Generic Model Plugin Reference 9.5.x

    The Generic Model plugin provides a way to extend XL Deploy with new middleware support, without having to write Java code. Instead, using XL Deploy's flexible type system and the base CIs from the Generic Model plugin, new CIs can be defined by writing XML and providing scripts for functionality.

    This document provides information that is specific to this version of the Generic plugin. For general information about the plugin, refer to Introduction to the XL Deploy Generic plugin.

    Using the deployables and deployeds

    Deployable vs. container table

    The following table describes which deployable/container combinations are possible.

    Deployable Containers Generated deployed
    overthere.HostContainer generic.CopiedArtifact
    any deployable overthere.HostContainer generic.ExecutedScript
    any deployable overthere.HostContainer generic.ManualProcess
    any folder deployable overthere.HostContainer generic.ExecutedFolder
    any deployable overthere.HostContainer generic.ProcessedTemplate

    Deployed actions table

    The following table describes the effect a deployed has on its container.

    Deployed Create Destroy Modify
    • Create target path on host, if needed
    • Copy file to target path on host
    • Delete file from host (if the preserveExistingFiles property if set to false)
    • Delete old file from host (if the preserveExistingFiles property if set to false)
    • Copy modified file to target path on host
    • Run script through template engine
    • Copy create script to container
    • Execute script
    • Run script through template engine
    • Copy destroy script to container
    • Execute script
    • Run script through template engine
    • Copy modify script to container
    • Execute script
    • Run instructions script through template engine
    • Mail instructions if mail properties set and target container has a mail.SMTPServer
    • Display in step logs
    • Pause step
    • When operator retries step, step continues as successful
    • Same as Create
    • Same as Create
    generic.ExecutedFolder For each installation script in the folder (ordered alphabetically by name, ascending):
    • Run script through template engine
    • Copy create script to container
    • Execute script
    For each rollback script in the folder (ordered alphabetically by name, descending):
    • Run script through template engine
    • Copy destroy script to container
    • Execute script
    For each installation script in the folder that was not part of the deployment being upgraded (ordered alphabetically by name, ascending):
    • Run script through template engine
    • Copy modify script to container
    • Execute script
    • Run script through template engine
    • Copy template to container
    • Run script through template engine
    • Delete template from container
    • Run script through template engine
    • Delete template from container
    • Copy new template to container

    CI Reference

    Configuration Item Overview


    generic.Archive A generic, compressed binary artifact
    generic.File A generic binary artifact
    generic.Folder A generic folder artifact
    generic.Resource A generic resource specification


    generic.AbstractDeployed Abstract deployed that can target any deployable to a generic container
    generic.AbstractDeployedArtifact Abstract deployed that can target any artifact to a generic container
    generic.CopiedArtifact An artifact deployed on a generic container
    generic.ExecutedFolder Scripts in the folder are executed against a Container based on a naming convention
    generic.ExecutedScript A script executed on a generic container
    generic.ExecutedScriptWithDerivedArtifact A script executed on a generic container whose deployable artifact supports placeholder replacement
    generic.ManualProcess A manual process that needs to be performed on a generic container
    generic.ProcessedTemplate A template deployed to a generic container


    generic.BaseGenericContainer The supertype of all Containers.
    generic.Container A container to which generic CIs can be deployed. Start, stop and restart behavior of this container can be controlled using the corresponding script properties.
    generic.NestedContainer A container that is nested with another container

    Other Configuration Items

    mail.SmtpServer SMTP Mail Server Configuration

    Configuration Item Details


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Abstract deployed that can target any deployable to a generic container

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
      Hidden properties
    createOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the create step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    createOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createVerb: STRING = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the destroy step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb: STRING = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    modifyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the modify step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb: STRING = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the noop step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    noopOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb: STRING = Modify
    Noop Verb
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    inspectClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.
    inspectScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    inspectTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    restartRequired: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the action performed by this deployed.
    restartRequiredForNoop: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the NOOP action performed by this deployed.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy generic.AbstractDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Abstract deployed that can target any artifact to a generic container

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    targetFile: STRING
    Name of the artifact on the generic server.
      Hidden properties
    createOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the create step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    createOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createVerb: STRING = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the destroy step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb: STRING = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    modifyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the modify step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb: STRING = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the noop step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    noopOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb: STRING = Modify
    Noop Verb
    targetDirectory: STRING
    Path to which artifact must be copied to on the generic server.
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    createTargetDirectory: BOOLEAN
    Create the target directory on the generic server if it does not exist.
    inspectClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.
    inspectScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    inspectTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    restartRequired: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the action performed by this deployed.
    restartRequiredForNoop: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the NOOP action performed by this deployed.
    targetDirectoryShared: BOOLEAN = true
    Is the target directory shared by others on the generic server. When true, the target directory is not deleted during a destroy operation; only the artifacts copied to it.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployableArchiveArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableFileArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.ArchiveArtifact, udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.FileArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    A generic, compressed binary artifact

      Public properties
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    credentials: CI<credentials.Credentials>
    Credentials of the URI.
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    proxySettings: CI<credentials.ProxySettings>
    Proxy Settings for artifact location
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, generic.GenericContainer, overthere.HostContainer, udm.Taggable

    The supertype of all Containers.

      Public properties
    Environment variables for container
    stopStartRestartConnection: CI<overthere.Host>
    If set, the connection settings to use to connect to the target system to execute start, stop, restart etc. operations for the container.
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
      Hidden properties
    restartOrder: INTEGER = 90
    The order of the restart container step in the step list.
    restartWaitTime: INTEGER
    The time to wait in seconds for a container restart action.
    startOrder: INTEGER = 90
    The order of the start container step in the step list.
    startWaitTime: INTEGER
    The time to wait in seconds for a container start action.
    stopOrder: INTEGER = 10
    The order of the stop container step in the step list.
    stopWaitTime: INTEGER
    The time to wait in seconds for a container stop action.
    inspectClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.
    inspectScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    inspectTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    restartClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the restart script.
    restartScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to restart the generic container.
    restartTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the restart script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    startClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the start script.
    startScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to start the generic container.
    startTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the start script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    stopClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the stop script.
    stopScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to stop the generic container.
    stopTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the stop script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy generic.BaseGenericContainer >> udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, generic.GenericContainer, overthere.HostContainer, udm.Taggable

    A container to which generic CIs can be deployed. Start, stop and restart behavior of this container can be controlled using the corresponding script properties.

    host: CI<overthere.Host>
    Host upon which the container resides
      Public properties
    Environment variables for container
    stopStartRestartConnection: CI<overthere.Host>
    If set, the connection settings to use to connect to the target system to execute start, stop, restart etc. operations for the container.
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
      Hidden properties
    restartOrder: INTEGER = 90
    The order of the restart container step in the step list.
    restartWaitTime: INTEGER
    The time to wait in seconds for a container restart action.
    startOrder: INTEGER = 90
    The order of the start container step in the step list.
    startWaitTime: INTEGER
    The time to wait in seconds for a container start action.
    stopOrder: INTEGER = 10
    The order of the stop container step in the step list.
    stopWaitTime: INTEGER
    The time to wait in seconds for a container stop action.
    inspectClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.
    inspectScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    inspectTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    restartClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the restart script.
    restartScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to restart the generic container.
    restartTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the restart script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    startClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the start script.
    startScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to start the generic container.
    startTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the start script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    stopClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the stop script.
    stopScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to stop the generic container.
    stopTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the stop script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy generic.AbstractDeployedArtifact >> generic.AbstractDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    An artifact deployed on a generic container

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A Map containing all the placeholders mapped to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
    targetFile: STRING
    Name of the artifact on the generic server.
      Hidden properties
    createOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the create step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    createOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createVerb: STRING = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the destroy step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb: STRING = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    modifyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the modify step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb: STRING = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the noop step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    noopOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb: STRING = Modify
    Noop Verb
    targetDirectory: STRING
    Path to which artifact must be copied to on the generic server.
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    copyDirectlyToTargetPath: BOOLEAN
    If set to true, files are directly copied to the target directory without first being uploaded to the staging or temporary directory (like versions of XL Deploy prior to 4.0.0)
    createTargetDirectory: BOOLEAN
    Create the target directory on the generic server if it does not exist.
    inspectClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.
    inspectScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    inspectTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    preserveExistingFiles: BOOLEAN
    If set to true, preserve the existing files on the remote host (do not delete the copied files during the destroy operation).
    restartRequired: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the action performed by this deployed.
    restartRequiredForNoop: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the NOOP action performed by this deployed.
    targetDirectoryShared: BOOLEAN = true
    Is the target directory shared by others on the generic server. When true, the target directory is not deleted during a destroy operation; only the artifacts copied to it.
    targetPathSharedSubDirectories: BOOLEAN
    If set to true, the sub directories on the target machine are not deleted if files other than that copied by XL Deploy are present. Please note that setting this option to true will cause the removal process to be a slower.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy generic.AbstractDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    Scripts in the folder are executed against a Container based on a naming convention

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    executorScript: STRING
    Name of the executor script that will be executed for each script found in the folder.
    rollbackScriptPostfix: STRING
    A script's associated rollback script is derived by using the 1st group identified by the scriptRecognitionRegex and then appending this postfix to it. e.g give name '01-myscript.sql', regex '([0-9]*-.*)\.sql' and rollback script postfix '-rollback.sql', we can derive the name of the associated rollback script to be '01-myscript-rollback.sql'
    rollbackScriptRecognitionRegex: STRING
    Regular expression used to identify a rollback script in the folder. A successful match should returns a single group, ie the logical script name. e.g. [0-9]*-.*-rollback\.sql
    scriptRecognitionRegex: STRING
    Regular expression used to identify a script in the folder. A successful match should returns a single group to which the rollbackScriptPostfix can be appended in order to find the associated rollback script or the script's dependent subfolder. e.g.([0-9]*-.*)\.sql
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A key/value pair mapping of placeholders in the deployed artifact to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
      Hidden properties
    commonScriptFolderName: STRING = common
    Common folder that should be uploaded to the working directory.
    createOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the create step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    createOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createVerb: STRING = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the destroy step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb: STRING = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    modifyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the modify step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb: STRING = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the noop step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    noopOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb: STRING = Modify
    Noop Verb
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    checkpointAfterFirstScript: BOOLEAN = true
    If set to true, the checkpoint is set after the first script in a folder has been executed. Otherwise the checkpoint is set after the last script in a folder has been executed.
    classpathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script.
    executeModifiedScripts: BOOLEAN = true
    If set to true, modified scripts are also executed on a MODIFY or a NOOP.
    executeRollbackForModifiedScripts: BOOLEAN = true
    If set to true, rollback scripts for modified scripts are also executed on a MODIFY or a NOOP.
    inspectClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.
    inspectScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    inspectTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    restartRequired: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the action performed by this deployed.
    restartRequiredForNoop: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the NOOP action performed by this deployed.
    templateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy generic.AbstractDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    A script executed on a generic container

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
      Hidden properties
    createOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the create step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    createOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb: STRING = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the destroy step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb: STRING = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    modifyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the modify step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb: STRING = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the noop step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    noopOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb: STRING = Modify
    Noop Verb
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    classpathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script.
    destroyScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    inspectClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.
    inspectScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    inspectTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    modifyScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    noopScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    remoteWorkingDirectoryPath: STRING
    Name of working directory on target host. Default is to create a temporary directory which is deleted when connection is closed.
    restartRequired: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the action performed by this deployed.
    restartRequiredForNoop: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the NOOP action performed by this deployed.
    retainRemoteWorkingDirectory: BOOLEAN
    Retain the specified working directory on target host after completion.
    templateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy generic.ExecutedScript >> generic.AbstractDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployed, udm.DerivedArtifact, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    A script executed on a generic container whose deployable artifact supports placeholder replacement

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    placeholders: MAP_STRING_STRING
    A key/value pair mapping of placeholders in the deployed artifact to their values. Special values are <ignore> or <empty>
      Hidden properties
    createOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the create step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    createOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the create operation.
    createVerb: STRING = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the destroy step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb: STRING = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    modifyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the modify step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb: STRING = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the noop step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    noopOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb: STRING = Modify
    Noop Verb
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    classpathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script.
    destroyScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the destroy operation.
    inspectClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.
    inspectScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    inspectTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    modifyScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the modify operation.
    noopScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script that is uploaded and executed on the generic container for the noop operation.
    remoteWorkingDirectoryPath: STRING
    Name of working directory on target host. Default is to create a temporary directory which is deleted when connection is closed.
    restartRequired: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the action performed by this deployed.
    restartRequiredForNoop: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the NOOP action performed by this deployed.
    retainRemoteWorkingDirectory: BOOLEAN
    Retain the specified working directory on target host after completion.
    templateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployableFileArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.FileArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    A generic binary artifact

      Public properties
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    credentials: CI<credentials.Credentials>
    Credentials of the URI.
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    proxySettings: CI<credentials.ProxySettings>
    Proxy Settings for artifact location
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployableFolderArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployableArtifact >> udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Artifact, udm.Deployable, udm.DeployableArtifact, udm.FolderArtifact, udm.SourceArtifact, udm.Taggable

    A generic folder artifact

      Public properties
    checksum: STRING
    The checksum used to detect differences on the artifact. If not provided, it will be calculated by XL Deploy.
    credentials: CI<credentials.Credentials>
    Credentials of the URI.
    excludeFileNamesRegex: STRING
    Regular expression that matches file names that must be excluded from scanning
    fileUri: STRING
    The URI pointing to the (remote) location of the file this artifact represents
    placeholders: SET_OF_STRING
    Placeholders detected in this artifact
    preScannedPlaceholders: BOOLEAN
    Whether this artifact has been pre-scanned by the packager (ie. scanned for placeholders and checksum is set)
    proxySettings: CI<credentials.ProxySettings>
    Proxy Settings for artifact location
    scanPlaceholders: BOOLEAN = true
    Whether to scan this artifact to replace placeholders when it is imported
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    textFileNamesRegex: STRING = .+\.(cfg | conf | config | ini | properties | props | txt | asp | aspx | htm | html | jsf | jsp | xht | xhtml | sql | xml | xsd | xsl | xslt)
    Regular expression that matches file names of text files
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.
    delimiters: STRING = {{ }}
    The delimiters used indicate placeholders, defaults to '{{ }}'. This is a 5 character string with a space in the middle, the first two are the leading delimiter, the last two are the closing delimiter
    fileEncodings: MAP_STRING_STRING = { .+\.properties=ISO-8859-1 }
    A map that maps regular expressions matching the full path of file(s) in the artifact to character set encodings


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy generic.AbstractDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    A manual process that needs to be performed on a generic container

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    fromAddress: STRING
    From mail address. Defaults to SMTPServer fromAddress.
    subject: STRING
    Mail subject
    toAddresses: LIST_OF_STRING
    Mail addresses of recepients.
      Hidden properties
    createOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the create step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    createOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script that generates the instructions for the create operation.
    createVerb: STRING = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the destroy step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb: STRING = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    modifyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the modify step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb: STRING = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the noop step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    noopOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb: STRING = Modify
    Noop Verb
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    destroyScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script that generates the instructions for the destroy operation.
    inspectClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.
    inspectScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    inspectTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    modifyScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script that generates the instructions for the modify operation.
    noopScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script that generates the instructions for the noop operation.
    restartRequired: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the action performed by this deployed.
    restartRequiredForNoop: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the NOOP action performed by this deployed.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy generic.BaseGenericContainer >> udm.BaseContainer >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Container, generic.GenericContainer, overthere.HostContainer, udm.Taggable

    A container that is nested with another container

      Public properties
    Environment variables for container
    stopStartRestartConnection: CI<overthere.Host>
    If set, the connection settings to use to connect to the target system to execute start, stop, restart etc. operations for the container.
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, only deployables with the same tag will be automatically mapped to this container.
      Hidden properties
    restartOrder: INTEGER = 90
    The order of the restart container step in the step list.
    restartWaitTime: INTEGER
    The time to wait in seconds for a container restart action.
    startOrder: INTEGER = 90
    The order of the start container step in the step list.
    startWaitTime: INTEGER
    The time to wait in seconds for a container start action.
    stopOrder: INTEGER = 10
    The order of the stop container step in the step list.
    stopWaitTime: INTEGER
    The time to wait in seconds for a container stop action.
    inspectClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.
    inspectScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    inspectTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    restartClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the restart script.
    restartScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to restart the generic container.
    restartTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the restart script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    startClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the start script.
    startScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to start the generic container.
    startTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the start script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    stopClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the stop script.
    stopScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to stop the generic container.
    stopTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the stop script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy generic.AbstractDeployedArtifact >> generic.AbstractDeployed >> udm.BaseDeployed >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployed, udm.EmbeddedDeployedContainer

    A template deployed to a generic container

    container: CI<udm.Container>
    The container on which this deployed runs.
      Public properties
    deployable: CI<udm.Deployable>
    The deployable that this deployed is derived from.
    targetFile: STRING
    Name of the artifact on the generic server.
      Hidden properties
    createOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the create step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    createOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the create operation.
    createVerb: STRING = Create
    Create Verb
    destroyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the destroy step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    destroyOrder: INTEGER = 40
    The order of the step in the step list for the destroy operation.
    destroyVerb: STRING = Destroy
    Destroy Verb
    modifyOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the modify step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    modifyOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the modify operation.
    modifyVerb: STRING = Modify
    Modify Verb
    noopOptions: SET_OF_STRING = [uploadArtifactData, uploadClasspathResources, uploadTemplateClasspathResources]
    Options for the noop step (1 or more of: none,uploadArtifactData,uploadClasspathResources,uploadTemplateClasspathResources).
    noopOrder: INTEGER = 50
    The order of the step in the step list for the noop operation.
    noopVerb: STRING = Modify
    Noop Verb
    targetDirectory: STRING
    Path to which artifact must be copied to on the generic server.
    template: STRING
    Classpath to the freemarker template used to generate the content of the final text base artifact.
    boundConfigurationItems: SET_OF_CI<udm.ConfigurationItem>
    The set of created CIs.
    createTargetDirectory: BOOLEAN
    Create the target directory on the generic server if it does not exist.
    inspectClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.
    inspectScript: STRING
    Classpath to the script used to inspect the generic container.
    inspectTemplateClasspathResources: SET_OF_STRING
    Additional template classpath resources that should be uploaded to the working directory before executing the inspect script.The template is first rendered and the rendered content copied to a file, with the same name as the template, in the working directory.
    restartRequired: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the action performed by this deployed.
    restartRequiredForNoop: BOOLEAN
    The generic container requires a restart for the NOOP action performed by this deployed.
    targetDirectoryShared: BOOLEAN = true
    Is the target directory shared by others on the generic server. When true, the target directory is not deleted during a destroy operation; only the artifacts copied to it.


    Virtual Type
    Type Hierarchy udm.BaseDeployable >> udm.BaseConfigurationItem
    Interfaces udm.Deployable, udm.Taggable

    A generic resource specification

      Public properties
    tags: SET_OF_STRING
    If set, this deployable will only be mapped automatically to containers with the same tag.
      Hidden properties
    boundTemplates: SET_OF_CI<udm.Template>
    The set of CI templates.


    SMTP Mail Server Configuration

      Public properties
    fromAddress: STRING
    Default from address to use for messages sent with this server.
    host: STRING
    SMTP host
    port: INTEGER = 25
    SMTP port
    password: STRING
    Password to authenticate with host
    smtpProperties: MAP_STRING_STRING
    Refer to for all properties that can be used.
    testAddress: STRING
    The address to which a test mail is sent when using the 'Send Test Mail' control task.
    username: STRING
    Username to authenticate with host
    Control taskParameter CIAttributesDescription

    no description