Git Plugin Manual

    Git trigger plugin


    In order to use Git trigger plugin, you need to create a Git Repository. Git repositories could be managed from the configuration screen.

    A Git Repository has the following properties:

    • Title: The title of the repository.
    • Url: The address where the server is reachable.
    • Username: The login user ID on the server.
    • Password: The login user password on the server.

    The git trigger is used to poll periodically a Git repository and trigger a release if it detects a new commit. The specific fields of the plugin during its creation are:

    Git Plugin

    • Git Repository: The Git repository to poll (mandatory)
    • Branch: The git branch you want to watch
    • Username: The username used to connect to this repository (left blank if there is no authentication)
    • Password: The password used to connect to this repository (left blank if there is no authentication)

    This trigger exposes:

    • Commit Id: Corresponding to the SHA1 of the new commit

    Specific permission

    This plugin could require an edition of the conf/script.policy file. Ensure that the following line is present:

    grant {
        permission "getProxySelector";

    The XL Release server must be restarted after the conf/script.policy file is changed.