Release Notes


    The release notes list the changes, improvements, and bug fixes included in each release of XL Deploy.

    When upgrading, please refer to:

    Version 5.0.9


    • [DEPL-9755] - Improve performance of calculating application dependencies

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-6265] - Scrollbar is not moved to the bottom of a MAP_STRING_STRING component when user clicks the "+" button
    • [DEPL-8887] - Incorrect log messages for step descriptions in deployit.log
    • [DEPL-9381] - Task recovery fails if a task with staging is canceled
    • [DEPL-9774] - Cannot perform an update because XL Deploy does not recognize that the application is deployed
    • [DEPL-9944] - Executing many tasks concurrently may result in tasks being lost from the system when they start archiving

    Version 5.0.9

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-9136] - Exiting CLI causes the terminal to hang

    Version 5.0.8

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-3834] - User names and passwords with special characters cause Database plugin to fail
    • [DEPL-8592] - Artifact and script are uploaded to different directories when the Generic plugin is used
    • [DEPL-9145] - sequential-by-loadbalancer-group orchestrator does not work in combination with sequential-by-composite-package orchestrator
    • [DEPL-9197] - Task might not be recovered after restart when running XL Deploy on Java 8
    • [DEPL-9411] - Using Jython/Python API may cause password leak


    • [DEPL-9238] - Ensure that tasks enter a QUEUED state after they are started

    Version 5.0.7

    Bug fixes

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-8619] - Deployment occasionally fails with "Cannot mkdir local:work/..." error message
    • [DEPL-8742] - Package import wizard fails with a 404 error if XL Deploy uses a custom context root
    • [DEPL-8867] - repository.exportCisAndWait and repository.importCisAndWait fail if XL Deploy uses a custom context root
    • [DEPL-8899] - Work folder consumes a large amount of disk space while deploying large artifacts
    • [DEPL-9129] - Rollback fails for deployments with parallel orchestrator
    • [DEPL-9153] - Compatibility issues with plugins during deployment with a NoSuchMethodError message


    • [DEPL-8894] - Satellite sync and restart fails on Windows when YAJSW is used to manage satellite as a service
    • [DEPL-9083] - Upgrade commons-collections to the latest version
    • [DEPL-9091] - Increase default XL Deploy startup timeout for service wrapper
    • [DEPL-9094] - When importing a package, validate security roles that are set on udm.Version
    • [DEPL-9097] - Ignore 'transient' properties when doing delta calculation

    Version 5.0.5

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-8629] - Fixed issue where opening the About screen returned a "The partial must not be null" error
    • [DEPL-8863] - Fixed issue where repository updates were not fully completed when cancelling a task
    • [DEPL-8864] - Fixed issue where creating a CI with an artifact in the repository occasionally resulted in a DeployitException
    • [DEPL-8865] - Fixed issue where purge tasks occasionally failed to export tasks to a ZIP file
    • [DEPL-8878] - Fixed issue where the contents of a file containing placeholders were partially duplicated after the file was copied to the target machine
    • [DEPL-8883] - Fixed issue where XL Deploy returned PlaceholderScanningFailedException when importing a file containing placeholders
    • [DEPL-8891] - Fixed issue where user could not create dependencies on deployment packages with names containing letters or hyphens
    • [DEPL-8955] - Fixed issue where Overthere/SSHJ was slow when using SFTP


    • [DEPL-8862] - Initialize the Jython script engine on boot to prevent delays when first script is executed

    Version 5.0.4

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-4428] - Fixed issue where single quotation marks in IDs were not encoded by the server, user interface, or CLI
    • [DEPL-7719] - Fixed issue where externally stored artifacts were being downloaded more than once
    • [DEPL-8359] - Fixed issue where encrypted passwords in deployit.conf file were decrypted when used in other configuration files
    • [DEPL-8459] - Fixed issue where "Send task to satellite" step failed with "java.lang.StackOverflowError: null at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Generics.getConcreteClass" error
    • [DEPL-8522] - Fixed issue where os-script would fail with error message "tar: can't set time on .: Not owner" for some SSH/SU and SSH/SUDO connections
    • [DEPL-8578] - Removed spurious "[Finalizer] {} INFO c.x.o.spi.BaseOverthereConnection - Disconnected from local:" messages
    • [DEPL-8579] - Removed duplicate upgrader messages
    • [DEPL-8597] - Fixed issue where manual step failed with a NullPointerException
    • [DEPL-8599] - Fixed issue where temporary files were not deleted from overthere.CifsHost target machine with WINRM_INTERNAL or TELNET connection type
    • [DEPL-8617] - Fixed issue where task recovery files could become corrupted due to partial write
    • [DEPL-8655] - Fixed issue where uploading a large artifact with placeholder scanning enabled caused an OutOfMemoryError
    • [DEPL-8684] - Fixed issue where scheduled task with satellite stopped responding if user restarted XL Deploy in the meantime
    • [DEPL-8737] - Fixed issue where WINRM_INTERNAL connection with Windows domain account failed with error message "Unexpected HTTP response on http://hostname/wsman: (401)"
    • [DEPL-8743] - Fixed issue where repository was updated too often when a deployment was cancelled or rolled back


    • [DEPL-8627] - Fixed issue where executing a command would fail with error message "ls -ld /path/to/dir returned 0 but its output is unparseable: ESC"

    Version 5.0.3

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-8356] - Fixed issue where /tasks/v2/export did not return detailed step information
    • [DEPL-8422] - Fixed issue where importing a DAR file that contained two CIs with the same name did not return an error message
    • [DEPL-8435] - Fixed issue where two CIs with the same name in composite package prevented correct mapping when setting up an update deployment
    • [DEPL-8543] - Fixed issue where artifacts passed to the os-script step pointed to the same file if they had the same contents (and placeholders)
    • [DEPL-8546] - Fixed issue where preview screen was empty when deployment was initiated from the Release Dashboard
    • [DEPL-8596] - Fixed issue where application wizard would remain empty if user clicked too quickly
    • [DEPL-8602] - Fixed issue where tasks executed on a satellite would fail with the message "Please keep your plugins in sync."

    Version 5.0.2

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-6599] - Fixed issue where a user could create two applications with the same name by duplicating directories
    • [DEPL-8251] - Fixed issue where previousDeployed variable was not available in the Generic plugin
    • [DEPL-8283] - Fixed issue where deployment preview did not show correct deployment if multiple tabs were open in Deployment Workspace
    • [DEPL-8424] - Fixed issue where subtype of udm.DeploymentPackage could not be dragged to the Deployment Workspace
    • [DEPL-8433] - Fixed issue where setting uploadArtifactData in createOptions property of generic.ExecutedScriptWithDerivedArtifact did not have the desired effect until ${deployed.file} was used in the template
    • [DEPL-8434] - Fixed issue where synchronizing plugins after first sync failed for a Windows satellite with "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"
    • [DEPL-8441] - Fixed issue where GUI output for steps generated by rules were displayed with the wrong step
    • [DEPL-8443] - Fixed issue where requests in custom endpoints would time out due to short timeout period
    • [DEPL-8455] - Fixed issue where PowerShell and Python plugins would upload an artifact multiple times
    • [DEPL-8458] - Fixed issue where Generic plugin did not recursively resolve FreeMarker templates in properties
    • [DEPL-8478] - Fixed issue where os-script and template steps recursively resolved FreeMarker templates in properties
    • [DEPL-8479] - Fixed issue where application wizard would not allow the user to create an application
    • [DEPL-8507] - Fixed issue where NullPointerException occurred when using the jythonScript delegate
    • [DEPL-8512] - Fixed issue where XLDP classloader corrupted URLs when running on Windows
    • [DEPL-8531] - Fixed issue where ${step.uploadedArtifactPath} was empty until ${deployed.file} was used in the same template
    • [DEPL-8588] - Fixed issue where Export button on Deployed Applications tab did not work after user switched tabs


    • [DEPL-8521] - Upgraded Apache HttpComponents HttpClient to 4.4.1 to mitigate CVE-2014-3577
    • [DEPL-8558] - Prevent Internet Explorer from loading the XL Deploy HTML5 GUI in compatibility mode

    Version 5.0.1

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-6780] - Fixed issue where tips of the day/startup window does not show images properly if XLD server is running on a non-standard context path
    • [DEPL-7128] - Fixed issue where starting CLI on Windows with -password parameter failed if the password contained special characters
    • [DEPL-7341] - Fixed issue where socketTimeout was not configurable in the CLI
    • [DEPL-7530] - Document networking configuration prerequisites for XLD installation (when occurs)
    • [DEPL-7777] - Document deployit.runGarbageCollector would only clear disk space after the XLD server is restarted
    • [DEPL-8135] - Fixed issue where "Add" button in the "orchestrator" property did not respond
    • [DEPL-8208] - Fixed issue where REST extensions assume Basic auth headers are present
    • [DEPL-8238] - Fixed issue where trigger plugin doesn't use mail.SmtpServer fromAddress when no address is specified on trigger.EmailNotification
    • [DEPL-8272] - Fixed issue where repository.getArchivedTasksList failed if there were tasks from Deployit 3.9.x or earlier
    • [DEPL-8281] - Fixed issue that prevented XLDP versions of XL Scale plugins from running in XL Deploy 5.0.0
    • [DEPL-8291] - Fixed issue that caused orchestrators to be discarded during an update deployment
    • [DEPL-8293] - Fixed issue where scheduler creates a burst of executions if system time is moved into future
    • [DEPL-8296] - Fixed issue where tasks marked as non-archivable were always archived by the execution engine
    • [DEPL-8344] - Fixed issue where resources were deployed during an update even if they did not change
    • [DEPL-8349] - Fixed issue where deployment would hang and log file shows "ERROR - next on empty iterator"
    • [DEPL-8350] - Fixed issue where invoking garbage collection caused thread leaks
    • [DEPL-8351] - Fixed NoClassDefFoundError in satellite when restarted after plugins were synchronized
    • [DEPL-8366] - Fixed issue where changing the task state from a listener caused a thread leak
    • [DEPL-8376] - Fixed issue where update of sql.SqlScripts with executeModifiedScripts=true would not execute scripts if the file length did not change
    • [DEPL-8393] - Fixed XLD satellite actor system not starting when SSL is disabled
    • [DEPL-8399] - Fixed issue where os-script fails when copying files within tmp directory on overthere.CifsHost
    • [DEPL-8418] - Fixed issue where deployment packages inside composite packages were not recognized as deployed in policy.PackageRetentionPolicy
    • [DEPL-8430] - Upgrade overthere library to the version 4.0.1 that fixes DEPL-8399


    • [DEPL-8053] - Fixed issue where progress bar would freeze when upload reached 100% but server was still processing the file

    Version 5.0.0

    Major changes

    • The Deployment Workspace has been improved:

      • There is a new interface for creating applications. To access it, click the button on the Packages pane.
      • There is a new interface for creating environments. To access it, click the button on the Deployed Applications pane.
      • You can set up a deployment by dragging an application or a deployment package onto the target environment or onto a deployed application.
      • Deployeds are automatically mapped when you set up a deployment. You can use the buttons at the top of the Deployment Workspace to change the mapping.
    • Other parts of the user interface have also been improved:

      • In the Repository, you can double-click an item in the hierarchy (such as a directory) to expand it.
      • The menu that appears in the top-right corner has been improved.
      • New icons for applications, environments, infrastructure, and other items have been introduced.
    • The installation process has been improved:

      • An installer has been introduced for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.
      • You can now easily install XL Deploy as a service or daemon in Unix and Microsoft Windows environments.
    • The new satellite feature allows you to execute deployments on remote data centers. Please note that this is a paid feature.

    • XL Deploy supports dependencies between versions of different applications.

    • You can refer from deployment packages to artifacts that are stored in an external location such as a Maven repository (including Artifactory and Nexus).

    • XL Deploy allows you to define schedules for automatically purging deployment packages and tasks.

    • A new plugin format called XLDP bundles each plugin with all of its dependencies, for easier installation. Installing plugins as JAR files is still supported.

    • Four new by deployment group orchestrators allow you to use a container's deployment sub-group and deployment sub-sub-group properties to control deployments that are done sequentially and in parallel.

    Important: XL Deploy 5.0.0 requires a new license. Download your license at

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-4590] - Fixed issue that prevented checksum of empty files from being computed correctly
    • [DEPL-5043] - Fixed issue where composite package that contained other composite packages could not be deployed
    • [DEPL-5470] - Fixed issue where the UI returned an error after user selected many deployables and clicked the "map selected" button
    • [DEPL-6655] - Fixed issue where UI would stop responding when user tried to archive a task that was already archived with the REST API
    • [DEPL-6687] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in preview of an os-script step
    • [DEPL-6691] - Fixed issue where XL Deploy UI could not be used with debug version of Flash player
    • [DEPL-6692] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to access a synthetic property of kind SET_OF_CI or SET_OF_STRING in a Jython planning script
    • [DEPL-6701] - Fixed issue where updating a deployed composite package resulted in a NoSuchElementException error
    • [DEPL-6702] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to close the Permissions tab
    • [DEPL-6705] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to proceed with deployment if there were steps in the plan but no deployables were mapped
    • [DEPL-6707] - Fixed issue where ${deployed.file} placeholder in FreeMarker templates did not return file path
    • [DEPL-6711] - Fixed issue where a NullPointerExpression error occurred after TAB was pressed while on the username or password prompt in the CLI
    • [DEPL-6724] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to retry a failed upload, delete, or os-script step
    • [DEPL-6740] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to retry a jython or os-script step after the XL Deploy server was restarted
    • [DEPL-6748] - Fixed issue where temporary folders were not deleted from the work directory after the Plan Analyzer was used
    • [DEPL-6764] - Fixed issue where remote booter did not fill in default values for properties
    • [DEPL-6781] - Fixed issue where SSL keystore passwords were not migrated correctly when upgrading from XL Deploy 4.0.x
    • [DEPL-6824] - Fixed issue where rollback functionality did not work with Database plugin
    • [DEPL-6863] - Fixed issue where keystore file was not generated when installer was run with -setup-defaults option
    • [DEPL-6901] - Fixed issue where report filtering did not allow selecting a date that was in the future relative to local time
    • [DEPL-6922] - Fixed issue where the top navigation bar did not appear if some plugins were removed
    • [DEPL-6958] - Fixed issue that caused the Compare feature and UI extensions to fail
    • [DEPL-7135] - Fixed issue where separate rules were not generated for CI sub-types that extended a generic CI type
    • [DEPL-7152] - Fixed issue where uploaded OverthereFile was not exposed in FreeMarker templates in os-script step primitive
    • [DEPL-7158] - Fixed issue where deployed and previousDeployed were not both exposed as calculated step parameters
    • [DEPL-7201] - Fixed issue where starting XL Deploy with the -recovery option resulted in a "java.lang.IllegalStateException: PasswordEncrypter not yet set" error
    • [DEPL-7267] - Fixed issue where updating a deployed composite package resulted in a "PlannerException: None.get" error
    • [DEPL-7275] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in step previews when using Python or PowerShell plugin
    • [DEPL-7434] - Fixed issue where the Repository browser tree would collapse after user worked with a CI
    • [DEPL-7509] - Replaced script-path parameter in jython step primitive with optional script parameter
    • [DEPL-7550] - Fixed issue where using the os-script step resulted in a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded" error
    • [DEPL-7572] - Fixed issue where the Generic plugin would upload an artifact three times
    • [DEPL-7573] - Fixed issue where the Generic plugin did not upload the artifact associated with the previous deployed when used in a MODIFY operation
    • [DEPL-7623] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in script logs of the Generic, Python, and PowerShell plugins
    • [DEPL-7668] - Fixed issue where deployment properties were not set during rollback if a custom plugin was used
    • [DEPL-7760] - Fixed issue where temporary files were not deleted from work directory after Plan Analyzer was used during a deployment update
    • [DEPL-7762] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to override a script that was defined in a rule packaged in JAR file
    • [DEPL-7778] - Fixed issue where GarbageCollector task was not automatically archived after it executed successfully
    • [DEPL-7784] - Fixed issue where encrypted dictionary entries were exposed when used as placeholders in CI properties that were not password-enabled
    • [DEPL-7785] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in step previews when using the Generic plugin and the os-script step
    • [DEPL-7786] - Fixed issue where GET /role/roles/{username} in RoleService REST API would return a 500 error
    • [DEPL-7838] - Fixed issue where editing an entry in an encrypted dictionary without making changes caused the value to be set to asterisks
    • [DEPL-7867] - Fixed issue where CI information was cached when performing repositoryResource.query in script
    • [DEPL-7869] - Fixed issue where users could use the REST API to link CIs that they did not have permission to access
    • [DEPL-7893] - Fixed issue where users who only had read permission on a directory could drag-and-drop CIs to the directory
    • [DEPL-7920] - Fixed issue where incorrect XL Deploy version number appeared in the UI after upgrading
    • [DEPL-7924] - Fixed issue where task would not be reloaded after restarting XL Deploy
    • [DEPL-7931] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in log when using instruction step
    • [DEPL-7947] - Fixed issue where generic.CopiedArtifact could not be modified when preserveExistingFiles property was set to true
    • [DEPL-7953] - Fixed issue where importing packages through Jenkins resulted in "Couldn't delete file" error message
    • [DEPL-7979] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in .task files
    • [DEPL-7994] - Fixed issue where deployed.file and previousDeployed.file pointed to the same file when used in a MODIFY operation
    • [DEPL-8055] - Fixed issue where XL Deploy did not start if there was no network connection
    • [DEPL-8092] - Removed spurious "Connection [local:] was not closed, closing automatically." messages
    • [DEPL-8123] - Fixed issue where task serialization failed with "com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.tasker.TaskExecutionContext$$anon$1" error
    • [DEPL-8169] - Fixed issue where "Cannot delete workdir" error was shown when updating a deployed application
    • [DEPL-8210] - Fixed issue where Deployit401ArchivedTaskDateUtcConversion upgrader was slow and/or causing OutOfMemoryErrors
    • [DEPL-8211] - Fixed issue where temporary directories were not removed when using os-script step with INTERACTIVE_SUDO, SUDO, or SU connection
    • [DEPL-8214] - Fixed issue where tasks with state "Done" were still available in the Task Monitor


    • [DEPL-4055] - Do not show a message when user tries to deploy a version of an application to an environment where that version is already deployed
    • [DEPL-4372] - Automatically run garbage collection on the XL Deploy repository
    • [DEPL-4722] - Detect and source setenv file in server and CLI startup scripts
    • [DEPL-5680] - Only stage identical artifacts to the same host once
    • [DEPL-6634] - In the Generic plugin, make previousDeployedApplication property point to previous deployed
    • [DEPL-6727] - Improve performance when querying the udm.DeployedApplication version property
    • [DEPL-6860] - Ensure that uploading large artifacts does not result in a Java heap space error
    • [DEPL-6978] - Show error message for unsupported browser versions
    • [DEPL-7181] - Upgrade external library to prevent issues with corrupted TAR archives
    • [DEPL-7182] - Upgrade to Overthere 2.4.5 to take advantage of buffering behavior
    • [DEPL-7197] - Improve robustness of license checker
    • [DEPL-7371] - Automatically map all deployeds when setting up a deployment
    • [DEPL-7373] - Show application name and version on applications and deployment packages in the deployment workspace
    • [DEPL-7374] - Allow user to drag an application or a deployment package into the deployment workspace
    • [DEPL-7382] - Make mail-related parameters optional for the manual step primitive
    • [DEPL-7391] - Allow orchestrating a deployment using sub-grouping
    • [DEPL-7393] - Remove "The deployed application and application package have the same version" warning message
    • [DEPL-7399] - Require confirmation when saving changes to roles that are defined on the Admin screen
    • [DEPL-7446] - Allow user to drag deployment packages and applications directly onto the target environment or deployed application
    • [DEPL-7454] - Produce both application/xml and text/xml in the /server REST API endpoint
    • [DEPL-7463] - Show CI property descriptions below fields in the GUI
    • [DEPL-7465] - Allow user to expand a directory by double-clicking it
    • [DEPL-7467] - Improve buttons on the Deployment Workspace
    • [DEPL-7479] - Show deployment packages in descending order in the deployment workspace packages pane
    • [DEPL-7870] - Allow access to the ExecutionContext from a FreeMarker template in the Generic plugin
    • [DEPL-7940] - Allow plugins to set intermediate checkpoints for rollbacks
    • [DEPL-8019] - Ensure that XL Deploy boots sequentially so the prompt for upgraders is easy to see
    • [DEPL-8020] - Prevent incorrect usage of XL Deploy when upgraders are not run
    • [DEPL-8021] - Log upgrader messages to the log file in addition to stdout
    • [DEPL-8038] - Improve deletion of temporary files in work directory

    Version 4.5.6

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-4428] - Fixed issue where single quotation marks in IDs were not encoded by the server, user interface, or CLI
    • [DEPL-8356] - Fixed issue where /tasks/v2/export did not return detailed step information
    • [DEPL-8422] - Fixed issue where importing a DAR file that contained two CIs with the same name did not return an error message
    • [DEPL-8543] - Fixed issue where artifacts passed to os-script step pointed to the same file if they had the same content and placeholders
    • [DEPL-8578] - Removed spurious "[Finalizer] {} INFO c.x.o.spi.BaseOverthereConnection - Disconnected from local:" messages
    • [DEPL-8579] - Removed duplicate upgrader messages
    • [DEPL-8599] - Fixed issue where temporary files were not deleted from overthere.CifsHost target machine with WINRM_INTERNAL or TELNET connection type
    • [DEPL-8617] - Fixed issue where task recovery files could become corrupted due to partial write
    • [DEPL-8655] - Fixed issue where uploading a large artifact with placeholder scanning enabled caused an OutOfMemoryError


    • [DEPL-8627] - Fixed issue where executing a command would fail with error message "ls -ld /path/to/dir returned 0 but its output is unparseable: ESC"

    Version 4.5.5

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-6599] - Fixed issue where a user could create two applications with the same name by duplicating directories
    • [DEPL-6780] - Fixed issue where tip-of-the-day/welcome window did not show images correctly if XL Deploy server was running on a non-standard context path
    • [DEPL-7128] - Fixed issue where starting CLI on Windows with -password parameter failed if the password contained special characters
    • [DEPL-7341] - Fixed issue where socketTimeout was not configurable in the CLI
    • [DEPL-8208] - Fixed issue where REST extensions assumed basic authentication headers were present
    • [DEPL-8238] - Fixed issue where Trigger plugin did not use mail.SmtpServer fromAddress when no address was specified on trigger.EmailNotification
    • [DEPL-8251] - Fixed issue where previousDeployed variable was not available in the Generic plugin
    • [DEPL-8272] - Fixed issue where repository.getArchivedTasksList failed if there were tasks from Deployit 3.9.x or earlier
    • [DEPL-8399] - Fixed issue where os-script failed when copying files in tmp directory on overthere.CifsHost
    • [DEPL-8430] - Upgraded Overthere library to version 4.0.1
    • [DEPL-8433] - Fixed issue where setting uploadArtifactData in createOptions property of generic.ExecutedScriptWithDerivedArtifact did not have the desired effect until ${deployed.file} was used in the template
    • [DEPL-8441] - Fixed issue where GUI output for steps generated by rules were displayed with the wrong step
    • [DEPL-8443] - Fixed issue where requests in custom endpoints would time out due to short timeout period
    • [DEPL-8455] - Fixed issue where PowerShell and Python plugins would upload an artifact multiple times
    • [DEPL-8478] - Fixed issue where os-script and template steps recursively resolved FreeMarker templates in properties
    • [DEPL-8491] - Fixed issue where customWlstTemplatePath in WebLogic plugin could not be used when the target was Windows
    • [DEPL-8507] - Fixed issue where NullPointerException occurred when using the jythonScript delegate
    • [DEPL-8531] - Fixed issue where ${step.uploadedArtifactPath} was empty until ${deployed.file} was used in the same template


    • [DEPL-8521] - Upgraded Apache HttpComponents HttpClient to 4.4.1 to mitigate CVE-2014-3577
    • [DEPL-8558] - Prevent Internet Explorer from loading the XL Deploy HTML5 GUI in compatibility mode

    Version 4.5.4

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-8214] - Fixed issue where tasks with state "Done" were still available in the Task Monitor
    • [DEPL-8211] - Fixed issue where temporary directories were not removed when using os-script step with INTERACTIVE_SUDO, SUDO, or SU connection
    • [DEPL-8210] - Fixed issue where Deployit401ArchivedTaskDateUtcConversion upgrader was slow and/or causing OutOfMemoryErrors
    • [DEPL-8169] - Fixed issue where "Cannot delete workdir" error was shown when updating a deployed application
    • [DEPL-8123] - Fixed issue where task serialization failed with "com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.tasker.TaskExecutionContext$$anon$1" error
    • [DEPL-8092] - Removed spurious "Connection [local:] was not closed, closing automatically." messages
    • [DEPL-7994] - Fixed issue where deployed.file and previousDeployed.file pointed to the same file when used in a MODIFY operation
    • [DEPL-7979] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in .task files
    • [DEPL-7953] - Fixed issue where importing packages through Jenkins resulted in "Couldn't delete file" error message
    • [DEPL-7947] - Fixed issue where generic.CopiedArtifact could not be modified when preserveExistingFiles property was set to true
    • [DEPL-7924] - Fixed issue where task would not be reloaded after restarting XL Deploy
    • [DEPL-7838] - Fixed issue where editing an entry in an encrypted dictionary without making changes caused the value to be set to asterisks
    • [DEPL-7760] - Fixed issue where temporary files were not deleted from work directory after Plan Analyzer was used during a deployment update
    • [DEPL-8181] - Use binary backward-compatible version of Overthere 4.0.0


    • [DEPL-8038] - Improve deletion of temporary files in work directory
    • [DEPL-8021] - Log upgrader messages to the log file in addition to stdout
    • [DEPL-8020] - Prevent incorrect usage of XL Deploy when upgraders are not run
    • [DEPL-8019] - Ensure that XL Deploy boots sequentially so the prompt for upgraders is easy to see
    • [DEPL-6860] - Ensure that uploading large artifacts does not result in a Java heap space error
    • [DEPL-5680] - Only stage identical artifacts to the same host once

    Version 4.5.3

    Major changes

    • The SHA-1 checksum algorithm now accounts for empty files and file paths when calculating checksums for folder artifacts.
    • The script-path parameter of the jython step primitive has been deprecated in favor of the new script parameter.

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-4590] - Fixed issue that prevented checksum of empty files from being computed correctly
    • [DEPL-5470] - Fixed an issue where the UI returned an error after user selected many deployables and clicked the "map selected" button
    • [DEPL-6705] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to proceed with deployment if there were steps in the plan but no deployables were mapped
    • [DEPL-6863] - Fixed issue where keystore file was not generated when installer was run with -setup-defaults option
    • [DEPL-6901] - Fixed issue where report filtering did not allow selecting a date that was in the future relative to local time
    • [DEPL-7152] - Fixed issue where uploaded OverthereFile was not exposed in FreeMarker templates in os-script step primitive
    • [DEPL-7158] - Fixed issue where deployed and previousDeployed were not both exposed as calculated step parameters
    • [DEPL-7261] - Removed dependency on newer Guava versions in remote booter
    • [DEPL-7267] - Fixed issue where updating a deployed composite package resulted in a "PlannerException: None.get" error
    • [DEPL-7509] - Replaced script-path parameter in jython step primitive with optional script parameter
    • [DEPL-7550] - Fixed issue where using the os-script step resulted in a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded" error
    • [DEPL-7572] - Fixed issue where the Generic plugin would upload an artifact three times
    • [DEPL-7573] - Fixed issue where the Generic plugin did not upload the artifact associated with the previous deployed when used in a MODIFY operation
    • [DEPL-7623] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in script logs of the Generic, Python, and PowerShell plugins
    • [DEPL-7668] - Fixed issue where deployment properties were not set during rollback if a custom plugin was used
    • [DEPL-7762] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to override a script that was defined in a rule packaged in JAR file
    • [DEPL-7778] - Fixed issue where GarbageCollector task was not automatically archived after it executed successfully
    • [DEPL-7784] - Fixed issue where encrypted dictionary entries were exposed when used as placeholders in CI properties that were not password-enabled
    • [DEPL-7785] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in step previews when using the Generic plugin and the os-script step
    • [DEPL-7786] - Fixed issue where GET /role/roles/{username} in RoleService REST API would return a 500 error
    • [DEPL-7867] - Fixed issue where CI information was cached when performing repositoryResource.query in script
    • [DEPL-7869] - Fixed issue where users could use the REST API to link CIs that they did not have permission to access
    • [DEPL-7893] - Fixed issue where users who only had read permission on a directory could drag-and-drop CIs to the directory
    • [DEPL-7931] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in log when using instruction step


    • [DEPL-6727] - Improve performance when querying the udm.DeployedApplication version property
    • [DEPL-6978] - Show error message for unsupported browser versions
    • [DEPL-7382] - Make mail-related parameters optional for the manual step primitive
    • [DEPL-7870] - Allow access to the ExecutionContext from a FreeMarker template in the Generic plugin

    Version 4.5.2

    Major changes

    • Added support for a new license format: version 2. The old version 1 format is still supported in XL Deploy 4.5.2 and later; however, version 2 licenses are not usable in pre-4.5.2 versions of XL Deploy.

    • Property ${} is no longer supported in FreeMarker templates. Instead, please use ${deployed.file}, which contains the full path on the remote server.

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-5043] - Fixed issue where composite package that contained other composite packages could not be deployed
    • [DEPL-6655] - Fixed issue where UI would stop responding when user tried to archive a task that was already archived with the REST API
    • [DEPL-6922] - Fixed issue where the top navigation bar did not appear if some plugins were removed
    • [DEPL-6958] - Fixed issue that caused the Compare feature and UI extensions to fail
    • [DEPL-7135] - Fixed issue where separate rules were not generated for CI sub-types that extended a generic CI type
    • [DEPL-7201] - Fixed issue where starting XL Deploy with the -recovery option resulted in a "java.lang.IllegalStateException: PasswordEncrypter not yet set" error
    • [DEPL-7275] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in step previews when using Python or PowerShell plugin


    • [DEPL-7181] - Upgrade external library to prevent issues with corrupted TAR archives
    • [DEPL-7182] - Upgrade to Overthere 2.4.5 to take advantage of buffering behavior
    • [DEPL-7197] - Improve robustness of license checker

    Version 4.5.1

    Major changes

    • Spring and Spring Security were upgraded to version 3.2, so if you use deployit-security.xml, you must update it by removing the version specification of XSD files:
      • Change .../spring-beans-3.1.xsd to .../spring-beans.xsd
      • Change .../spring-security-3.1.xsd to .../spring-security.xsd

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-6676] - No error message is shown in the GUI if an error occurs in an orchestrator
    • [DEPL-6687] - Fix issue where passwords were not masked in preview of an os-script step
    • [DEPL-6691] - Fix issue where XL Deploy UI could not be used with debug version of Flash player
    • [DEPL-6692] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to access a synthetic property of kind SET_OF_CI or SET_OF_STRING in a Jython planning script
    • [DEPL-6701] - Fixed issue where updating a deployed composite package resulted in a NoSuchElementException error
    • [DEPL-6702] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to close the Permissions tab
    • [DEPL-6707] - Fixed issue where ${deployed.file} placeholder in FreeMarker templates did not return file path
    • [DEPL-6711] - Fixed issue where a NullPointerExpression error occurred after TAB was pressed while on the username or password prompt in the CLI
    • [DEPL-6724] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to retry a failed upload, delete, or os-script step
    • [DEPL-6740] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to retry a jython or os-script step after the XL Deploy server was restarted
    • [DEPL-6748] - Fixed issue where temporary folders were not deleted from the work directory after the Plan Analyzer was used
    • [DEPL-6764] - Fixed issue where remote booter did not fill in default values for properties
    • [DEPL-6781] - Fixed issue where SSL keystore passwords were not migrated correctly when upgrading from XL Deploy 4.0.x


    • [DEPL-6634] - In the Generic plugin, make previousDeployedApplication property point to previous deployed

    Version 4.5.0

    Major new features

    • Configuration compare

      • New configuration comparison option based on XL Deploy's extensible discovery mechanism.
      • Compare multiple live environments, as well as existing items in XL Deploy's repository with live state.
    • Rules DSL

      • Rules define the behavior of a plugin.
      • Rules can be used to add behavior to an existing plugin.
      • Rules can be used to change or disable behavior of an existing plugin.
      • Rules can be defined in XML or in Jython. No Java required.
      • XL Deploy ships with a set of standard steps that can be used by rules such as:
        • Upload an artifact to a remote machine.
        • Execute a script on a remote machine.
      • Existing plugins are fully backwards-compatible.
    • UI extensions

      • Modular extension capability for the UI.
      • Add new menu items to create your own screens and dashboards.
      • Fully HTML5 based.
      • Also define additional HTTP endpoints to easily add functionality.


    • [DEPL-1231] - Delete multiple items at once from the GUI and the CLI
    • [DEPL-2586] - Add "close all tabs" button to deployment and repository browsers
    • [DEPL-4889] - Allow repository keystore password to be specified without appearing on the command line
    • [DEPL-4943] - Expose createdAt, createdBy, lastModifiedAt and lastModifiedBy attributes of configuration items
    • [DEPL-5170] - Add support for PostgreSQL
    • [DEPL-6004] - Expose limited task information to ExecutionContext
    • [DEPL-6030] - Automatically encrypt keystore.password and keystore.keypassword properties in server configuration file
    • [DEPL-6382] - Stop cli.cmd on windows from closing the CMD window on error
    • [DEPL-6402] - Add tab completion to the XLD CLI
    • [DEPL-6423] - Support file placeholders in .tar, .tar.gz, .tgz archives and similar formats

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-5444] - Tasks do not respond to 'Stop' or 'Abort' commands when STOPPING
    • [DEPL-5906] - DAR export exposes passwords
    • [DEPL-5908] - Remote booter does not work when XL Deploy is proxied by a server using Server Name Identification
    • [DEPL-6011] - In database plugin when using dependencies for rollback scripts the sub-folder are not uploaded to the target host
    • [DEPL-6057] - Running the garbage collector results in dead letter
    • [DEPL-6089] - Not possible to use placeholder ${deployed.deployable.file} when extending generic.ExecutedScript
    • [DEPL-6246] - ConcurrentModificationException when using uploadArtifactData and exposePreviousDeployed
    • [DEPL-6285] - Regression in UI on authentication failure
    • [DEPL-6363] - Don't allow user to copy passwords from CI properties in the GUI
    • [DEPL-6381] - Error setting CI reference on the deployed user interface
    • [DEPL-6414] - Support aliased properties in XML importer
    • [DEPL-6417] - Freemarker resolver fails to resolve CI property of type list
    • [DEPL-6435] - Staging step does not close Overthere connections
    • [DEPL-6579] - Tasks do not respond to 'Stop' or 'Abort' commands when FAILING

    Version 4.0.4

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-8210] - Fixed issue where Deployit401ArchivedTaskDateUtcConversion upgrader was slow and/or causing OutOfMemoryErrors
    • [DEPL-8169] - Fixed issue where "Cannot delete workdir" error appeared when updating a deployed application
    • [DEPL-7128] - Fixed issue where starting CLI on Windows with -password parameter failed if the password contained special characters


    • [DEPL-8521] - Upgraded Apache HttpComponents HttpClient to 4.4.1 to mitigate CVE-2014-3577
    • [DEPL-5680] - Only stage identical artifacts to the same host once

    Version 4.0.3

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-4590] - Checksum of empty files is not computed properly
    • [DEPL-5043] - Cannot deploy composite package that contains other composite packages in UI and composite-package orchestrator
    • [DEPL-5470] - Error when selecting many deployables and using the 'map selected' button
    • [DEPL-6655] - Archiving an already archived task hangs the UI
    • [DEPL-6901] - Report filtering does not consider that UTC may be one day ahead
    • [DEPL-7245] - Docs still say you can manually reorder plan steps
    • [DEPL-7275] - Passwords are not masked in step previews of python and powershell plugin
    • [DEPL-7384] - Type modification in synthetic.xml contained within plugin fails to override property
    • [DEPL-7572] - Generic plugin uploads the artifact 3 times
    • [DEPL-7573] - In the generic plugin, upload the artifact associated with the previous deployed upon MODIFY step
    • [DEPL-7668] - Deployment properties are not always set during rollback
    • [DEPL-7869] - Prevent linking of non-readable CI's
    • [DEPL-7893] - A user can drag and drop CI to a Directory that he has only read permissions


    • [DEPL-7182] - Upgrade to Overthere 2.4.5 to get proper buffering behaviour

    Version 4.0.2


    • Spring and Spring Security were upgraded to version 3.2, so if you use deployit-security.xml, you must update it by removing the version specification of XSD files:
      • Change .../spring-beans-3.1.xsd to .../spring-beans.xsd
      • Change .../spring-security-3.1.xsd to .../spring-security.xsd

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-6089] - File placeholders do not work in freemarker templates of generic plugin
    • [DEPL-6435] - Staging step does not close Overthere connections
    • [DEPL-6579] - Tasks do not respond to 'Stop' or 'Abort' commands when FAILING
    • [DEPL-6660] - Date UTC Conversion upgrader is slow and can cause OutOfMemoryErrors
    • [DEPL-6701] - NoSuchElementException when upgrading a composite package
    • [DEPL-6722] - In the database-plugin, when using dependencies for rollback scripts the subfolders are not uploaded
    • [DEPL-6748] - Temporary folders in the work directory are not deleted when using the plan analyzer


    • [DEPL-6419] - Deprecate targetFileName property of file.Folder type
    • [DEPL-6634] - Make property previousDeployedApplication point to previous deployed in generic-plugin

    Security fixes

    • [DEPL-6661] - Upgrade to xstream 1.4.7 to avoid security risk CVE-2013-7285
    • [DEPL-6642] - Upgrade commons-fileupload to avoid security risks CVE-2013-0248, CVE-2014-0050
    • [DEPL-6643] - Upgrade Jackrabbit to avoid security risk JCR-3630 XSS
    • [DEPL-6644] - Upgrade Spring framework to avoid security risk CVE-2013-7315
    • [DEPL-6645] - Upgrade RESTEasy to avoid security risks RESTEASY-662, RESTEASY-669, RESTEASY-670
    • [DEPL-6646] - Upgrade Spring Security and Spring Security LDAP to avoid security risk CVE-2014-0097
    • [DEPL-6647] - Remove antisamy and xerces to avoid security risk CVE-2009-2625

    Version 4.0.1


    • [DEPL-5340] - Improve filtering of possible values for a CI, SET_OF_CI or LIST_OF_CI property shown in UI
    • [DEPL-5517] - Use filename in Content-Disposition when downloading a package for import
    • [DEPL-5668] - Previous button disabled when discovery fails (REGRESSION)
    • [DEPL-5735] - Allow file copy buffer size to be configured in Overthere
    • [DEPL-5800] - Add a method contains in to be able to use "IN"
    • [DEPL-5856] - Add HTTP access logs
    • [DEPL-5730] - Allow user to enable pre-4.0.0 file/folder copy behaviour

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-2934] - Wrong times displayed for deployments in "Deployments in date range report"
    • [DEPL-3625] - Removed unneeded 'create directory' step in upgrade process
    • [DEPL-4936] - Cannot import package that has a CI with an embedded LIST_OF_CI property
    • [DEPL-5325] - Python daemon does not work over CIFS/WINRM_NATIVE connections
    • [DEPL-5355] - Validate that all application names are unique
    • [DEPL-5652] - Unable to downloads DARs from a URL for import
    • [DEPL-5669] - Type-modifications are applied in the wrong order
    • [DEPL-5731] - Cannot use WINRM_NATIVE with a password containing special characters (&#$!*)
    • [DEPL-5789] - Short-circuit copy of directories does not work on AIX
    • [DEPL-5845] - Property suPassword on overthere.SshHost is not a password property
    • [DEPL-5847] - Python daemon does not work over SSH/SU connections
    • [DEPL-5858] - Hidden properties should be ignored by the importer
    • [DEPL-5870] - Cannot copy step log in hierarchical task view
    • [DEPL-5895] - The db2Home property is not used in the Db2Client script files
    • [DEPL-5931] - Staging can leave artifact files in the temporary directory
    • [DEPL-5939] - Race-condition match-error in par-tasker
    • [DEPL-6003] - taskId, stepDescription and username not added to MDC

    Version 4.0.0

    Major new features

    • Declarative parallel deployment

      • Deploy to many servers in parallel with the push of a button using your existing packages, environments and plugins.
      • Support for different parallel orchestrators, including "parallel by container", "parallel by composite package" and "parallel by deployment group".
      • Support composition of orchestrators.
    • Declarative staging support

      • Check a box to stage files to target servers before the deployment starts.
      • Works out of the box for all of your plugins and deployments.
    • Schedule deployments for execution at a later time

      • Prepare a deployment ahead of time and have it executed when load on your application is low.
      • See and interact with scheduled tasks in the task monitor.


    • Improved performance and resource utilisation

      • Deployment performance: by parallel deployment and staging, resulting in a decrease of downtime.
      • UI performance
    • Removed the ability to manually reorder steps in the deployment plan

    • Deployit was rebranded to XL Deploy

    • Improved insight by adding control tasks to the reports

    • A new connection type, SU, which uses SCP to transfer files. Commands are executed via the su command.

    • Adding pause steps and skipping steps in the task execution screen moved to a context menu. The old buttons were removed.

    • Introduced a new licensing scheme. Old licenses are not compatible. A new license must be installed in DEPLOYIT_HOME/conf/deployit-license.lic. Your license can be downloaded from the product download site at

    • This version of XL Deploy requires Java 7 to run

    • Documentation improvements

    Plugin compatibility

    Due to changes in a third-party library, the following plug-ins are not compatible with XL Deploy 4.0.0:

    • cloud-plugin 3.9.x
    • ec2-plugin 3.9.x
    • glassfish-plugin 3.9.x
    • jbossdm-plugin 3.9.x
    • netscaler-plugin 3.9.x
    • was-plugin-extensions 3.9.x
    • wls-plugin 3.9.x
    • wp-plugin 3.9.x

    Updated 4.0.0 versions will be released shortly.


    • [DEPL-4951] - Improve performance of deployment pipeline
    • [DEPL-5115] - Don't checkpoint a JCR changeset when doing a dry run
    • [DEPL-5116] - Only read CI trees as deeply as needed
    • [DEPL-5151] - Make keeping of version history for a type configurable
    • [DEPL-5209] - Implement CLI support for scheduling
    • [DEPL-5228] - Add REST API to get the effective dictionary
    • [DEPL-5284] - Restrict deployment and cloud reports to users that have applicable read permissions
    • [DEPL-5341] - Add ability to attach control tasks to "roots", e.g. Applications, Environments, Infrastructure and Configuration
    • [DEPL-5372] - Support tar archives for "file.Archive"
    • [DEPL-5376] - Support local copies on remote file systems
    • [DEPL-5430] - Improve filtering of possible values for a CI, SET_OF_CI or LIST_OF_CI property shown in UI
    • [DEPL-5492] - Allow DOMAINUSERNAME syntax to be used for WINRM_NATIVE connections
    • [DEPL-5525] - Allow user to disable/enable optimization of the generated plan

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-5152] - LIST_OF_STRING is stored without u{..}
    • [DEPL-5206] - Packages in importablePackages directory are locked and cannot be deleted (in windows).
    • [DEPL-5319] - CLI cannot upload dar with spaces in file name
    • [DEPL-5368] - Cannot upload a directory that is specified in the ClasspathResources property
    • [DEPL-5375] - Comma's cannot be escaped in set_of_string resulting in incorrect sequence in freemarker template
    • [DEPL-5392] - A failed upload disables the save button
    • [DEPL-5395] - Fix backwards compatibility of engine-api with pre 3.9.90 versions
    • [DEPL-5400] - CIFS over SSH jumpstation does not work in quick succession
    • [DEPL-5418] - When importing folder CI's files are left in temp directory
    • [DEPL-5443] - Fix a file descriptor leak when importing packages
    • [DEPL-5583] - Race conditions in overthere when running parallel deployment on same host
    • [DEPL-5616] - Group orchestrators are installed per default

    Version 3.9.90

    Use of a version in the 4.0.x range is recommended over using this version.


    • Support for parallel deployments
    • Support for scheduling tasks


    • [DEPL-4951] - Displaying a deployment pipeline is very slow

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-5281] - Passwords are displayed in the preview window

    Version 3.9.4


    • [DEPLOYITPB-3828] - Use different credentials to start/stop a container
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4662] - Add property to DeployableArtifact that specifies character encoding of the file(s)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4940] - Add winrs-backed implementation of WinRM


    • [DEPLOYITPB-2157] - Include empty synthetic.xml in the ext directory
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3487] - Inject previousDeployed instance in the freemarker context in the generic plugin
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3570] - Document that the CLI configuration file must be called "deployit.conf"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3792] - Include overthere documentation in the remote plugin documentation
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4256] - Ignore empty tags
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4315] - Add support for z/OS
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4893] - Set properties of a deployed application from matching properties on a udm.Version (deployment package)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4911] - Give warning for required asContainment properties of SET_OF_CI, LIST_OF_CI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5008] - Run multiple PowerShell scripts in a single PowerShell session
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5011] - Improve description of generic containers in generic plugin documentation
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5012] - Description of Manual Process has a typo (inststructions)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5050] - Document that values from EncryptedDictionary are not resolved in plaintext properties
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5053] - Allow symlinking of and scripts to other locations
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5057] - Not possible to specify a proxy for the cli
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5059] - Provide more fine-grained control over stopping and starting containers
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5072] - Allow static Java methods to be invoked from FreeMarker templates
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5073] - Add localShellScript and localShellScripts delegates

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-4891] - Long names not well visible in Release Dashboard pipelines
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4904] - Timer already cancelled
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4949] - Username and password not used when deploying to sql.Db2Client
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4969] - Do not call validator when optional property is not filled in
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4998] - Add ability to connect to DB2 with a specific user
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5001] - Update packaging manual with embedded CIs in XML manifest format
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5009] - Python daemon fails in some setups since Deployit 3.9.3
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5055] - Checksums are written excluding leading zeroes

    Version 3.9.3


    • [DEPLOYITPB-4667] - Removed PDF documentation from the release
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4775] - int properties defined in CI's in java cannot be optional. Optional integer properties defined in the synthetic.xml are now properly optional.


    • [DEPLOYITPB-3359] - Allow user to define the repository location during DAR import
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3569] - Obfuscate cli.password property in CLI configuration file
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4354] - Ask user for confirmation when moving a CI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4800] - Set of CI kind in DIP does not remove item when selected
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4808] - Add global permission report#view so access to reports can be restricted
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4811] - Add support for "classpathResources" to BaseExtensiblePowerShellDeployed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4859] - Add "executeModifiedScripts" and "executeRollbackForModifiedScripts" properties to ExecutedFolder CI in to support running modified SQL files.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4881] - Set checkpoint after first SQL script executed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4837] - Update bundled-plugin documentation to include examples in XML manifest format

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-4159] - Python daemon (wsadmin/wlst) does not work with WinRM. Upgraded to Overthere 2.2.2.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4656] - Check connection fails for overthere.SshHost with SUDO connection type
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4701] - Tighten permission checks in Task Web Service
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4717] - Closing a control task window does not cancel the task
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4776] - Deployit does not shut down properly via REST call
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4778] - Default admin password is not set in complete setup mode
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4799] - User cannot authenticate against LDAP if member of a group containing a special character
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4812] - Python daemon does not work over TELNET connections when connecting from a Windows machine
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4828] - When no BOM is detected, the default charset is used
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4853] - Fix overlapping 'Full Screen' and 'Close Window' icons
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4861] - Check connection task succeeds even for non-zero exit code of the command
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4883] - Exceptions are not properly printed when a CLI Python script is run using the -f flag
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4886] - Fix placeholder replacement in folder artifacts named as

    Version 3.9.2


    • [DEPLOYITPB-2306] - Added ability to update a discovered topology
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4039] - Added ability to generate a virtual deployable type
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4383] - Added ability for a packager to specify the placeholder format in the manifest
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4473] - Added a .NET/IIS application in the deployit-server distribution
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4530] - Ported "options" approach from powershell-plugin to generic-plugin
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4652] - Added autoPrepareDeployeds to CLI, REST API and GUI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4660] - Added detection of UTF-8 and UTF-16 text files with BOMs in deployable artifacts and preserve their encoding during placeholder replacement
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4661] - Added detection of UTF-8 and UTF-16 text files with BOMs in the plugin templates and scripts and read them with the correct encoding
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4733] - Added a way to find DeployedApplication given Environment and package to REST
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4742] - Added ability to resize/maximize balloon window and other popup windows

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3381] - Empty tags (tags containing only spaces that are stripped) should not be allowed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4147] - Validations on Embedded deployeds do not work properly in the UI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4619] - NPE when generating a deployed with embedded deployeds for a deployable that has no embedded deployables
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4627] - Opening history comparison for deployed throws PathNotFoundException: $configuration.item.type
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4633] - Special characters ($ and `) are not escaped in PowerShell strings
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4635] - Error or incorrect behaviour on update to package that adds or removes embeddeds
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4642] - Old-style 'DeploymentStep' steps causes exception during planning
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4664] - Tooltip mentions magic placeholder values and but should be and
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4705] - Rollback of an update deployment is incorrect
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4706] - Duplicate type definition accepted
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4718] - MSSQL wrapper script should not add transaction
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4725] - Repository Garbage sometimes can not be started (again)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4734] - ItemConflictException when rolling back a deployment with an embedded CI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4739] - RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassCastException [/deployment/validate]: com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.ValidatedConfigurationItem cannot be cast to com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Deployed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4743] - Import breaks with large file.Folder artifacts
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4753] - Workdirs are not cleaned up after a task has finished

    Version 3.9.1


    • [DEPLOYITPB-4603] - Make services.Repository returns artifacts when invoked from a contributor or a step
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4604] - Allow nested container to be started, stopped and restarted
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4620] - Add ability to send HTML email notifications from trigger plugin
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4621] - Add ability to generic Containers to upload classpath and templated resources for stop/start actions
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4622] - Add ability to generic control task delegate to manage classpath resources, resolving host and executing multiple steps.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4625] - Username field does not have focus on login screen

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3558] - Execution of PowerShell steps on localhost hangs
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4347] - The "Deployments done in a date range" report only shows names
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4411] - Import package button not visible when package name is long
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4449] - Unnecessary unsaved changes warning when opening editors with large text input fields
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4456] - When (de)selecting tabs with long titles, the tab positions jump around a lot
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4494] - Error message "Key must have a value" badly worded
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4503] - Task reassignment completion message is confusing
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4505] - Task monitor is not resized when the browser window is resized
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4507] - "Blue arrows" are drawn starting from virtual right hand side of the list of deployables
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4509] - No progress indicator shown while task preview is generated
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4545] - Buttons on step list (skip,stop,abort, etc.) should be disabled once pressed and processing is busy.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4569] - NPE when using a host template without marker file connection options
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4572] - REST API is not backwards compatible with 3.8.x clients
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4575] - Task recovery file not removed when task is cancelled
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4589] - The CreateOptions & ModifyOptions properties should be hidden
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4593] - If excludeFileNamesRegex matches the name of the uploaded ZIP for a folder, nothing is scanned
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4598] - Subpermission names (e.g. deploy undeploy) do not render on narrow screens
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4602] - sql.SqlScripts doesn't take the destroyOrder into account when destroying
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4613] - Generic Plugin - Add ability to resolve set_of_string values to values stored in other properties.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4616] - Pending tasks should be archived to prevent to lose them if the deployit server restarts
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4624] - Fixed storing of embeddeds

    Version 3.9.0

    Major changes

    • Provision new deployment environment in the cloud
    • Integration with Team Foundation Server via the TFS plugin
    • Plugins for deploying to Windows, IIS and BizTalk
    • See how deployment plans are put together with the Plan Analyzer
    • Show scripts to be executed in the deployment plan
    • Restyled Deployit GUI


    • Model embedded CIs in deployments
    • Compare CI revisions in the GUI
    • Use placeholders to control naming of deployed CIs
    • Duplicate CIs in the Repository
    • Specify parameters to control tasks
    • Restrict dictionaries to particular containers and applications
    • New XML-based manifest format
    • Explicitly control artifact versioning by specifying checksums

    Version 3.8.5


    • [DEPLOYITPB-4231] - Set default of "os" property to "WINDOWS" for overthere.CifsHost
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4233] - Set label on property "stopStartOnNoop" to "Stop and start on every deployment"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4235] - Improve PowerShell error handling
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4388] - Add ability to deploy Apache configuration files that are in the package

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3912] - Add test mail control task to mail.SmtpServer
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4067] - MsSqlClient.bat.ftl returns 0 on an incorrect login
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4180] - The Deployed Applications in an Environment report queries for the environment name instead of its id
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4193] - Property commandLine on DeployedCommand should be required
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4262] - Cannot access properties of TaskState objects in the CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4284] - UI stores username and password at multiple places
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4310] - CLI does not expose enough information when encountering an exception
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4330] - Deployit won't start when certain leftovers are present in work
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4342] - GUI mishandles empty lists-of-string (#1058)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4360] - CLI import does not work behind reverse proxy
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4376] - Garbage collection tasks are not archived
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4381] - "Plus" character is lost when creating CIs

    Version 3.8.4


    • [DEPLOYITPB-3623] - Add "username" and "password" properties to sql.SqlScripts
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4058] - Package server.cmd and cli.cmd files as Windows text files
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4064] - Add properties for command lines options for sqlcmd
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4094] - Allow RemoteBooter clients to specify converters for XStreamReaderWriter
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4102] - The UI should support empty values for dictionary keys.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4144] - Deployment object reference and deployment/validate documentation do not indicate where to get validation errors
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4211] - Accessing name property on CI from the CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4215] - Make the commands executed for SSH+SCP, SSH+SUDO and SSH+INTERACTIVE_SUDO connections configurable
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4216] - Allow stderr to be handled per character (like stdout can)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4230] - Split "check connection" task into two steps

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3501] - Default Values for set_of_string are not displayed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3839] - Cannot rename ci when the new name is the end part of the old name
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4036] - Boolean property powershell.BaseExtensiblePowerShellDeployed.stopStartOnNoop should not be required.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4048] - Cannot start the CLI on Windows 2003
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4051] - The generated description for an UPDATE deployment task says "UPGRADE deployment of ..."
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4057] - Error message "PlaceholderS […] doesn't have a value" has one S too many.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4069] - Documentation for database-plugin does not mention support for MS SQL
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4112] - EmailNotifications do not require either a body or template path
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4143] - /deployment/validate documentation is not correctly indented
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4152] - Discovery from CLI fails with error 500: "Task not found"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4157] - Server doesn't start when jbossdm plugin is loaded
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4161] - Old style ExecutionContextListener implementations aren't destroyed on context stop
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4164] - Placeholder replacement: Skipped JAR files eat up time
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4176] - Syntax used to export environment variables does not work in all shells
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4181] - LIST_OF_CI & LIST_OF_STRING does not keep the order
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4188] - FreeMarker resolution can cause an infinite loop (that cannot be aborted)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4197] - No autodeploy possible after unmapping app with a single deployable
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4212] - Entering a new dictionary key/value has leading spaces
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4213] - Copying files over CIFS and SFTP is sometimes very slow
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4214] - Disable startProcess for WinRM because it does not support streaming stdin and therefore does not support wsadmin/wlst daemons
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4259] - MANIFEST.MF in exported DAR should not include placeholders property
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4261] - Artifact data is not uploaded for a PowerShell destroy step
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4277] - 3.8.3: print returns 'has no property name'
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4278] - help() kills the cli if started with -q option

    Version 3.8.3


    • [DEPLOYITPB-3374] - Do not trigger MODIFY operation on a CI for changes to tags
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3962] - Support an 'everyone' granted-authority assigned to all authenticated users.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4041] - Add support for TLS communication to the SMTP server
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4066] - Unhide "username" and "password" on sql.MsSqlClient
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4072] - Make the username and password prompts from the CLI look nicer
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4025] - Add logging for password failures during startup

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3271] - Deployit server starts even though JCR repository cannot be started
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3388] - Restart control task on www.ApacheHttpdServer is broken
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3910] - Cannot downgrade ExecutedFolder (e.g. SqlScripts) without rollback scripts
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3933] - Trigger plugin manual not referenced from doc page
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3938] - Clean Deployit installation starts with a WARN message in the log
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3971] - Trigger plugin manual refers to 'mail.SmptServer' instead of 'mail.SmtpServer'
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3993] - Trigger plugin is not aware of SKIP step state.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4008] - Deleting referenced CI throws: Stream closed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4028] - Deployit doesn't start on IBM JDK
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4065] - Username and password on sql.ExecutedSqlScripts are not used by MsSqlClient.bat.ftl
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4070] - Property databaseName on sql.MsSqlClient should not be required
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4085] - "ls -ld ... returned unparseable output" error on SELinux
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4088] - Placeholder in properties of kind SET_OF_STRING are not being replaced on upgrade
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4091] - Server can not parse XML with date in ISO8601 format
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4105] - User can rename the JCR roots
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4108] - Querying by modification does not actually restrict returned CIs
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4118] - Rollback of update throws NotFoundException for DeployedApplication
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4134] - REST API documentation missed "/deployit" prefix.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4141] - Upgrade to 3.7/8 leaves rep:policy nodes in the repository

    Version 3.8.2

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-4014] - Bug in UI is requestion for non existing "admim" (typo) user causing errors in server log

    Version 3.8.1

    API Changes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3976] - REST API: Replace HEAD /security/check/{permission}/{id:.*?} with GET


    • [DEPLOYITPB-3760] - Add option to disable "keep me logged in" checkbox
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3761] - Add option to automatically log out users
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3961] - Support '*' and '+' as universal tags in deployables/containers.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3979] - CLI: Add searchByName method that searches the repository
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3927] - Remove commons-logging from Deployit server distribution

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-2222] - Clicking close on tab after initial/upgrade/undeploy does not refresh the deployed applications browser
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3779] - Repeated WARN "transient property [jee.War.scanPlaceholders] should not have been persisted."
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3844] - file.Folder CIs uploaded as ZIPs via the UI are not expanded during deployment
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3845] - Tasks that are restored when the GUI is restarted show up in the wrong workspace
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3875] - Recovered task hangs and cannot be aborted
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3894] - New values in deployables do not override values on prior deployeds
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3906] - NPE when CI reference in MANIFEST.MF point to non-existent entry
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3911] - UI shows enabled Rollback, Skip and Pause buttons for recovered control task
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3928] - SKIP steps should be gray in UI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3934] - CLI does not display reason for NotFoundException (404)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3935] - Exception while upgrading from 3.6.4 to 3.8
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3936] - Subtypes of Overthere.Host do not show the new "terminal" icon
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3937] - Cannot find /Configuration when upgrading from 3.6.4 to 3.8
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3939] - "compare" discloses values for items in udm.EncryptedDictionary
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3943] - new security API does not have a getPermissions function
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3945] - Security exception in log when logging in as non-admin
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3952] - Username and principal name in different caps are incorrectly remembered
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3963] - No more than 25 applications are shown in the application filter select box on the deployment-done-in-a-date-range report parameters screen
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3967] - Completed tasks are not archived when you close them with the [X] button
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3969] - Application name returned in PackageInfo contains directory information
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3975] - Discovery menu in UI gives wrong suggestions for discovery
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3977] - CLI should have script name in argv[0] even when arguments absent
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3997] - Rollback should use current DeployedApplication's orchestrator and transient properties.

    Version 3.8.0

    Major changes

    • Automated Rollback functionality for deployment tasks
    • Audit log and auditing API
    • Encrypted dictionaries
    • Discovery of middleware is now available in the Deployit GUI
    • Simplify setup of Deployit by discovering WebSphere resources and artifacts in existing environments
    • Define and build packages in the Deployit GUI
    • Support for JBoss 6 EAP Domain Managers
    • Support for WebSphere Process Server
    • Authenticate against Windows domains using Kerberos
    • Extensive public REST API that exposes the functionality of the Deployit Server
    • Triggers for task or step state changes
    • Email notifications


    • Dictionaries may refer to other dictionaries
    • Deployment pipelines can be shared between applications
    • Added support for pause steps / manual steps
    • Fine-grained deployment checklist permissions
    • Placeholder scanning on archives is disabled by default
    • Password encryption key can be initialized when creating a repository
    • Task id is shown in Deployit GUI, so tasks started in GUI can be finished in CLI
    • Reports can now be filtered on application / environment
    • Logs of historic deployments can be shown from the Deployit GUI
    • About box in Deployit GUI shows detailed installation information

    Version 3.7.1


    • [DEPLOYITPB-3292] - Log DictionaryValueExceptions as WARN
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3320] - Improve import error handling when placeholder scanning fails

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3115] - AD-934: Password revealed during step "Waiting for AFS replication"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3171] - Logger (PermissionEnforcer) is too much verbose
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3241] - unable to delete CI's after migrating to 3.7.0
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3242] - Right-click menus do not scroll if the screen is too small
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3253] - User with "security edit" and "admin" permissions can't set permissions
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3259] - Deployables are not ordered alphabetically in the deployment editor
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3260] - Server includes spring-security-ldap version 3.0.5.RELEASE instead of 3.1.0.RELEASE
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3261] - Server includes spring-tx version 3.0.6.RELEASE instead of 3.1.1.RELEASE
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3263] - Package includes spurious __MACOSX files
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3265] - Security permissions printed in the CLI after an upgrade should correctly list local and global permissions
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3321] - Admin tab not shown in UI when user has "admin" right because he is a member of a group that has those privs instead of a user
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3322] - Release Dashboard: shows saved pipeline of other users of the same browser
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3323] - When logging out in the CLI, the previous credentials are remembered and a user can login with the same username and any credentials
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3324] - Double clicking on a CompositePackage in release dashboard does not show pipeline for version.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3326] - Deployment pipelines boxes too small to fit timestamped versions generated by Deployit Maven plugin
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3338] - Cannot save udm.DeployedApplication entity

    Version 3.7.0

    Major changes

    • Use the .NET plugin to deploy .NET applications to Microsoft middleware
    • The Release Dashboard gives real-time insight into applications’ progress through the release pipeline
    • Combine project components into business service releases using composite packages
    • Fine-tune deployment strategy to new middleware stacks and customer environments by defining orchestrators
    • View and edit security permissions in the GUI

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-792] - Removing repository directory gives errors in server.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1166] - Clicking on buttons or tabs is already possible, even when the GUI is not yet fully loaded
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1177] - Remove INFO logging of authorization on each request
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1180] - Allow pretty printing of all DTOs in the CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1368] - Calling TaskProxy.abort on a stopped task results in an NPE in the core
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1402] - Cannot set the Deployit server's bind address via the configuration
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1433] - Boolean values are marked as different in compare even if they are the same
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1446] - Impossible to clear a CI reference via the UI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1601] - In an upgraded mapping , the placeholders are not upgraded if they are not detected
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1612] - SSH SUDO the permissions between the user and the sudo users may not match
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1661] - recovery.dat already exists
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2123] - Pressing tab in the last cell of the placeholder component should add a new row
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2149] - Set-valued properties can contain no members even if "required"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2183] - CLI: invoking print on a instance of com.xebialabs.deployit.core.api.dto.Deployment displays nothing
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2192] - OutOfMemory Error when importing packages with large (300MB) file(s) in it
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2194] - Cannot import package that has a CI or SET_OF_CIS reference where the referencedType is abstract or an interface
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2195] - Cannot import package that has an optional CI reference property that is not filled
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2203] - Unable to set value of non-required property to empty (i.e. "") if it has a default value
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2228] - Auto-generated Deployables contain fields of type 'string' for booleans of the corresponding Deployeds
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2233] - Retrying a ScriptExecutionStep after initial failure causes an NPE in SshSftpFile:60
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2235] - Support a "file" FreeMarker property (generic-plugin) that uploads the artifact file and returns the remote path for all Artifacts, not just BaseDeployableArtifact
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2257] - The application should be on read only
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2294] - Missing value in Deployit server startup messages
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2383] - When uploading the package, the resteasy framework leaves temporary files
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2559] - The -help option is not recognized
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2570] - When importing a package that contains an entry with an incorrect name, the error message is not very helpful
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2582] - Properties are not shown in the expected order
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2626] - Encoding problems with French caracters
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2703] - Getting a property's value via PropertyDescriptor.get() method should not return null for Map_String_String and Setof? types, but empty Map or Set instead.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2726] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Prefix string too short
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2755] - The copied python script doesn't work on Windows host configured with WinRM since the run time is not copied.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2758] - Validation error when saving a CI on the repository browser leads to an XML popup
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2804] - The spinners on the Reports tab are active and hogging the CPU.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2813] - Clean script : provide a way to select packages older than 3 months
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2820] - When the JCR repository contains nodes of unknown types, no node are returned from a search
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2822] - Hidden properties are persisted and persisted values override the values from
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2834] - Spurious NPE when shutting down the server by sending a POST request to the /deployit/server/shutdown resource
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2843] - NPE during import
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2856] - Generated upgrade deployeds still contains the old deployable data in some cases.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2857] - Problem using getArchivedTasks(begin,end) in the CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2865] - Ghost window with dead buttons appears if there are unresolved placeholders
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2872] - Deployment fails with error message:$TooManyClauses: maxClauseCount is set to 1024
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2883] - Required hidden values can be set to '' (empty string) using
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2885] - Property values added to are not inherited
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2894] - Archives in generic.Folders processed by TrueZIP for placeholders are not copied to target machine
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2902] - Tag-based deployment : unmatched tag forbids manual mapping
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2904] - No valid error message on import / no message in GUI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2907] - Uploaded classpathResources for ExecutedScript are not released and cannot be executed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2909] - Type modification that sets a set_of_string property to an empty value (overriding a non-empty parent value) is ignored
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2910] - NPE when saving an artifact using CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2918] - Unable to import DAR file
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2924] - File-not-found during drag-and-drop
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2940] - Packages downloaded from a URL are saved as temporary files with missing/invalid extensions
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2941] - Faulty repository directory after inital setup on windows
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2949] - Jetty Session fails to be invalidated. IllegalException is thrown. As seen during demo.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2956] - When the DN of a user entry contains a comma, it will not receive the permissions granted to the groups it is a member of
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2966] - CLI changes control characters
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2976] - HTML encoding of dictionary values is wrong
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2985] - Dictionary substitution with does not work
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3006] - Inserting a new entry in a resourcebundle after sorting gives problems
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3013] - Default deployed property value defined in dictionary
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3015] - Modification checking of deployed with a map_string_string property
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3017] - Deployed is regarded as modified when a property goes from 'no value' to 'default value'
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3067] - Cannot import package with cli if the location is an URL
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3074] - Starting the Deployit server takes 40 seconds
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3076] - recovery.dat should be removed when no tasks are executing
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3084] - Creating two CIs referring to each other (circular dependency) leads to a stackoverflow exception on the server.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3095] - Ensure XML in user input is encoded and not interpreted (WEB-002)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3096] - Ensure user input to queries is filtered (WEB-003)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3099] - Can the same type twice
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3120] - A subcontext menu is impossible to reach when the context menu is so low that the subcontext menu is shown higher
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3124] - Don't include HTML snippets in error messages to prevent XSS attacks (WEB-001)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3125] - Show as root fails with empty environments in Deployed Applications
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3128] - Delta-analysis does not see different when adding a STRING to a SET_OF_STRING
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3146] - Repository not shut down properly when the server process is terminated
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3184] - Actual error not shown when wsadmin/wlst won't start
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3185] - Output sent to stderr is sometimes lost when running with the Python daemon
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3186] - Spurious "None" printed when an exception is thrown by a script running in the Python daemon
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1402] - Cannot set the Deployit server's bind address via the configuration
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1731] - When granting the deploy#upgrade permission to a principal, you also need to grant him the read permission on the corresponding Infrastructure.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2149] - Set-valued properties can contain no members even if "required"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2233] - Retrying a ScriptExecutionStep after initial failure causes an NPE in SshSftpFile:60
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2294] - Missing value in Deployit server startup messages
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2296] - LDAP configuration ignores the 'principalProvider' argument
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2302] - LdapPrincipalProvider caches the result of a "get groups for user" query even if the user credentials are invalid
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2383] - When uploading the package, the resteasy framework leaves temporary files
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2559] - The -help option is not recognized
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2570] - When importing a package that contains an entry with an incorrect name, the error message is not very helpful
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2626] - Encoding problems with French caracters
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2703] - Getting a property's value via PropertyDescriptor.get() method should not return null for Map_String_String and Setof? types, but empty Map or Set instead.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2755] - The copied python script doesn't work on Windows host configured with WinRM since the run time is not copied.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2758] - Validation error when saving a CI on the repository browser leads to an XML popup
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2804] - The spinners on the Reports tab are active and hogging the CPU.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2820] - When the JCR repository contains nodes of unknown types, no node are returned from a search
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2822] - Hidden properties are persisted and persisted values override the values from
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2834] - Spurious NPE when shutting down the server by sending a POST request to the /deployit/server/shutdown resource
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2843] - NPE during import
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2856] - Generated upgrade deployeds still contains the old deployable data in some cases.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2857] - Problem using getArchivedTasks(begin,end) in the CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2883] - Required hidden values can be set to '' (empty string) using
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2885] - Property values added to are not inherited
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2894] - Archives in generic.Folders processed by TrueZIP for placeholders are not copied to target machine
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2907] - Uploaded classpathResources for ExecutedScript are not released and cannot be executed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2909] - Type modification that sets a set_of_string property to an empty value (overriding a non-empty parent value) is ignored
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2910] - NPE when saving an artifact using CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2940] - Packages downloaded from a URL are saved as temporary files with missing/invalid extensions
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2941] - Faulty repository directory after inital setup on windows
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2949] - Jetty Session fails to be invalidated. IllegalException is thrown. As seen during demo.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2956] - When the DN of a user entry contains a comma, it will not receive the permissions granted to the groups it is a member of
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2966] - CLI changes control characters
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2972] - When saving a CI, errors in the server don't show up in the GUI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2976] - HTML encoding of dictionary values is wrong
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3006] - Inserting a new entry in a resourcebundle after sorting gives problems
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3011] - Security permissions are not enforced when reading multiple CIs
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3015] - Modification checking of deployed with a map_string_string property
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3017] - Deployed is regarded as modified when a property goes from 'no value' to 'default value'
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3026] - NamespaceException: deployit: is not a registered namespace prefix. in <script> at line number 1

    Version 3.6.4

    Major functional changes

    • Upgraded to Overthere 1.0.16:
      • Default value of overthere.SshHost.allocateDefaultPty is now false to prevent problems with OpenSSH on AIX or WinSSHD. Set to true
      • Added hidden property overthere.SshHost.sudoOverrideUmask that, when set, causes permissions to be explicitly changed with chmod -R go+rX after uploading a file or directory with scp.


    • [DEPLOYITPB-2900] - Surpress the CLI banner when executing a script.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2961] - Make it possible to change the server's context root.

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-2233] - Retrying a ScriptExecutionStep after initial failure causes an NPE in SshSftpFile:60.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2302] - LdapPrincipalProvider caches the result of a "get groups for user" query even if the user credentials are invalid.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2686] - LDAP user/search base documentation is missing.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2758] - Validation error when saving a CI on the repository browser leads to an XML popup.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2804] - The spinners on the Reports tab are active and hogging the CPU.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2894] - Archives in generic.Folders processed by TrueZIP for placeholders are not copied to target machine.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2902] - Tag-based deployment : unmatched tag forbids manual mapping.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2904] - No valid error message on import / no message in GUI.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2907] - [generic-plugin] Uploaded classpathResources for ExecutedScript are not released and cannot be executed.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2918] - Unable to import DAR file.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2939] - Save packages downloaded from a URL for import under their original filename.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2940] - Packages downloaded from a URL are saved as temporary files with missing/invalid extensions.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2941] - Cannot use absolute directory to store the JCR repository on Windows.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2956] - Fixed bug where a user DN with spaces caused its group membership check to not return anything.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2959] - When the DN of a user entry contains a comma, it will not receive the permissions granted to the groups it is a member of.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2976] - Placeholder are incorrectly replaced with HTML encoded values.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2985] - Dictionary substitution with does not work.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3010] - Cannot execute existing files (.bat, .exe) on Windows using SSH/Cygwin (e.g. needed by the WAS and WLS plugins).

    Version 3.6.3

    Major functional changes

    • Repository garbage collection - when Deployit server is shutdown, the repository garbage collector is invoked to reclaim disk space freed up by deleting artifacts from the repository.


    • [DEPLOYITPB-2809] - Garbage collect JCR DataStore

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-2856] - Generated upgrade deployeds still contains the old deployable data in some cases.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2857] - Problem using getArchivedTasks(begin,end) in the CLI

    Version 3.6.2

    Major functional changes

    • Default tty allocation - the setting overthere.SshHost.allocateDefaultPty now defaults to false instead of true since this is the more common case.


    • [DEPLOYITPB-2301] - Make the LdapPrincipalProvider's group cache timeout configurable
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2686] - Support 'userSearchBase' and 'groupSearchBase' options in LdapLoginModule/LdapPrincipalProvider
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2836] - Allow user to filter/query CI's based on the lastModified date
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2867] - Exclude files from placeholder scanning and replacing using a regular expression

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-1402] - Cannot set the Deployit server's bind address via the configuration
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2282] - deployit dictionary plugin: boolean values are not saved
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2296] - LDAP configuration ignores the 'principalProvider' argument
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2383] - When uploading the package, the resteasy framework leaves temporary files
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2626] - Encoding problems with French caracters
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2755] - The copied python script doesn't work on Windows host configured with WinRM since the run time is not copied.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2843] - NPE during import
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2865] - Ghost window with dead buttons appears if there are unresolved placeholders
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2872] - Deployment fails with error message:$TooManyClauses: maxClauseCount is set to 1024
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2873] - Deployit repository retains history of deleted CIs

    Version 3.6.1

    Major functional changes

    • Upgraded to Overthere 1.0.11

    Version 3.6.0

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-601] - The letters in the Deployit logo are not correctly aligned
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1137] - upgrade: delete/edit mapping button should be disabled incase of upgrade till the new package is dropped
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1164] - Change final server startup message to mention the actual host the server is running on instead of 'localhost'
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1178] - Dummy extension file is included in the distribution
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1179] - Must be able to issue a command in the CLI to display initial help messages again
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1187] - Include CLI command to shutdown server
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1197] - Distribution includes a .gitignore file
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1223] - repository: Location field should be grayed out in Editing a package artifact
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1244] - repository: tab titles should show distinguishing information
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1698] - SCP directory copy does not support Windows-to-Unix copies
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2209] - Generated CI Reference should indicate which properties are required for discovery (@InspectionProperty)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2258] - Placeholder scanning and replacement only supported in archives with 'correct' (undocumented) extensions
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2262] - Cannot undeploy file.File artifact
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2267] - SSH/SFTP connectionType : errors when Overthere try to clean the temporary directory
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2278] - Bug in the documentation about importer
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2282] - deployit dictionary plugin: boolean values are not saved
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2293] - Typos in Deployit server startup messages
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2297] - Missing documentation for LDAP configuration option 'userAttribute'
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2303] - Multiple concurrent login requests at UI startup can lock out a user if invalid credentials are presented
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2305] - Unable to import package with a file.Folder CI that contains TrueZIP-readable archives (e.g. JARs)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2550] - Problem with Security Permission : given read access to an environment give full read access
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2553] - Missing CLI help documentation for public List search(String ciType, String parent) in RepositoryClient
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2569] - Cannot undeploy a application if not steps are generated
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2594] - Cannot perform upgrade deployment in UI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2597] - Required validation for SET_OF_STRING broken
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2598] - Property tags on udm.Deployable and udm.Container should not be required
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2601] - Property schema on sql.OracleClient should be renamed to SID
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2606] - Cannot undeploy a package with only SQL files if the user does not provide rollback SQL files
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2618] - Execution of control tasks not covered by security permission
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2621] - CI property that is transient (@Property(isTransient=true) ) is still stored to the repository.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2637] - " -setup -reinitialize" should mention it only works for the default configuration.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2640] - Keys and/or values in map_string_string properties are not resolved against the environment dictionaries
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2641] - ci and set_of_ci properties are not resolved against the environment dictionaries
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2643] - LDAP security is broken: group membership incorrectly determined
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2648] - Cannot generate a deployable that extends another generated deployable
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2651] - The packaging format for set_of_string contains a superfluous -EntryValue
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2655] - Placeholders not being validated on next. Validation errors for placeholders key with no values entered appear as an alert box. It should appear as validation errors label.Example: 9 error(s) found
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2679] - Password are not stored encrypted in the repository
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2683] - file property not set on Deployed on undeployment
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2684] - Spurious ActionScript error (TypeError) when dragging a deployable to a container
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2685] - Jboss plugin script hangs when executed on localhost
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2690] - Deployit 3.5.2 : regression on propagation of default values to sub-types
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2693] - Non-Deployment tasks should not be written to the recovery file.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2694] - Placeholder validation throwing exception. See stack trace
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2699] - index.html for riatest is not templated to point to the latest swf
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2701] - Recovery fails with class not found exception
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2704] - Able to define duplicate properties 'id', 'name', 'type', etc
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2709] - Top 5 dasboard reports do not show data on last day for month with 31 days.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2711] - Nested objects are no longer found using the base functions in python-plugin
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2720] - Creating a deployed by drag and drop should choose the most specific one and if more than one choices are available then only should show the selection popup
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2733] - In deployments done in date range report deployments from one day before selected begin date show up on ui.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2734] - "Key Deployment Indicators in a date range" report title should be "Key deployment indicators in a date range"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2747] - Placeholder are not replaced when the deployed is a generic.ExecutedScript


    • [DEPLOYITPB-1527] - CLI : command to display all the available CI's type
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2204] - as a deployer, I want to manage the attributes values of the Deployed by the dictionary
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2255] - Preserve order in which steps are added to the planning context by a contributor
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2285] - Use the CLI extension to simplify writing integration tests
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2632] - Show only the keys of visible properties in the comparison screen
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2635] - All packages downloaded from a URL are saved as ".dar" files which confuses additional importers
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2636] - Allow placeholder scanning in artifacts to be disabled
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2644] - Load Python script when a PythonStep is executed, not when it is created
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2670] - Add targetPath property to file.File, file.Folder, file.Archive
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2707] - Render checkboxes in front of their labels
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2708] - Show full ID and type when hovering over an item in any of the browsers or selection widgets