Jira Plugin Manual

    Jira Plugin

    The Jira plugin is an XL Release plugin that allows XL Release to interact with a Jira Server.

    The Jira plugin comes with two task types:

    • Create Issue: Create a new Jira issue.
    • Update Issue: Update a Jira issue to change its status or to post a comment.

    Create Issue

    Jira task

    Input Properties:

    • Server is the Jira Server that will be used.
    • Username is the Jira username. This property and the Password properties are optional, if set they override the credentials defined on the Server Configuration.
    • Password is the Jira password.
    • Project is the Jira project name.
    • Title is the issue title.
    • Description is the issue description.
    • Issue Type is the issue type (Bug, Improvement, Feature...) See Jira Issue Types documentation

    Output Properties:

    • issueId is the ID of the created issue.

    Update Issue

    Jira task

    Input Properties:

    • Server is the Jira Server that will be used.
    • Username is the Jira username. This property and the Password properties are optional, if set they override the credentials defined on the Server Configuration.
    • Password is the Jira password.
    • Issue Id is the ID of the issue to update.
    • New Status is the new status of the issue. See Jira Workflow documentation.
    • Comment is the comment text that will be added when updating the issue.

    Servers configuration

    Jira servers are defined globally in the Configuration page.

    Jira server

    A Jira Server has the following properties :

    • Title is the name of the Jira Server. This name will be shown in the Jira Tasks.
    • Url is the Jira Server URL.
    • Username is the username used to connect to this server.
    • Password is the username used to connect to this server.