Release Notes


    The release notes list the changes, improvements, and bug fixes included in each release of XL Deploy. For upgrade instructions and important information about API deprecation, refer to the Upgrade Manual.

    Version 4.5.9

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-3834] - User names and passwords with special characters cause Database plugin to fail
    • [DEPL-9411] - Using Jython/Python API may cause password leak

    Version 4.5.8

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-8592] - Artifact and script are uploaded to different directories when the Generic plugin is used
    • [DEPL-8955] - Overthere/SSHJ is slow when using SFTP
    • [DEPL-9153] - Compatibility issues with plugins during deployment with a NoSuchMethodError message


    • [DEPL-9083] - Upgrade commons-collections to the latest version
    • [DEPL-9094] - When importing a package, validate security roles that are set on udm.Version
    • [DEPL-9097] - Ignore 'transient' properties when doing delta calculation

    Version 4.5.6

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-4428] - Fixed issue where single quotation marks in IDs were not encoded by the server, user interface, or CLI
    • [DEPL-8356] - Fixed issue where /tasks/v2/export did not return detailed step information
    • [DEPL-8422] - Fixed issue where importing a DAR file that contained two CIs with the same name did not return an error message
    • [DEPL-8543] - Fixed issue where artifacts passed to os-script step pointed to the same file if they had the same content and placeholders
    • [DEPL-8578] - Removed spurious "[Finalizer] {} INFO c.x.o.spi.BaseOverthereConnection - Disconnected from local:" messages
    • [DEPL-8579] - Removed duplicate upgrader messages
    • [DEPL-8599] - Fixed issue where temporary files were not deleted from overthere.CifsHost target machine with WINRM_INTERNAL or TELNET connection type
    • [DEPL-8617] - Fixed issue where task recovery files could become corrupted due to partial write
    • [DEPL-8655] - Fixed issue where uploading a large artifact with placeholder scanning enabled caused an OutOfMemoryError


    • [DEPL-8627] - Fixed issue where executing a command would fail with error message "ls -ld /path/to/dir returned 0 but its output is unparseable: ESC"

    Version 4.5.5

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-6599] - Fixed issue where a user could create two applications with the same name by duplicating directories
    • [DEPL-6780] - Fixed issue where tip-of-the-day/welcome window did not show images correctly if XL Deploy server was running on a non-standard context path
    • [DEPL-7128] - Fixed issue where starting CLI on Windows with -password parameter failed if the password contained special characters
    • [DEPL-7341] - Fixed issue where socketTimeout was not configurable in the CLI
    • [DEPL-8208] - Fixed issue where REST extensions assumed basic authentication headers were present
    • [DEPL-8238] - Fixed issue where Trigger plugin did not use mail.SmtpServer fromAddress when no address was specified on trigger.EmailNotification
    • [DEPL-8251] - Fixed issue where previousDeployed variable was not available in the Generic plugin
    • [DEPL-8272] - Fixed issue where repository.getArchivedTasksList failed if there were tasks from Deployit 3.9.x or earlier
    • [DEPL-8399] - Fixed issue where os-script failed when copying files in tmp directory on overthere.CifsHost
    • [DEPL-8430] - Upgraded Overthere library to version 4.0.1
    • [DEPL-8433] - Fixed issue where setting uploadArtifactData in createOptions property of generic.ExecutedScriptWithDerivedArtifact did not have the desired effect until ${deployed.file} was used in the template
    • [DEPL-8441] - Fixed issue where GUI output for steps generated by rules were displayed with the wrong step
    • [DEPL-8443] - Fixed issue where requests in custom endpoints would time out due to short timeout period
    • [DEPL-8455] - Fixed issue where PowerShell and Python plugins would upload an artifact multiple times
    • [DEPL-8478] - Fixed issue where os-script and template steps recursively resolved FreeMarker templates in properties
    • [DEPL-8491] - Fixed issue where customWlstTemplatePath in WebLogic plugin could not be used when the target was Windows
    • [DEPL-8507] - Fixed issue where NullPointerException occurred when using the jythonScript delegate
    • [DEPL-8531] - Fixed issue where ${step.uploadedArtifactPath} was empty until ${deployed.file} was used in the same template


    • [DEPL-8521] - Upgraded Apache HttpComponents HttpClient to 4.4.1 to mitigate CVE-2014-3577
    • [DEPL-8558] - Prevent Internet Explorer from loading the XL Deploy HTML5 GUI in compatibility mode

    Version 4.5.4

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-8214] - Fixed issue where tasks with state "Done" were still available in the Task Monitor
    • [DEPL-8211] - Fixed issue where temporary directories were not removed when using os-script step with INTERACTIVE_SUDO, SUDO, or SU connection
    • [DEPL-8210] - Fixed issue where Deployit401ArchivedTaskDateUtcConversion upgrader was slow and/or causing OutOfMemoryErrors
    • [DEPL-8169] - Fixed issue where "Cannot delete workdir" error was shown when updating a deployed application
    • [DEPL-8123] - Fixed issue where task serialization failed with "com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.tasker.TaskExecutionContext$$anon$1" error
    • [DEPL-8092] - Removed spurious "Connection [local:] was not closed, closing automatically." messages
    • [DEPL-7994] - Fixed issue where deployed.file and previousDeployed.file pointed to the same file when used in a MODIFY operation
    • [DEPL-7979] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in .task files
    • [DEPL-7953] - Fixed issue where importing packages through Jenkins resulted in "Couldn't delete file" error message
    • [DEPL-7947] - Fixed issue where generic.CopiedArtifact could not be modified when preserveExistingFiles property was set to true
    • [DEPL-7924] - Fixed issue where task would not be reloaded after restarting XL Deploy
    • [DEPL-7838] - Fixed issue where editing an entry in an encrypted dictionary without making changes caused the value to be set to asterisks
    • [DEPL-7760] - Fixed issue where temporary files were not deleted from work directory after Plan Analyzer was used during a deployment update
    • [DEPL-8181] - Use binary backward-compatible version of Overthere 4.0.0


    • [DEPL-8038] - Improve deletion of temporary files in work directory
    • [DEPL-8021] - Log upgrader messages to the log file in addition to stdout
    • [DEPL-8020] - Prevent incorrect usage of XL Deploy when upgraders are not run
    • [DEPL-8019] - Ensure that XL Deploy boots sequentially so the prompt for upgraders is easy to see
    • [DEPL-6860] - Ensure that uploading large artifacts does not result in a Java heap space error
    • [DEPL-5680] - Only stage identical artifacts to the same host once

    Version 4.5.3

    Major changes

    • The SHA-1 checksum algorithm now accounts for empty files and file paths when calculating checksums for folder artifacts.
    • The script-path parameter of the jython step primitive has been deprecated in favor of the new script parameter.

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-4590] - Fixed issue that prevented checksum of empty files from being computed correctly
    • [DEPL-5470] - Fixed an issue where the UI returned an error after user selected many deployables and clicked the "map selected" button
    • [DEPL-6705] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to proceed with deployment if there were steps in the plan but no deployables were mapped
    • [DEPL-6863] - Fixed issue where keystore file was not generated when installer was run with -setup-defaults option
    • [DEPL-6901] - Fixed issue where report filtering did not allow selecting a date that was in the future relative to local time
    • [DEPL-7152] - Fixed issue where uploaded OverthereFile was not exposed in FreeMarker templates in os-script step primitive
    • [DEPL-7158] - Fixed issue where deployed and previousDeployed were not both exposed as calculated step parameters
    • [DEPL-7261] - Removed dependency on newer Guava versions in remote booter
    • [DEPL-7267] - Fixed issue where updating a deployed composite package resulted in a "PlannerException: None.get" error
    • [DEPL-7509] - Replaced script-path parameter in jython step primitive with optional script parameter
    • [DEPL-7550] - Fixed issue where using the os-script step resulted in a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded" error
    • [DEPL-7572] - Fixed issue where the Generic plugin would upload an artifact three times
    • [DEPL-7573] - Fixed issue where the Generic plugin did not upload the artifact associated with the previous deployed when used in a MODIFY operation
    • [DEPL-7623] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in script logs of the Generic, Python, and PowerShell plugins
    • [DEPL-7668] - Fixed issue where deployment properties were not set during rollback if a custom plugin was used
    • [DEPL-7762] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to override a script that was defined in a rule packaged in JAR file
    • [DEPL-7778] - Fixed issue where GarbageCollector task was not automatically archived after it executed successfully
    • [DEPL-7784] - Fixed issue where encrypted dictionary entries were exposed when used as placeholders in CI properties that were not password-enabled
    • [DEPL-7785] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in step previews when using the Generic plugin and the os-script step
    • [DEPL-7786] - Fixed issue where GET /role/roles/{username} in RoleService REST API would return a 500 error
    • [DEPL-7867] - Fixed issue where CI information was cached when performing repositoryResource.query in script
    • [DEPL-7869] - Fixed issue where users could use the REST API to link CIs that they did not have permission to access
    • [DEPL-7893] - Fixed issue where users who only had read permission on a directory could drag-and-drop CIs to the directory
    • [DEPL-7931] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in log when using instruction step


    • [DEPL-6727] - Improve performance when querying the udm.DeployedApplication version property
    • [DEPL-6978] - Show error message for unsupported browser versions
    • [DEPL-7382] - Make mail-related parameters optional for the manual step primitive
    • [DEPL-7870] - Allow access to the ExecutionContext from a FreeMarker template in the Generic plugin

    Version 4.5.2

    Major changes

    • Added support for a new license format: version 2. The old version 1 format is still supported in XL Deploy 4.5.2 and onwards, however version 2 licenses will not be usable in pre-4.5.2 versions of XL Deploy.

    • Property ${} is no longer supported in Freemarker templates. Instead, please use ${deployed.file} which contains the full path on the remote server.

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-5043] - Fixed issue where composite package that contained other composite packages could not be deployed
    • [DEPL-6655] - Fixed issue where UI would stop responding when user tried to archive a task that was already archived with the REST API
    • [DEPL-6922] - Fixed issue where the top navigation bar did not appear if some plugins were removed
    • [DEPL-6958] - Fixed issue that caused the Compare feature and UI extensions to fail
    • [DEPL-7135] - Fixed issue where separate rules were not generated for CI sub-types that extended a generic CI type
    • [DEPL-7201] - Fixed issue where starting XL Deploy with the -recovery option resulted in a "java.lang.IllegalStateException: PasswordEncrypter not yet set" error
    • [DEPL-7275] - Fixed issue where passwords were not masked in step previews when using Python or PowerShell plugin


    • [DEPL-7181] - Upgrade external library to prevent issues with corrupted TAR archives
    • [DEPL-7182] - Upgrade to Overthere 2.4.5 to take advantage of buffering behavior
    • [DEPL-7197] - Improve robustness of license checker

    Version 4.5.1

    Major changes

    • Spring and Spring Security were upgraded to version 3.2, so if you use deployit-security.xml, you must update it by removing the version specification of XSD files:
      • Change .../spring-beans-3.1.xsd to .../spring-beans.xsd
      • Change .../spring-security-3.1.xsd to .../spring-security.xsd

    Security fixes

    • [DEPL-6642] - Upgrade commons-fileupload to avoid security risks CVE-2013-0248, CVE-2014-0050
    • [DEPL-6643] - Upgrade Jackrabbit to avoid security risk JCR-3630 XSS
    • [DEPL-6644] - Upgrade Spring framework to avoid security risk CVE-2013-7315
    • [DEPL-6645] - Upgrade RESTEasy to avoid security risks RESTEASY-662, RESTEASY-669, RESTEASY-670
    • [DEPL-6646] - Upgrade Spring Security and Spring Security LDAP to avoid security risk CVE-2014-0097
    • [DEPL-6647] - Remove antisamy and xerces to avoid security risk CVE-2009-2625
    • [DEPL-6661] - Upgrade to xstream 1.4.7 to avoid security risk CVE-2013-7285

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-6676] - No error message is shown in the GUI if an error occurs in an orchestrator
    • [DEPL-6687] - Fix issue where passwords were not masked in preview of an os-script step
    • [DEPL-6691] - Fix issue where XL Deploy UI could not be used with debug version of Flash player
    • [DEPL-6692] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to access a synthetic property of kind SET_OF_CI or SET_OF_STRING in a Jython planning script
    • [DEPL-6701] - Fixed issue where updating a deployed composite package resulted in a NoSuchElementException error
    • [DEPL-6702] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to close the Permissions tab
    • [DEPL-6707] - Fixed issue where ${deployed.file} placeholder in FreeMarker templates did not return file path
    • [DEPL-6711] - Fixed issue where a NullPointerExpression error occurred after TAB was pressed while on the username or password prompt in the CLI
    • [DEPL-6724] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to retry a failed upload, delete, or os-script step
    • [DEPL-6740] - Fixed issue where it was not possible to retry a jython or os-script step after the XL Deploy server was restarted
    • [DEPL-6748] - Fixed issue where temporary folders were not deleted from the work directory after the Plan Analyzer was used
    • [DEPL-6764] - Fixed issue where remote booter did not fill in default values for properties
    • [DEPL-6781] - Fixed issue where SSL keystore passwords were not migrated correctly when upgrading from XL Deploy 4.0.x


    • [DEPL-6634] - In the Generic plugin, make previousDeployedApplication property point to previous deployed

    Version 4.5.0

    Major new features

    • Configuration compare

      • New configuration comparison option based on XL Deploy's extensible discovery mechanism.
      • Compare multiple live environments, as well as existing items in XL Deploy's repository with live state.
    • Rules DSL

      • Rules define the behavior of a plugin.
      • Rules can be used to add behavior to an existing plugin.
      • Rules can be used to change or disable behavior of an existing plugin.
      • Rules can be defined in XML or in Jython. No Java required.
      • XL Deploy ships with a set of standard steps that can be used by rules such as:
        • Upload an artifact to a remote machine.
        • Execute a script on a remote machine.
      • Existing plugins are fully backwards-compatible.
    • UI extensions

      • Modular extension capability for the UI.
      • Add new menu items to create your own screens and dashboards.
      • Fully HTML5 based.
      • Also define additional HTTP endpoints to easily add functionality.


    • [DEPL-1231] - Delete multiple items at once from the GUI and the CLI
    • [DEPL-2586] - Add "close all tabs" button to deployment and repository browsers
    • [DEPL-4889] - Allow repository keystore password to be specified without appearing on the command line
    • [DEPL-4943] - Expose createdAt, createdBy, lastModifiedAt and lastModifiedBy attributes of configuration items
    • [DEPL-5170] - Add support for PostgreSQL
    • [DEPL-6004] - Expose limited task information to ExecutionContext
    • [DEPL-6030] - Automatically encrypt keystore.password and keystore.keypassword properties in server configuration file
    • [DEPL-6382] - Stop cli.cmd on windows from closing the CMD window on error
    • [DEPL-6402] - Add tab completion to the XLD CLI
    • [DEPL-6423] - Support file placeholders in .tar, .tar.gz, .tgz archives and similar formats

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-5444] - Tasks do not respond to 'Stop' or 'Abort' commands when STOPPING
    • [DEPL-5906] - DAR export exposes passwords
    • [DEPL-5908] - Remote booter does not work when XL Deploy is proxied by a server using Server Name Identification
    • [DEPL-6011] - In database plugin when using dependencies for rollback scripts the sub-folder are not uploaded to the target host
    • [DEPL-6057] - Running the garbage collector results in dead letter
    • [DEPL-6089] - Not possible to use placeholder ${deployed.deployable.file} when extending generic.ExecutedScript
    • [DEPL-6246] - ConcurrentModificationException when using uploadArtifactData and exposePreviousDeployed
    • [DEPL-6285] - Regression in UI on authentication failure
    • [DEPL-6363] - Don't allow user to copy passwords from CI properties in the GUI
    • [DEPL-6381] - Error setting CI reference on the deployed user interface
    • [DEPL-6414] - Support aliased properties in XML importer
    • [DEPL-6417] - Freemarker resolver fails to resolve CI property of type list
    • [DEPL-6435] - Staging step does not close Overthere connections
    • [DEPL-6579] - Tasks do not respond to 'Stop' or 'Abort' commands when FAILING

    Version 4.0.4

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-8210] - Fixed issue where Deployit401ArchivedTaskDateUtcConversion upgrader was slow and/or causing OutOfMemoryErrors
    • [DEPL-8169] - Fixed issue where "Cannot delete workdir" error appeared when updating a deployed application
    • [DEPL-7128] - Fixed issue where starting CLI on Windows with -password parameter failed if the password contained special characters


    • [DEPL-8521] - Upgraded Apache HttpComponents HttpClient to 4.4.1 to mitigate CVE-2014-3577
    • [DEPL-5680] - Only stage identical artifacts to the same host once

    Version 4.0.3

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-4590] - Checksum of empty files is not computed properly
    • [DEPL-5043] - Cannot deploy composite package that contains other composite packages in UI and composite-package orchestrator
    • [DEPL-5470] - Error when selecting many deployables and using the 'map selected' button
    • [DEPL-6655] - Archiving an already archived task hangs the UI
    • [DEPL-6901] - Report filtering does not consider that UTC may be one day ahead
    • [DEPL-7245] - Docs still say you can manually reorder plan steps
    • [DEPL-7275] - Passwords are not masked in step previews of python and powershell plugin
    • [DEPL-7384] - Type modification in synthetic.xml contained within plugin fails to override property
    • [DEPL-7572] - Generic plugin uploads the artifact 3 times
    • [DEPL-7573] - In the generic plugin, upload the artifact associated with the previous deployed upon MODIFY step
    • [DEPL-7668] - Deployment properties are not always set during rollback
    • [DEPL-7869] - Prevent linking of non-readable CI's
    • [DEPL-7893] - A user can drag and drop CI to a Directory that he has only read permissions


    • [DEPL-7182] - Upgrade to Overthere 2.4.5 to get proper buffering behaviour

    Version 4.0.2


    • Spring and Spring Security were upgraded to version 3.2, so if you use deployit-security.xml, you must update it by removing the version specification of XSD files:
      • Change .../spring-beans-3.1.xsd to .../spring-beans.xsd
      • Change .../spring-security-3.1.xsd to .../spring-security.xsd

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-6089] - File placeholders do not work in freemarker templates of generic plugin
    • [DEPL-6435] - Staging step does not close Overthere connections
    • [DEPL-6579] - Tasks do not respond to 'Stop' or 'Abort' commands when FAILING
    • [DEPL-6660] - Date UTC Conversion upgrader is slow and can cause OutOfMemoryErrors
    • [DEPL-6701] - NoSuchElementException when upgrading a composite package
    • [DEPL-6722] - In the database-plugin, when using dependencies for rollback scripts the subfolders are not uploaded
    • [DEPL-6748] - Temporary folders in the work directory are not deleted when using the plan analyzer


    • [DEPL-6419] - Deprecate targetFileName property of file.Folder type
    • [DEPL-6634] - Make property previousDeployedApplication point to previous deployed in generic-plugin

    Security fixes

    • [DEPL-6661] - Upgrade to xstream 1.4.7 to avoid security risk CVE-2013-7285
    • [DEPL-6642] - Upgrade commons-fileupload to avoid security risks CVE-2013-0248, CVE-2014-0050
    • [DEPL-6643] - Upgrade Jackrabbit to avoid security risk JCR-3630 XSS
    • [DEPL-6644] - Upgrade Spring framework to avoid security risk CVE-2013-7315
    • [DEPL-6645] - Upgrade RESTEasy to avoid security risks RESTEASY-662, RESTEASY-669, RESTEASY-670
    • [DEPL-6646] - Upgrade Spring Security and Spring Security LDAP to avoid security risk CVE-2014-0097
    • [DEPL-6647] - Remove antisamy and xerces to avoid security risk CVE-2009-2625

    Version 4.0.1


    • [DEPL-5340] - Improve filtering of possible values for a CI, SET_OF_CI or LIST_OF_CI property shown in UI
    • [DEPL-5517] - Use filename in Content-Disposition when downloading a package for import
    • [DEPL-5668] - Previous button disabled when discovery fails (REGRESSION)
    • [DEPL-5735] - Allow file copy buffer size to be configured in Overthere
    • [DEPL-5800] - Add a method contains in to be able to use "IN"
    • [DEPL-5856] - Add HTTP access logs
    • [DEPL-5730] - Allow user to enable pre-4.0.0 file/folder copy behaviour

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-2934] - Wrong times displayed for deployments in "Deployments in date range report"
    • [DEPL-3625] - Removed unneeded 'create directory' step in upgrade process
    • [DEPL-4936] - Cannot import package that has a CI with an embedded LIST_OF_CI property
    • [DEPL-5325] - Python daemon does not work over CIFS/WINRM_NATIVE connections
    • [DEPL-5355] - Validate that all application names are unique
    • [DEPL-5652] - Unable to downloads DARs from a URL for import
    • [DEPL-5669] - Type-modifications are applied in the wrong order
    • [DEPL-5731] - Cannot use WINRM_NATIVE with a password containing special characters (&#$!*)
    • [DEPL-5789] - Short-circuit copy of directories does not work on AIX
    • [DEPL-5845] - Property suPassword on overthere.SshHost is not a password property
    • [DEPL-5847] - Python daemon does not work over SSH/SU connections
    • [DEPL-5858] - Hidden properties should be ignored by the importer
    • [DEPL-5870] - Cannot copy step log in hierarchical task view
    • [DEPL-5895] - The db2Home property is not used in the Db2Client script files
    • [DEPL-5931] - Staging can leave artifact files in the temporary directory
    • [DEPL-5939] - Race-condition match-error in par-tasker
    • [DEPL-6003] - taskId, stepDescription and username not added to MDC

    Version 4.0.0

    Major new features

    • Declarative parallel deployment

      • Deploy to many servers in parallel with the push of a button using your existing packages, environments and plugins.
      • Support for different parallel orchestrators, including "parallel by container", "parallel by composite package" and "parallel by deployment group".
      • Support composition of orchestrators.
    • Declarative staging support

      • Check a box to stage files to target servers before the deployment starts.
      • Works out of the box for all of your plugins and deployments.
    • Schedule deployments for execution at a later time

      • Prepare a deployment ahead of time and have it executed when load on your application is low.
      • See and interact with scheduled tasks in the task monitor.


    • Improved performance and resource utilisation

      • Deployment performance: by parallel deployment and staging, resulting in a decrease of downtime.
      • UI performance
    • Removed the ability to manually reorder steps in the deployment plan

    • Deployit was rebranded to XL Deploy

    • Improved insight by adding control tasks to the reports

    • A new connection type, SU, which uses SCP to transfer files. Commands are executed via the su command.

    • Adding pause steps and skipping steps in the task execution screen moved to a context menu. The old buttons were removed.

    • Introduced a new licensing scheme. Old licenses are not compatible. A new license must be installed in DEPLOYIT_HOME/conf/deployit-license.lic. Your license can be downloaded from the product download site at

    • This version of XL Deploy requires Java 7 to run

    • Documentation improvements

    Plugin compatibility

    Due to changes in a third-party library, the following plug-ins are not compatible with XL Deploy 4.0.0:

    • cloud-plugin 3.9.x
    • ec2-plugin 3.9.x
    • glassfish-plugin 3.9.x
    • jbossdm-plugin 3.9.x
    • netscaler-plugin 3.9.x
    • was-plugin-extensions 3.9.x
    • wls-plugin 3.9.x
    • wp-plugin 3.9.x

    Updated 4.0.0 versions will be released shortly.


    • [DEPL-4951] - Improve performance of deployment pipeline
    • [DEPL-5115] - Don't checkpoint a JCR changeset when doing a dry run
    • [DEPL-5116] - Only read CI trees as deeply as needed
    • [DEPL-5151] - Make keeping of version history for a type configurable
    • [DEPL-5209] - Implement CLI support for scheduling
    • [DEPL-5228] - Add REST API to get the effective dictionary
    • [DEPL-5284] - Restrict deployment and cloud reports to users that have applicable read permissions
    • [DEPL-5341] - Add ability to attach control tasks to "roots", e.g. Applications, Environments, Infrastructure and Configuration
    • [DEPL-5372] - Support tar archives for "file.Archive"
    • [DEPL-5376] - Support local copies on remote file systems
    • [DEPL-5430] - Improve filtering of possible values for a CI, SET_OF_CI or LIST_OF_CI property shown in UI
    • [DEPL-5492] - Allow DOMAINUSERNAME syntax to be used for WINRM_NATIVE connections
    • [DEPL-5525] - Allow user to disable/enable optimization of the generated plan

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-5152] - LIST_OF_STRING is stored without u{..}
    • [DEPL-5206] - Packages in importablePackages directory are locked and cannot be deleted (in windows).
    • [DEPL-5319] - CLI cannot upload dar with spaces in file name
    • [DEPL-5368] - Cannot upload a directory that is specified in the ClasspathResources property
    • [DEPL-5375] - Comma's cannot be escaped in set_of_string resulting in incorrect sequence in freemarker template
    • [DEPL-5392] - A failed upload disables the save button
    • [DEPL-5395] - Fix backwards compatibility of engine-api with pre 3.9.90 versions
    • [DEPL-5400] - CIFS over SSH jumpstation does not work in quick succession
    • [DEPL-5418] - When importing folder CI's files are left in temp directory
    • [DEPL-5443] - Fix a file descriptor leak when importing packages
    • [DEPL-5583] - Race conditions in overthere when running parallel deployment on same host
    • [DEPL-5616] - Group orchestrators are installed per default

    Version 3.9.90

    Use of a version in the 4.0.x range is recommended over using this version.


    • Support for parallel deployments
    • Support for scheduling tasks


    • [DEPL-4951] - Displaying a deployment pipeline is very slow

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPL-5281] - Passwords are displayed in the preview window

    Version 3.9.4


    • [DEPLOYITPB-3828] - Use different credentials to start/stop a container
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4662] - Add property to DeployableArtifact that specifies character encoding of the file(s)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4940] - Add winrs-backed implementation of WinRM


    • [DEPLOYITPB-2157] - Include empty synthetic.xml in the ext directory
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3487] - Inject previousDeployed instance in the freemarker context in the generic plugin
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3570] - Document that the CLI configuration file must be called "deployit.conf"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3792] - Include overthere documentation in the remote plugin documentation
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4256] - Ignore empty tags
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4315] - Add support for z/OS
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4893] - Set properties of a deployed application from matching properties on a udm.Version (deployment package)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4911] - Give warning for required asContainment properties of SET_OF_CI, LIST_OF_CI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5008] - Run multiple PowerShell scripts in a single PowerShell session
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5011] - Improve description of generic containers in generic plugin documentation
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5012] - Description of Manual Process has a typo (inststructions)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5050] - Document that values from EncryptedDictionary are not resolved in plaintext properties
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5053] - Allow symlinking of and scripts to other locations
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5057] - Not possible to specify a proxy for the cli
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5059] - Provide more fine-grained control over stopping and starting containers
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5072] - Allow static Java methods to be invoked from FreeMarker templates
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5073] - Add localShellScript and localShellScripts delegates

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-4891] - Long names not well visible in Release Dashboard pipelines
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4904] - Timer already cancelled
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4949] - Username and password not used when deploying to sql.Db2Client
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4969] - Do not call validator when optional property is not filled in
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4998] - Add ability to connect to DB2 with a specific user
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5001] - Update packaging manual with embedded CIs in XML manifest format
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5009] - Python daemon fails in some setups since Deployit 3.9.3
    • [DEPLOYITPB-5055] - Checksums are written excluding leading zeroes

    Version 3.9.3


    • [DEPLOYITPB-4667] - Removed PDF documentation from the release
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4775] - int properties defined in CI's in java cannot be optional. Optional integer properties defined in the synthetic.xml are now properly optional.


    • [DEPLOYITPB-3359] - Allow user to define the repository location during DAR import
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3569] - Obfuscate cli.password property in CLI configuration file
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4354] - Ask user for confirmation when moving a CI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4800] - Set of CI kind in DIP does not remove item when selected
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4808] - Add global permission report#view so access to reports can be restricted
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4811] - Add support for "classpathResources" to BaseExtensiblePowerShellDeployed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4859] - Add "executeModifiedScripts" and "executeRollbackForModifiedScripts" properties to ExecutedFolder CI in to support running modified SQL files.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4881] - Set checkpoint after first SQL script executed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4837] - Update bundled-plugin documentation to include examples in XML manifest format

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-4159] - Python daemon (wsadmin/wlst) does not work with WinRM. Upgraded to Overthere 2.2.2.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4656] - Check connection fails for overthere.SshHost with SUDO connection type
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4701] - Tighten permission checks in Task Web Service
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4717] - Closing a control task window does not cancel the task
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4776] - Deployit does not shut down properly via REST call
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4778] - Default admin password is not set in complete setup mode
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4799] - User cannot authenticate against LDAP if member of a group containing a special character
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4812] - Python daemon does not work over TELNET connections when connecting from a Windows machine
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4828] - When no BOM is detected, the default charset is used
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4853] - Fix overlapping 'Full Screen' and 'Close Window' icons
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4861] - Check connection task succeeds even for non-zero exit code of the command
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4883] - Exceptions are not properly printed when a CLI Python script is run using the -f flag
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4886] - Fix placeholder replacement in folder artifacts named as

    Version 3.9.2


    • [DEPLOYITPB-2306] - Added ability to update a discovered topology
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4039] - Added ability to generate a virtual deployable type
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4383] - Added ability for a packager to specify the placeholder format in the manifest
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4473] - Added a .NET/IIS application in the deployit-server distribution
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4530] - Ported "options" approach from powershell-plugin to generic-plugin
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4652] - Added autoPrepareDeployeds to CLI, REST API and GUI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4660] - Added detection of UTF-8 and UTF-16 text files with BOMs in deployable artifacts and preserve their encoding during placeholder replacement
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4661] - Added detection of UTF-8 and UTF-16 text files with BOMs in the plugin templates and scripts and read them with the correct encoding
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4733] - Added a way to find DeployedApplication given Environment and package to REST
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4742] - Added ability to resize/maximize balloon window and other popup windows

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3381] - Empty tags (tags containing only spaces that are stripped) should not be allowed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4147] - Validations on Embedded deployeds do not work properly in the UI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4619] - NPE when generating a deployed with embedded deployeds for a deployable that has no embedded deployables
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4627] - Opening history comparison for deployed throws PathNotFoundException: $configuration.item.type
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4633] - Special characters ($ and `) are not escaped in PowerShell strings
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4635] - Error or incorrect behaviour on update to package that adds or removes embeddeds
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4642] - Old-style 'DeploymentStep' steps causes exception during planning
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4664] - Tooltip mentions magic placeholder values and but should be and
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4705] - Rollback of an update deployment is incorrect
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4706] - Duplicate type definition accepted
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4718] - MSSQL wrapper script should not add transaction
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4725] - Repository Garbage sometimes can not be started (again)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4734] - ItemConflictException when rolling back a deployment with an embedded CI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4739] - RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassCastException [/deployment/validate]: com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.ValidatedConfigurationItem cannot be cast to com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.api.udm.Deployed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4743] - Import breaks with large file.Folder artifacts
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4753] - Workdirs are not cleaned up after a task has finished

    Version 3.9.1


    • [DEPLOYITPB-4603] - Make services.Repository returns artifacts when invoked from a contributor or a step
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4604] - Allow nested container to be started, stopped and restarted
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4620] - Add ability to send HTML email notifications from trigger plugin
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4621] - Add ability to generic Containers to upload classpath and templated resources for stop/start actions
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4622] - Add ability to generic control task delegate to manage classpath resources, resolving host and executing multiple steps.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4625] - Username field does not have focus on login screen

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3558] - Execution of PowerShell steps on localhost hangs
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4347] - The "Deployments done in a date range" report only shows names
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4411] - Import package button not visible when package name is long
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4449] - Unnecessary unsaved changes warning when opening editors with large text input fields
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4456] - When (de)selecting tabs with long titles, the tab positions jump around a lot
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4494] - Error message "Key must have a value" badly worded
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4503] - Task reassignment completion message is confusing
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4505] - Task monitor is not resized when the browser window is resized
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4507] - "Blue arrows" are drawn starting from virtual right hand side of the list of deployables
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4509] - No progress indicator shown while task preview is generated
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4545] - Buttons on step list (skip,stop,abort, etc.) should be disabled once pressed and processing is busy.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4569] - NPE when using a host template without marker file connection options
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4572] - REST API is not backwards compatible with 3.8.x clients
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4575] - Task recovery file not removed when task is cancelled
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4589] - The CreateOptions & ModifyOptions properties should be hidden
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4593] - If excludeFileNamesRegex matches the name of the uploaded ZIP for a folder, nothing is scanned
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4598] - Subpermission names (e.g. deploy undeploy) do not render on narrow screens
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4602] - sql.SqlScripts doesn't take the destroyOrder into account when destroying
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4613] - Generic Plugin - Add ability to resolve set_of_string values to values stored in other properties.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4616] - Pending tasks should be archived to prevent to lose them if the deployit server restarts
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4624] - Fixed storing of embeddeds

    Version 3.9.0

    Major changes

    • Provision new deployment environment in the cloud
    • Integration with Team Foundation Server via the TFS plugin
    • Plugins for deploying to Windows, IIS and BizTalk
    • See how deployment plans are put together with the Plan Analyzer
    • Show scripts to be executed in the deployment plan
    • Restyled Deployit GUI


    • Model embedded CIs in deployments
    • Compare CI revisions in the GUI
    • Use placeholders to control naming of deployed CIs
    • Duplicate CIs in the Repository
    • Specify parameters to control tasks
    • Restrict dictionaries to particular containers and applications
    • New XML-based manifest format
    • Explicitly control artifact versioning by specifying checksums

    Version 3.8.5


    • [DEPLOYITPB-4231] - Set default of "os" property to "WINDOWS" for overthere.CifsHost
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4233] - Set label on property "stopStartOnNoop" to "Stop and start on every deployment"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4235] - Improve PowerShell error handling
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4388] - Add ability to deploy Apache configuration files that are in the package

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3912] - Add test mail control task to mail.SmtpServer
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4067] - MsSqlClient.bat.ftl returns 0 on an incorrect login
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4180] - The Deployed Applications in an Environment report queries for the environment name instead of its id
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4193] - Property commandLine on DeployedCommand should be required
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4262] - Cannot access properties of TaskState objects in the CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4284] - UI stores username and password at multiple places
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4310] - CLI does not expose enough information when encountering an exception
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4330] - Deployit won't start when certain leftovers are present in work
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4342] - GUI mishandles empty lists-of-string (#1058)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4360] - CLI import does not work behind reverse proxy
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4376] - Garbage collection tasks are not archived
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4381] - "Plus" character is lost when creating CIs

    Version 3.8.4


    • [DEPLOYITPB-3623] - Add "username" and "password" properties to sql.SqlScripts
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4058] - Package server.cmd and cli.cmd files as Windows text files
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4064] - Add properties for command lines options for sqlcmd
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4094] - Allow RemoteBooter clients to specify converters for XStreamReaderWriter
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4102] - The UI should support empty values for dictionary keys.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4144] - Deployment object reference and deployment/validate documentation do not indicate where to get validation errors
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4211] - Accessing name property on CI from the CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4215] - Make the commands executed for SSH+SCP, SSH+SUDO and SSH+INTERACTIVE_SUDO connections configurable
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4216] - Allow stderr to be handled per character (like stdout can)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4230] - Split "check connection" task into two steps

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3501] - Default Values for set_of_string are not displayed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3839] - Cannot rename ci when the new name is the end part of the old name
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4036] - Boolean property powershell.BaseExtensiblePowerShellDeployed.stopStartOnNoop should not be required.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4048] - Cannot start the CLI on Windows 2003
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4051] - The generated description for an UPDATE deployment task says "UPGRADE deployment of ..."
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4057] - Error message "PlaceholderS […] doesn't have a value" has one S too many.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4069] - Documentation for database-plugin does not mention support for MS SQL
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4112] - EmailNotifications do not require either a body or template path
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4143] - /deployment/validate documentation is not correctly indented
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4152] - Discovery from CLI fails with error 500: "Task not found"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4157] - Server doesn't start when jbossdm plugin is loaded
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4161] - Old style ExecutionContextListener implementations aren't destroyed on context stop
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4164] - Placeholder replacement: Skipped JAR files eat up time
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4176] - Syntax used to export environment variables does not work in all shells
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4181] - LIST_OF_CI & LIST_OF_STRING does not keep the order
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4188] - FreeMarker resolution can cause an infinite loop (that cannot be aborted)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4197] - No autodeploy possible after unmapping app with a single deployable
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4212] - Entering a new dictionary key/value has leading spaces
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4213] - Copying files over CIFS and SFTP is sometimes very slow
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4214] - Disable startProcess for WinRM because it does not support streaming stdin and therefore does not support wsadmin/wlst daemons
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4259] - MANIFEST.MF in exported DAR should not include placeholders property
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4261] - Artifact data is not uploaded for a PowerShell destroy step
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4277] - 3.8.3: print returns 'has no property name'
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4278] - help() kills the cli if started with -q option

    Version 3.8.3


    • [DEPLOYITPB-3374] - Do not trigger MODIFY operation on a CI for changes to tags
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3962] - Support an 'everyone' granted-authority assigned to all authenticated users.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4041] - Add support for TLS communication to the SMTP server
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4066] - Unhide "username" and "password" on sql.MsSqlClient
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4072] - Make the username and password prompts from the CLI look nicer
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4025] - Add logging for password failures during startup

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3271] - Deployit server starts even though JCR repository cannot be started
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3388] - Restart control task on www.ApacheHttpdServer is broken
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3910] - Cannot downgrade ExecutedFolder (e.g. SqlScripts) without rollback scripts
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3933] - Trigger plugin manual not referenced from doc page
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3938] - Clean Deployit installation starts with a WARN message in the log
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3971] - Trigger plugin manual refers to 'mail.SmptServer' instead of 'mail.SmtpServer'
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3993] - Trigger plugin is not aware of SKIP step state.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4008] - Deleting referenced CI throws: Stream closed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4028] - Deployit doesn't start on IBM JDK
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4065] - Username and password on sql.ExecutedSqlScripts are not used by MsSqlClient.bat.ftl
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4070] - Property databaseName on sql.MsSqlClient should not be required
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4085] - "ls -ld ... returned unparseable output" error on SELinux
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4088] - Placeholder in properties of kind SET_OF_STRING are not being replaced on upgrade
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4091] - Server can not parse XML with date in ISO8601 format
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4105] - User can rename the JCR roots
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4108] - Querying by modification does not actually restrict returned CIs
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4118] - Rollback of update throws NotFoundException for DeployedApplication
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4134] - REST API documentation missed "/deployit" prefix.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-4141] - Upgrade to 3.7/8 leaves rep:policy nodes in the repository

    Version 3.8.2

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-4014] - Bug in UI is requestion for non existing "admim" (typo) user causing errors in server log

    Version 3.8.1

    API Changes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3976] - REST API: Replace HEAD /security/check/{permission}/{id:.*?} with GET


    • [DEPLOYITPB-3760] - Add option to disable "keep me logged in" checkbox
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3761] - Add option to automatically log out users
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3961] - Support '*' and '+' as universal tags in deployables/containers.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3979] - CLI: Add searchByName method that searches the repository
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3927] - Remove commons-logging from Deployit server distribution

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-2222] - Clicking close on tab after initial/upgrade/undeploy does not refresh the deployed applications browser
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3779] - Repeated WARN "transient property [jee.War.scanPlaceholders] should not have been persisted."
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3844] - file.Folder CIs uploaded as ZIPs via the UI are not expanded during deployment
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3845] - Tasks that are restored when the GUI is restarted show up in the wrong workspace
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3875] - Recovered task hangs and cannot be aborted
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3894] - New values in deployables do not override values on prior deployeds
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3906] - NPE when CI reference in MANIFEST.MF point to non-existent entry
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3911] - UI shows enabled Rollback, Skip and Pause buttons for recovered control task
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3928] - SKIP steps should be gray in UI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3934] - CLI does not display reason for NotFoundException (404)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3935] - Exception while upgrading from 3.6.4 to 3.8
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3936] - Subtypes of Overthere.Host do not show the new "terminal" icon
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3937] - Cannot find /Configuration when upgrading from 3.6.4 to 3.8
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3939] - "compare" discloses values for items in udm.EncryptedDictionary
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3943] - new security API does not have a getPermissions function
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3945] - Security exception in log when logging in as non-admin
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3952] - Username and principal name in different caps are incorrectly remembered
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3963] - No more than 25 applications are shown in the application filter select box on the deployment-done-in-a-date-range report parameters screen
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3967] - Completed tasks are not archived when you close them with the [X] button
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3969] - Application name returned in PackageInfo contains directory information
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3975] - Discovery menu in UI gives wrong suggestions for discovery
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3977] - CLI should have script name in argv[0] even when arguments absent
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3997] - Rollback should use current DeployedApplication's orchestrator and transient properties.

    Version 3.8.0

    Major changes

    • Automated Rollback functionality for deployment tasks
    • Audit log and auditing API
    • Encrypted dictionaries
    • Discovery of middleware is now available in the Deployit GUI
    • Simplify setup of Deployit by discovering WebSphere resources and artifacts in existing environments
    • Define and build packages in the Deployit GUI
    • Support for JBoss 6 EAP Domain Managers
    • Support for WebSphere Process Server
    • Authenticate against Windows domains using Kerberos
    • Extensive public REST API that exposes the functionality of the Deployit Server
    • Triggers for task or step state changes
    • Email notifications


    • Dictionaries may refer to other dictionaries
    • Deployment pipelines can be shared between applications
    • Added support for pause steps / manual steps
    • Fine-grained deployment checklist permissions
    • Placeholder scanning on archives is disabled by default
    • Password encryption key can be initialized when creating a repository
    • Task id is shown in Deployit GUI, so tasks started in GUI can be finished in CLI
    • Reports can now be filtered on application / environment
    • Logs of historic deployments can be shown from the Deployit GUI
    • About box in Deployit GUI shows detailed installation information

    Version 3.7.1


    • [DEPLOYITPB-3292] - Log DictionaryValueExceptions as WARN
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3320] - Improve import error handling when placeholder scanning fails

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-3115] - AD-934: Password revealed during step "Waiting for AFS replication"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3171] - Logger (PermissionEnforcer) is too much verbose
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3241] - unable to delete CI's after migrating to 3.7.0
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3242] - Right-click menus do not scroll if the screen is too small
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3253] - User with "security edit" and "admin" permissions can't set permissions
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3259] - Deployables are not ordered alphabetically in the deployment editor
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3260] - Server includes spring-security-ldap version 3.0.5.RELEASE instead of 3.1.0.RELEASE
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3261] - Server includes spring-tx version 3.0.6.RELEASE instead of 3.1.1.RELEASE
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3263] - Package includes spurious __MACOSX files
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3265] - Security permissions printed in the CLI after an upgrade should correctly list local and global permissions
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3321] - Admin tab not shown in UI when user has "admin" right because he is a member of a group that has those privs instead of a user
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3322] - Release Dashboard: shows saved pipeline of other users of the same browser
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3323] - When logging out in the CLI, the previous credentials are remembered and a user can login with the same username and any credentials
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3324] - Double clicking on a CompositePackage in release dashboard does not show pipeline for version.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3326] - Deployment pipelines boxes too small to fit timestamped versions generated by Deployit Maven plugin
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3338] - Cannot save udm.DeployedApplication entity

    Version 3.7.0

    Major changes

    • Use the .NET plugin to deploy .NET applications to Microsoft middleware
    • The Release Dashboard gives real-time insight into applications’ progress through the release pipeline
    • Combine project components into business service releases using composite packages
    • Fine-tune deployment strategy to new middleware stacks and customer environments by defining orchestrators
    • View and edit security permissions in the GUI

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-792] - Removing repository directory gives errors in server.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1166] - Clicking on buttons or tabs is already possible, even when the GUI is not yet fully loaded
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1177] - Remove INFO logging of authorization on each request
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1180] - Allow pretty printing of all DTOs in the CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1368] - Calling TaskProxy.abort on a stopped task results in an NPE in the core
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1402] - Cannot set the Deployit server's bind address via the configuration
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1433] - Boolean values are marked as different in compare even if they are the same
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1446] - Impossible to clear a CI reference via the UI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1601] - In an upgraded mapping , the placeholders are not upgraded if they are not detected
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1612] - SSH SUDO the permissions between the user and the sudo users may not match
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1661] - recovery.dat already exists
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2123] - Pressing tab in the last cell of the placeholder component should add a new row
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2149] - Set-valued properties can contain no members even if "required"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2183] - CLI: invoking print on a instance of com.xebialabs.deployit.core.api.dto.Deployment displays nothing
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2192] - OutOfMemory Error when importing packages with large (300MB) file(s) in it
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2194] - Cannot import package that has a CI or SET_OF_CIS reference where the referencedType is abstract or an interface
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2195] - Cannot import package that has an optional CI reference property that is not filled
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2203] - Unable to set value of non-required property to empty (i.e. "") if it has a default value
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2228] - Auto-generated Deployables contain fields of type 'string' for booleans of the corresponding Deployeds
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2233] - Retrying a ScriptExecutionStep after initial failure causes an NPE in SshSftpFile:60
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2235] - Support a "file" FreeMarker property (generic-plugin) that uploads the artifact file and returns the remote path for all Artifacts, not just BaseDeployableArtifact
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2257] - The application should be on read only
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2294] - Missing value in Deployit server startup messages
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2383] - When uploading the package, the resteasy framework leaves temporary files
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2559] - The -help option is not recognized
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2570] - When importing a package that contains an entry with an incorrect name, the error message is not very helpful
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2582] - Properties are not shown in the expected order
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2626] - Encoding problems with French caracters
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2703] - Getting a property's value via PropertyDescriptor.get() method should not return null for Map_String_String and Setof? types, but empty Map or Set instead.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2726] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Prefix string too short
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2755] - The copied python script doesn't work on Windows host configured with WinRM since the run time is not copied.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2758] - Validation error when saving a CI on the repository browser leads to an XML popup
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2804] - The spinners on the Reports tab are active and hogging the CPU.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2813] - Clean script : provide a way to select packages older than 3 months
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2820] - When the JCR repository contains nodes of unknown types, no node are returned from a search
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2822] - Hidden properties are persisted and persisted values override the values from
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2834] - Spurious NPE when shutting down the server by sending a POST request to the /deployit/server/shutdown resource
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2843] - NPE during import
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2856] - Generated upgrade deployeds still contains the old deployable data in some cases.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2857] - Problem using getArchivedTasks(begin,end) in the CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2865] - Ghost window with dead buttons appears if there are unresolved placeholders
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2872] - Deployment fails with error message:$TooManyClauses: maxClauseCount is set to 1024
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2883] - Required hidden values can be set to '' (empty string) using
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2885] - Property values added to are not inherited
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2894] - Archives in generic.Folders processed by TrueZIP for placeholders are not copied to target machine
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2902] - Tag-based deployment : unmatched tag forbids manual mapping
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2904] - No valid error message on import / no message in GUI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2907] - Uploaded classpathResources for ExecutedScript are not released and cannot be executed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2909] - Type modification that sets a set_of_string property to an empty value (overriding a non-empty parent value) is ignored
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2910] - NPE when saving an artifact using CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2918] - Unable to import DAR file
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2924] - File-not-found during drag-and-drop
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2940] - Packages downloaded from a URL are saved as temporary files with missing/invalid extensions
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2941] - Faulty repository directory after inital setup on windows
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2949] - Jetty Session fails to be invalidated. IllegalException is thrown. As seen during demo.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2956] - When the DN of a user entry contains a comma, it will not receive the permissions granted to the groups it is a member of
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2966] - CLI changes control characters
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2976] - HTML encoding of dictionary values is wrong
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2985] - Dictionary substitution with does not work
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3006] - Inserting a new entry in a resourcebundle after sorting gives problems
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3013] - Default deployed property value defined in dictionary
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3015] - Modification checking of deployed with a map_string_string property
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3017] - Deployed is regarded as modified when a property goes from 'no value' to 'default value'
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3067] - Cannot import package with cli if the location is an URL
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3074] - Starting the Deployit server takes 40 seconds
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3076] - recovery.dat should be removed when no tasks are executing
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3084] - Creating two CIs referring to each other (circular dependency) leads to a stackoverflow exception on the server.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3095] - Ensure XML in user input is encoded and not interpreted (WEB-002)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3096] - Ensure user input to queries is filtered (WEB-003)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3099] - Can the same type twice
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3120] - A subcontext menu is impossible to reach when the context menu is so low that the subcontext menu is shown higher
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3124] - Don't include HTML snippets in error messages to prevent XSS attacks (WEB-001)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3125] - Show as root fails with empty environments in Deployed Applications
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3128] - Delta-analysis does not see different when adding a STRING to a SET_OF_STRING
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3146] - Repository not shut down properly when the server process is terminated
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3184] - Actual error not shown when wsadmin/wlst won't start
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3185] - Output sent to stderr is sometimes lost when running with the Python daemon
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3186] - Spurious "None" printed when an exception is thrown by a script running in the Python daemon
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1402] - Cannot set the Deployit server's bind address via the configuration
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1731] - When granting the deploy#upgrade permission to a principal, you also need to grant him the read permission on the corresponding Infrastructure.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2149] - Set-valued properties can contain no members even if "required"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2233] - Retrying a ScriptExecutionStep after initial failure causes an NPE in SshSftpFile:60
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2294] - Missing value in Deployit server startup messages
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2296] - LDAP configuration ignores the 'principalProvider' argument
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2302] - LdapPrincipalProvider caches the result of a "get groups for user" query even if the user credentials are invalid
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2383] - When uploading the package, the resteasy framework leaves temporary files
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2559] - The -help option is not recognized
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2570] - When importing a package that contains an entry with an incorrect name, the error message is not very helpful
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2626] - Encoding problems with French caracters
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2703] - Getting a property's value via PropertyDescriptor.get() method should not return null for Map_String_String and Setof? types, but empty Map or Set instead.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2755] - The copied python script doesn't work on Windows host configured with WinRM since the run time is not copied.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2758] - Validation error when saving a CI on the repository browser leads to an XML popup
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2804] - The spinners on the Reports tab are active and hogging the CPU.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2820] - When the JCR repository contains nodes of unknown types, no node are returned from a search
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2822] - Hidden properties are persisted and persisted values override the values from
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2834] - Spurious NPE when shutting down the server by sending a POST request to the /deployit/server/shutdown resource
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2843] - NPE during import
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2856] - Generated upgrade deployeds still contains the old deployable data in some cases.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2857] - Problem using getArchivedTasks(begin,end) in the CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2883] - Required hidden values can be set to '' (empty string) using
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2885] - Property values added to are not inherited
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2894] - Archives in generic.Folders processed by TrueZIP for placeholders are not copied to target machine
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2907] - Uploaded classpathResources for ExecutedScript are not released and cannot be executed
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2909] - Type modification that sets a set_of_string property to an empty value (overriding a non-empty parent value) is ignored
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2910] - NPE when saving an artifact using CLI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2940] - Packages downloaded from a URL are saved as temporary files with missing/invalid extensions
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2941] - Faulty repository directory after inital setup on windows
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2949] - Jetty Session fails to be invalidated. IllegalException is thrown. As seen during demo.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2956] - When the DN of a user entry contains a comma, it will not receive the permissions granted to the groups it is a member of
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2966] - CLI changes control characters
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2972] - When saving a CI, errors in the server don't show up in the GUI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2976] - HTML encoding of dictionary values is wrong
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3006] - Inserting a new entry in a resourcebundle after sorting gives problems
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3011] - Security permissions are not enforced when reading multiple CIs
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3015] - Modification checking of deployed with a map_string_string property
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3017] - Deployed is regarded as modified when a property goes from 'no value' to 'default value'
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3026] - NamespaceException: deployit: is not a registered namespace prefix. in <script> at line number 1

    Version 3.6.4

    Major functional changes

    • Upgraded to Overthere 1.0.16:
      • Default value of overthere.SshHost.allocateDefaultPty is now false to prevent problems with OpenSSH on AIX or WinSSHD. Set to true
      • Added hidden property overthere.SshHost.sudoOverrideUmask that, when set, causes permissions to be explicitly changed with chmod -R go+rX after uploading a file or directory with scp.


    • [DEPLOYITPB-2900] - Surpress the CLI banner when executing a script.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2961] - Make it possible to change the server's context root.

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-2233] - Retrying a ScriptExecutionStep after initial failure causes an NPE in SshSftpFile:60.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2302] - LdapPrincipalProvider caches the result of a "get groups for user" query even if the user credentials are invalid.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2686] - LDAP user/search base documentation is missing.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2758] - Validation error when saving a CI on the repository browser leads to an XML popup.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2804] - The spinners on the Reports tab are active and hogging the CPU.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2894] - Archives in generic.Folders processed by TrueZIP for placeholders are not copied to target machine.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2902] - Tag-based deployment : unmatched tag forbids manual mapping.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2904] - No valid error message on import / no message in GUI.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2907] - [generic-plugin] Uploaded classpathResources for ExecutedScript are not released and cannot be executed.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2918] - Unable to import DAR file.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2939] - Save packages downloaded from a URL for import under their original filename.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2940] - Packages downloaded from a URL are saved as temporary files with missing/invalid extensions.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2941] - Cannot use absolute directory to store the JCR repository on Windows.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2956] - Fixed bug where a user DN with spaces caused its group membership check to not return anything.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2959] - When the DN of a user entry contains a comma, it will not receive the permissions granted to the groups it is a member of.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2976] - Placeholder are incorrectly replaced with HTML encoded values.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2985] - Dictionary substitution with does not work.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-3010] - Cannot execute existing files (.bat, .exe) on Windows using SSH/Cygwin (e.g. needed by the WAS and WLS plugins).

    Version 3.6.3

    Major functional changes

    • Repository garbage collection - when Deployit server is shutdown, the repository garbage collector is invoked to reclaim disk space freed up by deleting artifacts from the repository.


    • [DEPLOYITPB-2809] - Garbage collect JCR DataStore

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-2856] - Generated upgrade deployeds still contains the old deployable data in some cases.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2857] - Problem using getArchivedTasks(begin,end) in the CLI

    Version 3.6.2

    Major functional changes

    • Default tty allocation - the setting overthere.SshHost.allocateDefaultPty now defaults to false instead of true since this is the more common case.


    • [DEPLOYITPB-2301] - Make the LdapPrincipalProvider's group cache timeout configurable
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2686] - Support 'userSearchBase' and 'groupSearchBase' options in LdapLoginModule/LdapPrincipalProvider
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2836] - Allow user to filter/query CI's based on the lastModified date
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2867] - Exclude files from placeholder scanning and replacing using a regular expression

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-1402] - Cannot set the Deployit server's bind address via the configuration
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2282] - deployit dictionary plugin: boolean values are not saved
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2296] - LDAP configuration ignores the 'principalProvider' argument
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2383] - When uploading the package, the resteasy framework leaves temporary files
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2626] - Encoding problems with French caracters
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2755] - The copied python script doesn't work on Windows host configured with WinRM since the run time is not copied.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2843] - NPE during import
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2865] - Ghost window with dead buttons appears if there are unresolved placeholders
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2872] - Deployment fails with error message:$TooManyClauses: maxClauseCount is set to 1024
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2873] - Deployit repository retains history of deleted CIs

    Version 3.6.1

    Major functional changes

    • Upgraded to Overthere 1.0.11

    Version 3.6.0

    Bug fixes

    • [DEPLOYITPB-601] - The letters in the Deployit logo are not correctly aligned
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1137] - upgrade: delete/edit mapping button should be disabled incase of upgrade till the new package is dropped
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1164] - Change final server startup message to mention the actual host the server is running on instead of 'localhost'
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1178] - Dummy extension file is included in the distribution
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1179] - Must be able to issue a command in the CLI to display initial help messages again
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1187] - Include CLI command to shutdown server
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1197] - Distribution includes a .gitignore file
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1223] - repository: Location field should be grayed out in Editing a package artifact
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1244] - repository: tab titles should show distinguishing information
    • [DEPLOYITPB-1698] - SCP directory copy does not support Windows-to-Unix copies
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2209] - Generated CI Reference should indicate which properties are required for discovery (@InspectionProperty)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2258] - Placeholder scanning and replacement only supported in archives with 'correct' (undocumented) extensions
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2262] - Cannot undeploy file.File artifact
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2267] - SSH/SFTP connectionType : errors when Overthere try to clean the temporary directory
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2278] - Bug in the documentation about importer
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2282] - deployit dictionary plugin: boolean values are not saved
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2293] - Typos in Deployit server startup messages
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2297] - Missing documentation for LDAP configuration option 'userAttribute'
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2303] - Multiple concurrent login requests at UI startup can lock out a user if invalid credentials are presented
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2305] - Unable to import package with a file.Folder CI that contains TrueZIP-readable archives (e.g. JARs)
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2550] - Problem with Security Permission : given read access to an environment give full read access
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2553] - Missing CLI help documentation for public List search(String ciType, String parent) in RepositoryClient
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2569] - Cannot undeploy a application if not steps are generated
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2594] - Cannot perform upgrade deployment in UI
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2597] - Required validation for SET_OF_STRING broken
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2598] - Property tags on udm.Deployable and udm.Container should not be required
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2601] - Property schema on sql.OracleClient should be renamed to SID
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2606] - Cannot undeploy a package with only SQL files if the user does not provide rollback SQL files
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2618] - Execution of control tasks not covered by security permission
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2621] - CI property that is transient (@Property(isTransient=true) ) is still stored to the repository.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2637] - " -setup -reinitialize" should mention it only works for the default configuration.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2640] - Keys and/or values in map_string_string properties are not resolved against the environment dictionaries
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2641] - ci and set_of_ci properties are not resolved against the environment dictionaries
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2643] - LDAP security is broken: group membership incorrectly determined
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2648] - Cannot generate a deployable that extends another generated deployable
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2651] - The packaging format for set_of_string contains a superfluous -EntryValue
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2655] - Placeholders not being validated on next. Validation errors for placeholders key with no values entered appear as an alert box. It should appear as validation errors label.Example: 9 error(s) found
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2679] - Password are not stored encrypted in the repository
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2683] - file property not set on Deployed on undeployment
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2684] - Spurious ActionScript error (TypeError) when dragging a deployable to a container
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2685] - Jboss plugin script hangs when executed on localhost
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2690] - Deployit 3.5.2 : regression on propagation of default values to sub-types
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2693] - Non-Deployment tasks should not be written to the recovery file.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2694] - Placeholder validation throwing exception. See stack trace
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2699] - index.html for riatest is not templated to point to the latest swf
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2701] - Recovery fails with class not found exception
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2704] - Able to define duplicate properties 'id', 'name', 'type', etc
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2709] - Top 5 dasboard reports do not show data on last day for month with 31 days.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2711] - Nested objects are no longer found using the base functions in python-plugin
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2720] - Creating a deployed by drag and drop should choose the most specific one and if more than one choices are available then only should show the selection popup
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2733] - In deployments done in date range report deployments from one day before selected begin date show up on ui.
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2734] - "Key Deployment Indicators in a date range" report title should be "Key deployment indicators in a date range"
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2747] - Placeholder are not replaced when the deployed is a generic.ExecutedScript


    • [DEPLOYITPB-1527] - CLI : command to display all the available CI's type
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2204] - as a deployer, I want to manage the attributes values of the Deployed by the dictionary
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2255] - Preserve order in which steps are added to the planning context by a contributor
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2285] - Use the CLI extension to simplify writing integration tests
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2632] - Show only the keys of visible properties in the comparison screen
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2635] - All packages downloaded from a URL are saved as ".dar" files which confuses additional importers
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2636] - Allow placeholder scanning in artifacts to be disabled
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2644] - Load Python script when a PythonStep is executed, not when it is created
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2670] - Add targetPath property to file.File, file.Folder, file.Archive
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2707] - Render checkboxes in front of their labels
    • [DEPLOYITPB-2708] - Show full ID and type when hovering over an item in any of the browsers or selection widgets