Rules Manual


    When preparing a deployment, XL Deploy must determine which actions, or steps, to take for the deployment, and in what order. This happens in three phases:

    1. Delta analysis determines which deployables are to be deployed, resulting in a delta specification for the deployment.
    2. Orchestration determines the order in which deployments of the deployables should happen (serially, in parallel, or interleaved).
    3. Planning determines the specific steps that must be taken for the deployment of each deployable in the interleaved plan.

    XL Deploy's rules system works with the planning phase. Rules allow you to use XML or Jython to specify the steps that belong in a deployment plan and how the steps are configured.

    This manual describes how the rules system works and how you can influence the steps that will be included in the deployment plan. For more information about the deployment preparation process, refer to the Customization Manual.


    Orchestration is important in the planning of a deployment. Orchestration is not part of the planning phase itself; rather, it happens immediately before the planning phase and after the delta analysis phase, and its output is used as input for how planning is done.

    Delta analysis first determines which deployables need to be deployed, modified, deleted, or to remain unchanged. Each of these is called a delta. Orchestration determines the order in which the deltas should be processed. The result of orchestration is a tree-like structure of sub-plans, each of which is:

    • A serial plan that contains other plans that will be executed one after another;
    • A parallel plan that contains other plans that will be executed at the same time; or
    • An interleaved plan that will contain the specific deployment steps after planning is done

    The leaf nodes of the full deployment plan are always interleaved plans, and it is on these that the planning phase acts.

    Planning provides steps for an interleaved plan, and this is done by invoking rules. Some rules will trigger depending on the delta under planning, while others may trigger independent of any delta. When a rule is triggered, it may or may not add one or more steps to the interleaved plan under consideration.

    Rule definitions

    Where to define rules

    You define and disable rules in xl-rules.xml, which is stored in the <XLDEPLOY_HOME>/ext directory. XL Deploy plugin JARs can also contain xl-rules.xml. When the XL Deploy server starts, it scans all xl-rules.xml files and registers their rules.

    How to define rules

    Each rule:

    • Must have a name that is unique across the whole system
    • Must have a scope
    • Must define the conditions under which it will run
    • Can use the planning context to influence the resulting plan

    The xl-rules.xml file has the default namespace xmlns="". The root element must be rules, under which rule and disable-rule elements are located.

    Rescan the rules file

    You can configure XL Deploy to rescan all rules on the server whenever you change the <XLDEPLOY_HOME>/ext/xl-rules.xml file. To do so, edit the file-watch setting in the <XLDEPLOY_HOME>/conf/planner.conf file. For example, to check every 5 seconds if xl-rules.xml has been modified:

    xl {
        file-watch {
            interval = 5 seconds

    By default, the interval is set to 0 seconds. This means that XL Deploy will not automatically rescan the rules when <XLDEPLOY_HOME>/ext/xl-rules.xml changes.

    If XL Deploy is configured to automatically rescan the rules and it finds that xl-rules.xml has been modified, it will rescan all rules in the system. By auto-reloading the rules, it is easy to do some experimenting until you are satisfied with your set of rules.

    Note: If you modify planner.conf, you must restart the XL Deploy server.

    Rules and steps

    A step is a concrete action that XL Deploy performs to accomplish a task, such as delete a file or execute a PowerShell script. The plugins that are installed on the XL Deploy server define several step types and may also define rules that contribute steps to the plan. If you define your own rules, you can reuse the step types defined by the plugins.

    You can also disable rules defined by the plugins. Refer to Disable a rule for more information.

    Each step type is identified by a name. When you create a rule, you can add a step by referring to the step type's name.

    Also every step has parameters, which are variable properties that can be determined during planning and passed to the step. The parameters that a step needs depend on the step type, but they all have at least an order and a description. The order determines when the step will run, and the description is how the step will be named when you inspect the plan.

    For more information about steps, refer to the Reference Manual.

    Rules and the planning context

    Rules receive a reference to the XL Deploy planning context, which allows them to interact with the deployment plan. Rules use the planning context to contribute steps to the deployment plan or to add checkpoints that are needed for rollbacks.

    The result of evaluating a rule is either that:

    • The planning context is not affected, or
    • Steps and side effects are added to the planning context

    Typically, a rule only contributes steps to the plan in a few specific situations, when all of the conditions in its conditions section (if present) are met. Therefore, a rule will not always produce steps.

    How rules affect one another

    Rules are applied one after another, depending on the scope. Rules operate in isolation, although they can share information through the planning context. Rules can not affect one another, but you can disable rules. Every rule must have a name that is unique across the system.

    Rule scope

    The input that a rule receives depends on the planning context and on the rule's scope. The scope determines when and how often the rule is applied, as well as what data is available for the rule.

    For example, a rule with the deployed scope is applied for every delta in the interleaved plan and has access to delta information such as the current operation (CREATE, MODIFY, DESTROY, or NOOP) and the current and previous instances of the deployed. The rule can use this information to determine whether it needs to add a step to the deployment plan.

    Important: Be aware of the plan that steps are contributed to. Deployed rules and plan rules contribute to the same plan; therefore, the order of steps is important.

    Pre-plan scope

    A rule with the pre-plan scope is applied exactly once, at the start of the planning stage. The steps that the rule contributes are added to a single plan that XL Deploy pre-pends to the final deployment plan. A pre-plan-scoped rule is independent of deltas; however, it receives a reference to the complete delta specification of the plan, which it can use to determine whether it should add steps to the plan.

    Deployed scope

    A rule with the deployed scope is applied for each deployed in this interleaved plan; that is, for each delta. The steps that the rule contributes are added to the interleaved plan.

    You must define a type and an operation in the conditions for each deployed-scoped rule. If a delta matches the type and operation, XL Deploy adds the steps to the plan for the deployed.

    Plan scope

    A rule with the plan scope is applied once for every interleaved orchestration. It is independent of any single delta; however, it receives information about the deltas that are involved in the interleaved plan, which it can use to determine whether it should add steps to the plan.

    The steps that the rule contributes are added to the interleaved plan related to the orchestration, along with the steps that are contributed by the deployeds in the orchestration.

    For information about orchestrators, refer to the Reference Manual.

    Post-plan scope

    A rule with the post-plan scope is applied exactly once, at the end of the planning stage. The steps that the rule contributes are added to a single plan that XL Deploy appends to the final deployment plan. A post-plan-scoped rule is independent of deltas, however, it receives a reference to the complete delta specification of the plan, which it can use to determine whether it should add steps to the plan.

    Types of rules

    There are two types of rules:

    • XML rules allow you to define a rule using common conditions such as deployed types, operations, or the result of evaluating an expression. XML rules also allow you to define how a step must be instantiated by only writing XML.
    • Script rules allow you to express rule logic in a Jython script. You can provide the same conditions as you can in XML rules. Depending on the scope of a script rule, it has access to the deltas or to the delta specification and the planning context.

    The rule types are comparable in functionality. XML rules are more convenient because they define frequently used concepts in a simple way. Script steps are more powerful because they can include additional logic.

    If you do not know which type of rule to use, try an XML rule first. If the XML rule is too restrictive, try a script rule.

    XML rules

    An XML rule is fully specified using XML and has the following format in xl-rules.xml:

    • A rule tag with name and scope attributes, both of which are required.
    • A conditions tag with:
      • One or more type tags that identify the UDM types that the rule is restricted to. type is required if the scope is deployed; otherwise, you must omit it. The UDM type name must refer to a deployed type (not a deployable, container, or other UDM type).
      • One or more operation tags that identify the operations that the rule is restricted to. The operation can be CREATE, MODIFY, DESTROY, or NOOP. operation is required if the scope is deployed; otherwise, you must omit it.
      • An optional expression tag with an expression in Jython that defines a condition upon which the rule will be triggered. This tag is optional for all scopes. If you specify an expression, it must evaluate to a Boolean value.
    • A steps tag that contains a list of steps that will be added to the plan when this rule meets all conditions; that is, when its types and operations match and its expression (if present) evaluates to true. Each step to be added is represented by an XML tag specifying the step type and step parameters such as upload or powershell.

    Define steps in XML rules

    Steps in XML rules are defined in the steps tag. There is no XML schema verification of the way that rules are defined, but there are guidelines that you must follow.

    • The steps tag contains tags that must map to step names, which you can find in the Steps Reference.
    • Each step contains parameter tags that must map to the parameters of the defined step, which you can find in the Steps Reference.
    • Each parameter tag can contain:
      • A string value that will be automatically converted to the type of the step parameter. If the conversion fails, the step will not be created and the deployment planning will fail.
      • A Jython expression that must evaluate to a value of the type of the step parameter. For example, the expression 60 will evaluate to an Integer value, but "60" will evaluate to a String value. If you use an expression, the surrounding parameter tag must contain the attribute expression="true".
      • In the case of map-valued parameters, you can specify the map with sub-tags. Each sub-tag will result in a map entry with the tag name as key and the tag body as value. Also, you can specify expression="true" to place non-string values into a map.
      • In the case of list-valued parameters, you can specify the list with value tags. Each tag results in a list entry with the value defined by the tag body. Also, you can specify expression="true" to place non-string values into a list.
    • The steps tag may contain a checkpoint tag that informs XL Deploy that the action the step takes must be undone in the case of a rollback. For more information about checkpoints, refer to the XL Deploy Java API Manual.

    All Jython expressions are executed in same context with the same available variables as Jython scripts in script rules.

    Using dynamic data

    You can use dynamic data in steps. For example, to incorporate a file name in a step description, use:

    <description expression="true">"Copy file " +</description>

    Note: Do not forget to set expression to true to enable dynamic data.

    Escaping special characters

    Because xl-rules.xml is an XML file, some expressions must be escaped. For example, you must use myParam &lt; 0 instead of myParam < 0. Alternatively, you can wrap expressions in a CDATA section.

    Using special characters in strings

    You can set a step property to a string that contains a special character (such as a letter with an umlaut).

    If the parameter is an expression, enclose the string with single or double quotation marks (' or ") and prepend it with the letter u. For example:

    <parameter-string expression="true">u'pingüino'</parameter-string>

    If the parameter is not evaluated as an expression, no additional prefix is required. You can simply assign the value. For example:


    Using checkpoints

    XL Deploy uses checkpoints to build rollback plans. Checkpointing is explained more fully in the XL Deploy Java API Manual. The rules system allows you to define checkpoints by inserting a <checkpoint> tag immediately after the tag for the step on which you want the checkpoint to be set. Checkpoints can be used only in the following conditions:

    • The scope of the rule must be deployed.
    • You can set one checkpoint per rule.
    • If a rule specifies a single MODIFY operation, you can:
      • Set two checkpoints: One for the creation part and one for the deletion part of the modification (if applicable).
      • Use the attribute completed="DESTROY" or completed="CREATE" on the checkpoint tag to specify the operation that is actually performed for the step.

    Sample XML rule: Successfully created artifact

    This is an example of a rule that is triggered for every deployed of type udm.BaseDeployedArtifact or udm.BaseDeployed and operation CREATE. It results in the addition of a noop step (a step that does nothing) with order 60 to the plan.

    <rules xmlns="">
        <rule name="SuccessBaseDeployedArtifact" scope="deployed">
                    <description expression="true">'Dummy step for %s' %</description>

    Sample XML rule: Successfully deployed to Production

    This is an example of an XML rule that is triggered once for the whole plan, when the deployment's target environment contains the word Production.

    <rules xmlns="">
        <rule name="SuccessBaseDeployedArtifact" scope="post-plan">
                <expression>"Production" in</expression>
                    <description>Success step in Production environment</description>

    Note: The expression tag does not need to specify expression="true". Also, in this example, the description is now a literal string, so expression="true" is not required.

    Sample XML rule: Using a checkpoint

    This is an example of an XML rule that contains a checkpoint. XL Deploy will use this checkpoint to undo the rule's action if you roll back the deployment. If the step was executed successfully, XL Deploy knows that the deployable is successfully deployed; upon rollback, the planning phase needs to add steps to undo the deployment of the deployable.

    <rule name="CreateBaseDeployedArtifact" scope="deployed">

    Sample XML rule: Using checkpoints when operation is MODIFY

    This is an example of an XML rule in which the operation is MODIFY. This operation involves two sequential actions, which are removing the old version of a file (DESTROY) and then creating the new version (CREATE). This means that two checkpoints are needed.

    <rule name="ModifyBaseDeployedArtifact" scope="deployed">
            <checkpoint completed="DESTROY"/>
            <checkpoint completed="CREATE"/>

    Script rules

    A script rule adds steps and checkpoints to a plan by running a Jython script that calculates which steps and checkpoints to add.

    Important: The script in a script rule only runs during the planning phase. The purpose of the script is to provide steps for the final plan to execute, not to take deployment actions. Script rules do not interact with XL Deploy's execution phase, although some of the steps executed in that phase may involve executing scripts (such as a jython step).

    Define steps in script rules

    A script rule uses the following format in xl-rules.xml:

    • A rule tag with name and scope attributes, both of which are required.
    • An optional conditions tag with:
      • One or more type tags that identify the UDM types that the rule is restricted to. type is required if the scope is deployed; otherwise, you must omit it. The UDM type name must refer to a deployed type (not a deployable, container, or other UDM type).
      • One or more operation tags that identify the operations that the rule is restricted to. The operation can be CREATE, MODIFY, DESTROY, or NOOP. operation is required if the scope is deployed; otherwise, you must omit it.
      • An optional expression tag with an expression in Jython that defines a condition upon which the rule will be triggered. This tag is optional for all scopes. If you specify an expression, it must evaluate to a Boolean value.
    • A planning-script-path child tag that identifies a script file that is available on the class path (in the <XLDEPLOY_HOME>/ext/ directory).

    Every script is run in isolation; that is, you cannot pass values directly from one script to another.

    Sample script rule: Successfully created artifact

    This is an example of a script that is executed for every deployed that is involved in the deployment. The step of type noop will only be added for new deployeds (operation is CREATE) that derive from the type udm.BaseDeployedArtifact, as defined by the type element. Creating a step is done through the factory object steps. Addition of the step is performed through context, which represents the planning context (not the execution context).

    <rules xmlns="">
        <rule name="SuccessBaseDeployedArtifact" scope="deployed">

    Where planning/, which is stored in the <XLDEPLOY_HOME>/ext/ directory, has following content:

    step = steps.noop(description = "A dummy step to indicate that some new artifact was created on the target environment", order = 100)

    Define rule behavior

    When you define an XML or script rule, you use expressions or scripts to define its behavior. These are written in Jython, a combination of Python and Java.

    The data that is available for a planning script to use depends on the scope of the rule. This table shows when each object is available:

    Object name Type Scope Description
    context DeploymentPlanningContext all Use this to add steps and checkpoints to the plan
    deployedApplication DeployedApplication all Specifies which application version will be deployed to which environment
    steps all Allows you to create steps from the step registry
    specification DeltaSpecification pre-plan
    Contains the delta specification for the current deployment; see the Customization Manual for more information
    delta Delta deployed Whether the deployed should be created, modified, destroyed, or left unchanged (noop); see the Customization Manual
    deployed Deployed deployed In the case of create, modify, or noop, this is the "current" deployed that the delta variable refers to; in the case of destroy, it is not provided
    previousDeployed Deployed deployed In the case of modify, destroy, or noop, this is the "previous" deployed that the delta variable refers to; in the case of create, this is not provided
    deltas Deltas plan Collection of all Deltas in the current InterleavedPlan
    controlService ControlService all Gives you access to the ControlService
    deploymentService DeploymentService all Gives you access to the DeploymentService
    inspectionService InspectionService all Gives you access to the InspectionService
    metadataService MetadataService all Gives you access to the MetadataService
    packageService PackageService all Gives you access to the PackageService
    permissionService PermissionService all Gives you access to the PermissionService
    repositoryService RepositoryService all Gives you access to the RepositoryService
    roleService RoleService all Gives you access to the RoleService
    serverService ServerService all Gives you access to the ServerService
    taskService TaskService all Gives you access to the TaskService
    taskBlockService TaskBlockService all Gives you access to the TaskBlockService
    userService UserService all Gives you access to the UserService
    logger Logger all Allows you to access the XL Deploy logs. Prints logs to namespace com.xebialabs.platform.script.Logging

    Note: These objects are not automatically available for execution scripts, such as in the jython or os-script step. If you need an object in such a step, the planning script must make the object available explicitly; for example, by adding it to the jython-context map parameter in the case of a jython step.


    This section describes the syntax that is available when you define rule behavior.

    Accessing CI properties

    To access configuration item (CI) properties, including synthetic properties, use the property notation. For example:

    name = deployed.container.myProperty

    You can also refer to a property in the dictionary style, which is useful for dynamic access to properties. For example:

    propertyName = "myProperty"
    name = deployed.container[propertyName]

    For full, dynamic read-write access to properties, you can access properties through the values object. For example:

    deployed.container.values["myProperty"] = "test"

    Accessing deployeds

    The delta and delta specification expose the previous and current deployed. To access the deployed that is going to be updated, use the deployedOrPrevious property:

    depl = delta.deployedOrPrevious
    app = specification.deployedOrPreviousApplication

    Comparing delta operations and types

    You can compare a delta operation to the constants "CREATE", "DESTROY", "MODIFY" or "NOOP" as follows:

    if delta.operation == "CREATE":

    You can compare the CI type property to the string representation of the fully qualified type:

    if deployed.type == "udm.Environment":

    Disable a rule

    You can disable any rule that is registered in XL Deploy's rule registry, including rules that are:

    • Predefined in XL Deploy
    • Defined in the <XLDEPLOY_HOME>/ext/xl-rules.xml file
    • Defined in xl-rules.xml files in plugin JARs

    To disable a rule, add the disable-rule tag under the rules tag in xl-rules.xml. You identify the rule that you want to disable by its name (this is why rule names must be unique).

    For example, to disable a rule with the name deployArtifact, use:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <rules xmlns="">
        <disable-rule name="deployArtifact" />

    Predefined rule naming

    You can disable the rules that are predefined by Java classes in XL Deploy. Each of the methods that used to define steps is translated into a corresponding rule. This section describes the naming convention for each type of predefined rule.

    Deployed system rules

    • All methods of deployed classes that are annotated with @Create, @Modify, @Destroy, @Noop annotations. The name of the rule is given by concatenation of the UDM type of the deployed class, the method name, and annotation name. For example


    Contributor system rules

    All methods that are annotated with @Contributor annotations. The rule name is defined by concatenation of the full class name and method name. For example:


    Pre-plan and post-plan system rules

    All methods that are annotated with @PrePlanProcessor or @PostPlanProcessor annotations. The rule name is defined by concatenation of the full class name and method name. For example:


    Use a predefined step

    The plugins that are bundled with XL Deploy contain predefined steps that you can use in rules. For information about the steps that are available, refer to the Steps Reference.

    Calculated step parameters

    For some predefined steps, XL Deploy calculates the values of parameters so you do not have to specify them (even for parameters that are required).

    Order of a step

    The order parameter of a step is calculated as follows:

    • If the scope is pre-plan, post-plan, or plan, the order is 50
    • If the scope is deployed and:
      • The operation is CREATE, MODIFY, or NOOP and:
      • The operation is DESTROY and:

    The XL Deploy order convention is described in the Customization Manual.

    Description of a step

    The description parameter of a step is calculated as follows:

    • If the scope is deployed, the description is calculated based on the operation, the name of the deployed, and the name of the container.
    • If the scope is not deployed, the description cannot be calculated automatically and must be specified manually.

    Target host

    The target-host parameter of a step is calculated as follows:

    • If the scope is deployed and:
      • deployed.container is of type overthere.Host, the target-host is set to deployed.container.
      • deployed.container is of type overthere.HostContainer, the target-host is set to
      • deployed.container has a property called host, the value of which is of type overthere.Host; then target-host is set to this value.
    • In other cases, target-host cannot be calculated automatically and must be specified manually.


    The artifact parameter of a step is calculated as follows:

    • If the scope is deployed and deployed is of type udm.Artifact, the artifact is set to deployed.
    • In other cases, artifact cannot be calculated automatically and must be specified manually.


    Some steps have contexts such as freemarker-context, jython-context or powershell-context.

    The context of a step is enriched with calculated variables as follows:

    • If the scope is deployed, the context is enriched with a deployed instance that is accessible in a FreeMarker template by name deployed.
    • If the scope is deployed, the context is enriched with a previousDeployed instance that is accessible in a FreeMarker template by name previousDeployed.
    • In other cases, the context is not calculated automatically.

    Note that depending on the operation, the deployed or previousDeployed might not be initialized. For example, if the operation is CREATE, the deployed is set, but previousDeployed is not set.

    Define a custom step

    If the predefined step types in XL Deploy do not provide the functionality that you need, you can define custom step types and create rules that refer to them. Refer to Define a custom step for more information.

    Troubleshooting and best practices


    To avoid name clashes among plugins that you have created or acquired, it is recommended you use a namespace for your rules based on your company name. For example:

    <rule name="com.mycompany.xl-rules.createFooResource" scope="deployed">...</rule>


    To see more information during the planning phase, you can increase the logging output:

    1. Open <XLDEPLOY_HOME>/conf/logback.xml for editing.
    2. Add a statement such as one of the following:

      <logger name="com.xebialabs.deployit.deployment.rules" level="debug" />
      <logger name="com.xebialabs.deployit.deployment.rules" level="trace" />
    3. Use the logger object in Jython scripts. For information on how to do so, see Define rule behavior.

    Unique script names

    Some step types allow you to refer to a script by name. XL Deploy will search for the script on the full classpath; this includes the ext/ folder as well as the conf/ folder, inside JAR files, and so on. Ensure that scripts are uniquely named across all of these locations.

    Note: Some steps search for scripts with derived names. For example, the os-script step will search for my script as well as and myscript.bat.