tests, technical tests, and performance tests). This is done during the pre-integration-test and pre-integration-test phases, using the xldeploy:deploy goal. The xldeploy:clean goal undeploys the current deployment package.

Getting started with the plugin

To use the plugin, add the XebiaLabs repository to your pom.xml file. Credentials are not required. For example:
