Release Manual 7.5.x

    Upgrade instructions

    For upgrade instructions, refer to Upgrade XL Deploy.

    Important: If you plan to skip versions when you upgrade, ensure that you read the version-specific upgrade notes for each intermediate version. You may be required to perform manual actions as part of the upgrade.

    XL Deploy 7.5.5

    XL Deploy 7.5.5 release notes

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-12690] - IIS Security Issue
    • [DEPL-13014] - Getting error "invalid range" during 2nd deployment with dependencies
    • [DEPL-13377] - Enable authentication logging in new UX
    • [DEPL-13412] - Garbage Collector job throws backend exception
    • [DEPL-13528] - PowerShell Security Issue

    XL Deploy 7.5.4

    XL Deploy 7.5.4 release notes

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-10903] - XL Deploy shows completed blocks as disconnected when Satellite is gone
    • [DEPL-13232] - Copy and paste from HTML GUI doesn't work in Internet Explorer 11
    • [DEPL-13393] - Zip Slip Vulnerability Protection

    XL Deploy 7.5.3

    XL Deploy 7.5.3 release notes

    New features

    • [DEPL-12689] - Fail task steps after a configurable timeout


    • [DEPL-13178] - Improve logging for placeholder replacement

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-12726] - /server/shutdown API in XL Deploy 7.5.0 does not terminate the process
    • [DEPL-12824] - Satellite - Aborting/Cancelling of Hung Task doesn't work
    • [DEPL-12984] - SemVer Dependency Resolution not working correctly
    • [DEPL-12995] - Deployment which uses different orchestrators keeps failing
    • [DEPL-13044] - Satellite doesn't start when there are recoverable tasks that involve non-satellite blocks
    • [DEPL-13056] - Providing a default value for any array type, as SET_OF_STRING or LIST_OF_STRING is breaking the DIP view
    • [DEPL-13058] - XL Deploy screen doesn't load properly anymore after filling in a large string in 'Additional Install Flags' (='set_of_string')
    • [DEPL-13111] - Dictionary keys with ' in them cause syntax errors in generated DSL
    • [DEPL-13149] - Re-deployment getting triggered while packages have the same checksum
    • [DEPL-13159] - Task fails when using Satellite both directly and in a Satellite Group
    • [DEPL-13175] - Update deployment after changing dictionary isn't showing all the dependent applications (files)
    • [DEPL-13221] - Calculated checksum found different for same zip file in 7.0.0 Vs 7.5.2 or 8.0.0
    • [DEPL-13260] - Checksum same even if a JAR file in two zip files are different
    • [DEPL-13284] - Placeholder not scanned in a .war file (tomcat.War)
    • [DEPL-13292] - Downport DEPL-13107 to 7.5
    • [DEPL-13301] - Placeholders are being scanned which aren't present in the package
    • [DEPL-13307] - DB Plugin: Can't change host for PostgreSQL Deployment

    XL Deploy 7.5.2

    XL Deploy 7.5.2 release notes

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-12866] - Change default shell being used in OS scripts to be configurable globally
    • [DEPL-12952] - Passwords are seen in plain text when creating SSH hosts from Groovy File
    • [DEPL-12953] - Placeholders in .war file not properly scanned

    XL Deploy 7.5.1

    XL Deploy 7.5.1 release notes


    • [DEPL-12739] - Test Infinity-tree 1.14.1 in XL Deploy 7.5.1

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-10812] - Database plugin does not properly quote or sanitize arguments
    • [DEPL-12608] - DB2: Passing custom statement termination character is not working
    • [DEPL-12691] - SQL scripts with spaces in name are having temp path truncated during deployment
    • [DEPL-12713] - When DB2 is running on a Windows machine, XL Deploy does not validate the exit status upon deployment of a SQL Script
    • [DEPL-12726] - /server/shutdown API in XL Deploy 7.5.0 does not terminate the process
    • [DEPL-12747] - Scanning Placeholders not working for some Dar packages like before
    • [DEPL-12792] - Deploy and Control task reports show no results but contain "total", "results per page", and pagination after some manipulation with dates
    • [DEPL-12806] - Adding CIs does not reflect in the Repository tree and requires to refresh it
    • [DEPL-12810] - Log progress info about migration process

    XL Deploy 7.5.0

    XL Deploy 7.5.0 is a long-term support (LTS) version that will be supported for a year after it is superseded by the next major LTS release. For more information, refer to Short-term support/Long-term support policy.

    If you are upgrading from XL Deploy version 7.0.x, make sure you view the release manuals for XL Deploy 7.1.x and XL Deploy 7.2.x.

    XL Deploy 7.5.0 new features

    Migrated database from Jackrabbit to SQL

    As of XL Deploy version 7.5.0, the archived tasks are no longer stored as part of the regular Jackrabbit (JCR) repository and are offloaded into a separate SQL database. All the reports starting with version 7.5 are running on top of the SQL database. The purpose of this change is to improve the overall performance and to reduce size of the JCR repository containing active tasks. This also reduces the recovery time after a crash, provides more efficient reporting, and additionally induces a smaller load on the live JCR database. For more information, refer to Migrate archived tasks to SQL database.

    Added dashboard to the reports tab

    As of XL Deploy version 7.5.0, the dashboard sub-tab was added to the reports tab in the default UI. The dashboard will show a high-level overview of your deployment activity and deployment history. New tiles are available containing information about successful, failed, rollback, and retried deployments. For more details about the dashboard, refer to Reports dashboard.

    Implemented View As option in the UI

    In XL Deploy version 7.5.0, the new View As feature allows you, as an Admin user, to view XL Deploy and navigate through the UI as a specific user or role. This allows you to see the permissions for a user or view and find CIs from another user perspective. You can use this information to decide if a user’s environment needs to be modified, add or remove permissions, or configure what a user or role can view in a CI tree. For more information, refer to Using the View As feature.

    XL Deploy 7.5.0 upgrade notes

    Set secure attribute for SESSION_XLD cookie

    If SSL is enabled, the secure.cookie.enabled attribute is automatically set to true. As an admin, you can manually configure the secure.cookie.enabled attribute in the XL_DEPLOY_SERVER_HOME/conf/deployit.conf file. For more information, refer to Configure secure communication.

    Cardinality functionality does not appear in subtypes of udm.Provisionable

    As of XL Deploy version 7.5.0, the cardinality and ordinal properties are set to hidden=true by default. If you want to use the cardinality functionality, you must modify the properties in the synthetic.xml file. For more information, refer to Cardinality in provisionables.

    Contact XebiaLabs Support if you have hotfixes

    If you have hotfixes installed, contact the XebiaLabs support team before upgrading.

    XL Deploy 7.5.0 release notes

    New features

    • [DEPL-10596] - View and work with control task report
    • [DEPL-10835] - Allow the user to skip and unskip multiple steps in an execution plan
    • [DEPL-10837] - Filter the deployment report by application or environment
    • [DEPL-11025] - When user clicks step in Preview, highlight the related deployed(s)
    • [DEPL-11235] - Add report dashboard tab
    • [DEPL-11237] - Add "successful deployments" and "failed deployments, "rollback deployments" and "retried deployments" tiles to dashboard
    • [DEPL-11238] - Add "deployment status overview" to dashboard
    • [DEPL-12013] - Add specific JMX counters for XL Deploy
    • [DEPL-12318] - Create custom queries for the SQL database
    • [DEPL-12319] - Create SQL queries for the dashboard reports
    • [DEPL-12320] - Build migration of report database from JCR to SQL
    • [DEPL-12347] - Remove provisioning ID functionality
    • [DEPL-12348] - Prevent cardinality functionality from appearing in all subtypes of udm.Provisionable
    • [DEPL-12411] - Add "number of deployments over time" tile to dashboard
    • [DEPL-12412] - Add "average deployment duration over time" tile to dashboard
    • [DEPL-12413] - Add "top 10 successful deployments" tile to dashboard
    • [DEPL-12414] - Add "top 10 retried deployments" tile to dashboard
    • [DEPL-12415] - Add "top 10 longest deployments" tile to dashboard
    • [DEPL-12419] - Add refresh button to dashboard
    • [DEPL 12498] - Deployed Applications on Environment Report on SQL
    • [DEPL-9789] - Allow deployables and provisionables to be added to all package types


    • [DEPL-10106] - Allow hotfixes to be synchronized from XL Deploy to satellite
    • [DEPL-11386] - Set SESSION_XLD to be "HttpOnly"
    • [DEPL-11387] - Force SESSION_XLD to be "secure"
    • [DEPL-12206] - Add help command to the lightweight CLI
    • [DEPL-12207] - Add version command to the lightweight CLI

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-11357] - Deployment fails due to 'Text file busy' message
    • [DEPL-11590] - Cannot cancel/rollback when provisioning fails with skipped steps
    • [DEPL-11649] - udm.BaseAppliedProvisioner and udm.BaseAppliedProvisionerArtifact always appear in New context menu
    • [DEPL-12118] - Error is not shown when saving CI using WINRM_INTERNAL and username with leading backslahes
    • [DEPL-12173] - Directory structure is corrupted if CI name contains question marks
    • [DEPL-12183] - Deployments fail occasionally with error that workDir does not exist
    • [DEPL-12203] - Task execution hangs after satellite is restarted and task is resumed from the XL Deploy user interface
    • [DEPL-12373] - "Repository entity [...] has been updated since you read it" error when a CI is updated during a provisioning deployment
    • [DEPL-12486] - License Registration page is not appearing instead some other static web page appears
    • [DEPL-12541] - Encrypted value of dictionary is not escaping special characters like single quotes
    • [DEPL-12656] - Update of an s3.Folder doesnot generate the plan
    • [DEPL-12675] - OIDC - with OKTA + SSL + Non root context path getting all links broken