Release Manual 8.6.x

    Upgrade instructions

    XL Deploy 8.0.0 shipped with a new SQL database backend. For detailed instructions, refer to Migrate XL Deploy data storage to an SQL database.

    For upgrade instructions, refer to Upgrade XL Deploy.

    Important: If you plan to skip versions when you upgrade, ensure that you read the version-specific upgrade notes for each intermediate version. You may be required to perform manual actions as part of the upgrade.

    XL Deploy 8.6.2

    XL Deploy 8.6.2 release notes


    • [DEPL-14330] - Performance improvement for the UI when XL Deploy has a large number of user, roles and permissions
    • [DEPL-14672] - Move BOM detection out of xl-platform/udm-plugin-api

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-12667] - Double-clicking on the Deploy button creates two deployment tasks
    • [DEPL-13287] - The first deployment preview after starting XL Deploy takes over a minute to generate
    • [DEPL-14281] - Inconsistency of the undeploy steps in Update deployment and Undeployment
    • [DEPL-14312] - Step executor allows infinite retries in case of Misformed Configuration
    • [DEPL-14468] - Error after login: "The application has encountered an unknown error."
    • [DEPL-14479] - Temporary files are not always removed from Temporary Directory
    • [DEPL-14485] - ExecutionContext.getRepository() is NULL for a step, if the step is running in parallel with other containers (parallel-by-* Orchestration)
    • [DEPL-14489] - Notifications are not sent when satellite is used
    • [DEPL-14491] - Deployment plan generation error using the BIG IP plugin
    • [DEPL-14529] - AWS/Monolith-Terraform undeployment error: Column 'task_id' cannot accept a NULL value
    • [DEPL-14538] - Setup does not set the correct HTTP port for SSL
    • [DEPL-14605] - XL Deploy does not read reference.conf from kamon-core library
    • [DEPL-14606] - JCR to SQL migration fails with "failed to build path" for nodes

    XL Deploy 8.6.1

    XL Deploy 8.6.1 is a short-term support (STS) version that will be supported until it is superseded by the next STS or long-term support (LTS) version. STS versions do not receive specific maintenance releases. For more information, see the Short-term support/Long-term support policy.

    XL Deploy 8.6.1 new features

    Implemented master worker feature (BETA)

    As of version 8.6, the task execution engine can be separated from the core XL Deploy server called the master instance. The tasks in XL Deploy are executed by a process called worker. The master-worker setup enables you to scale XL Deploy by adding multiple workers connected to a master to execute more tasks from XL Deploy. With the master-worker setup, you can safely restart XL Deploy without waiting for all the running tasks to be completed. The tasks are executed by the workers and will continue to run on the existing configuration while the master is restarted.

    The configuration of the XL Deploy master instance running with multiple local or external workers is currently available as a BETA feature and is subject to change in future releases. For more information, see High availability with master-worker setup.

    Added infrastructure summary view

    Added a summary view for Infrastructure items in XL Deploy. This view provides information about the infrastructure, such as its current status, deployment history, environments where it is currently used, deployed applications, and the placeholders and dictionaries it contains. For more information, see View infrastructure summary information.

    Added environment summary view

    Added a summary view for environments in XL Deploy. This view provides information about the environment, such as its current status, deployment history, infrastructure that it currently uses, deployed applications, and the placeholders and dictionaries it contains. For more information, see View environment summary information.

    Added Proxy Server CI

    In XL Deploy version 8.6.1, the Proxy Server CI was added to be used when retrieving application artifacts from an external repository such as Artifactory or Nexus that is located behind a proxy. Administrators can define and manage proxy server credentials in a central location, and developers and application deployers can use those credentials to automatically retrieve artifacts for deployment. For more information, see Store proxy servers in XL Deploy

    Added default names for CIs

    In XL Deploy version 8.6.1, you can use a default naming convention to assign default CIs for the SMTP Server, Proxy Server, and Default Credentials CIs. The reserved names are used to provide a consistent method of defining the default CI across the system. For more information, see Default names for CIs in XL Deploy.

    Enhanced deployment execution in the XL CLI

    The XebiaLabs command-line interface (CLI) now allows you to preview and start application deployments, to follow the progress of deployments as they run, and to archive deployments after they finish. The XL CLI also includes advanced options for running in detached mode, so deployments can execute in the background without blocking use of the XL CLI.

    Easier YAML file editing in Microsoft Visual Studio Code

    Use the new DevOps as Code extension for Microsoft Visual Studio Code to quickly create and edit YAML files that define your infrastructure, environments, dashboards, and more. The extension provides syntax highlighting, contextual documentation, and support for code completion, validation, formatting, and snippets.

    New blueprints for Google Kubernetes Engine, Amazon ECS, and DevSecOps

    XebiaLabs' blueprints guide you through a process that automatically generates YAML files for your applications and infrastructure, so you can easily get started with new technologies and platforms.

    Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) allows you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications in the cloud using Kubernetes. XebiaLabs now offers a blueprint that guides you through the process of deploying a sample microservice-based application using Terraform to define the infrastructure that will run on GKE.

    XebiaLabs also offers a new blueprint for deploying to Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), a container orchestration service for Docker-enabled applications. The new blueprint guides you through the process of deploying a sample monolithic application using Terraform to define the infrastructure that will run on ECS.

    In addition, the new DevSecOps security scanning blueprint shows how you can integrate code analysis tools such as SonarQube, Black Duck, Checkmarx, and Fortify into your release pipelines. The blueprint also includes an out-of-the-box dashboard that provides enhanced visibility into your security testing activities.

    Note: The 8.6.1 version of the XL CLI is required to use the new blueprints.

    XL Deploy 8.6.1 upgrade notes

    Merged configuration settings into xl-deploy.conf

    As of version 8.6.1, the system.conf, maven.conf, extenstions.conf, planner.conf, and scheduler.conf configuration files have been deprecated. The configuration properties from these files have been moved to the xl block of the xl-deploy.conf file. If you are upgrading to version 8.6.1 or later and you have non-default configuration settings in the deprecated files, you must reconfigure these settings in the xl block in the xl-deploy.conf file. For more information, see XL Deploy configuration files.

    Changed the Default Named Credentials CI

    When migrating to version 8.6.1 or later, the defaultCI setting in credentials.UsernamePasswordCredential is not migrated or renamed to defaultNamedCredential. If you are using the Default Named Credentials CI, you must manually rename the CI to defaultNamedCredential.

    Contact XebiaLabs Support if you have hotfixes

    If you have hotfixes installed, contact the XebiaLabs support team before upgrading.

    XL Deploy 8.6.1 release notes

    New features

    • [DEPL-13566] - Separate deployment planning and execution into separate processes
    • [DEPL-14105] - Create versioned configuration
    • [DEPL-14108] - Be able to tell master to decommission a particular worker
    • [DEPL-14139] - Use SECUREFILE for log storage on Oracle
    • [DEPL-14192] - Save and retrieve placeholders with sorting and pagination
    • [DEPL-14193] - Display retrieved placeholders with pagination and sorting in the environments page
    • [DEPL-14194] - [Backend] Implement filtering for backend queries
    • [DEPL-14195] - Implement filtering for resolved placeholders on the environment page
    • [DEPL-14196] - Display retrieved placeholders with pagination and sorting in the infrastructure page
    • [DEPL-14197] - Implement filtering for resolved placeholders on the infrastructure page
    • [DEPL-14200] - Retrieve environments that are related to the selected host
    • [DEPL-14201] - Display placeholders related to environments section
    • [DEPL-14202] - Retrieve deployed application versions for specified host
    • [DEPL-14203] - Display deployed application versions section for specified host
    • [DEPL-14204] - Display tags related to host on the header of the infrastructure page
    • [DEPL-14205] - Add 'Check Connection' button to the infrastructure page
    • [DEPL-14232] - Change the fetchalltasks API to receive a flag indicating full or summary mode
    • [DEPL-14251] - Support scanning and replacing custom archive extensions
    • [DEPL-14266] - Show placeholders based on user permissions
    • [DEPL-14267] - Update paths of collected placeholders for current deployed applications
    • [DEPL-14272] - Added filtering to resolved placeholders tables
    • [DEPL-14293] - Improved deployment screen compatible with NON_INTERACTIVE mode
    • [DEPL-14300] - Implement a new design for placeholders which are lacking a permission
    • [DEPL-14317] - Changed the icon for all Permissions tabs
    • [DEPL-14324] - Make XL Deploy logo configurable
    • [DEPL-14339] - Configure default CIs through a naming convention for SMTP Server, Proxy Server and Named Credentials
    • [DEPL-14354] - Added deep linking for top navigation menu
    • [DEPL-14386] - Added ability to provide user defined names for workers
    • [DEPL-14387] - Fetch CI backend information for new CI
    • [DEPL-14400] - Resolved placeholders: Change the default column order and sorting
    • [DEPL-14401] - Display deployed application version number for resolved placeholders
    • [DEPL-14402] - Indicate post-deployment dictionary changes on resolved placeholders
    • [DEPL-14403] - Show dictionary restrictions for resolved placeholders
    • [DEPL-14406] - Update E2E tests for mode of interactivity


    • [DEPL-14237] - Reduced time for dragging and dropping large deployment packages and environmens on the deployment windows
    • [DEPL-14278] - Update oracle-xe-11g Docker image
    • [DEPL-14280] - Update labels on the Environment, Infrastructure, and Satellite pages
    • [DEPL-14285] - Improved handling of oversized akka messages
    • [DEPL-14355] - Allow multiple workers to run from the same folder
    • [DEPL-14405] - Changed text for license expiration message
    • [DEPL-14351] - Improved error toaster messages and removed timeout
    • [DEPL-14472] - Reduced the time for deployment mapping (deployable to container) and deployment plan generation

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-10284] - Deleting an application that will be undeployed does not close the undeploy tab
    • [DEPL-13968] - Toaster notification regression when deploying deployable where the name is a placeholder
    • [DEPL-14121] - When removing a folder with CIs, the licence counter does not decrease
    • [DEPL-14136] - Deployment of windows.ServiceSpec fails with credentials issue
    • [DEPL-14138] - Database plugin error when performing a roll back
    • [DEPL-14150] - Roles screen does not show overflow indicator correctly
    • [DEPL-14161] - View As Role feature shows all CIs
    • [DEPL-14162] - Deploying file.Folder throws NPE if server.mapping.override.deployed.fields.on.update is false
    • [DEPL-14164] - REST endpoint allows duplicates to be created
    • [DEPL-14165] - IBM Java and self-signed certificate throws error
    • [DEPL-14166] - Files with encoding UTF-16 are not scanned for placeholders
    • [DEPL-14175] - Improve performance of migrating large repositories
    • [DEPL-14178] - "More" text overlaps list of "Principals" on the "Roles" page
    • [DEPL-14188] - Migration fails when values in XL_VERSION is null
    • [DEPL-14190] - Number of licensed hosts does not update correctly
    • [DEPL-14214] - XL Deploy -setup -reinitialize overwrites http.port to 0 in deployit.conf that leads to an error
    • [DEPL-14222] - Remove 'applyDeployfile' and 'generateDeployfile' from CLI
    • [DEPL-14230] - DeployitExceptionMapper fails to parse Accept header with comma-separated values
    • [DEPL-14234] - UI mapping on k8s.Master is broken
    • [DEPL-14238] - SSH connection issues using sshj-0.26.0.jar to AIX 7.1 running OpenSSH_6.0p1
    • [DEPL-14257] - Restrict search to only keys for encrypted dictionary entries
    • [DEPL-14262] - XLD_ACTIVE_TASKS contains User.toString instead of username in some cases
    • [DEPL-14263] - When creating a new application CI, the deployable within does not have checksum
    • [DEPL-14303] - Increase maximum number of expressions in a list during upgrade deployment with 600+ deployables
    • [DEPL-14313] - Not all local permissions are being shown
    • [DEPL-14320] - scanPlaceholders in YAML is ignored
    • [DEPL-14325] - Fix mapping of validation errors in required deployments
    • [DEPL-14365] - Database plugin does not sanitize properly when password contains symbols like *
    • [DEPL-14392] - Misaligned columns in "Global Permissions"
    • [DEPL-14469] - Update of composite package deployment causes all deployment steps to disappear
    • [DEPL-14475] - Active rollback tasks break the deployment task monitor