Command Line Interface Manual


    XL Deploy ships with a rich Command Line Interface (CLI) that makes it possible to control and administer most of its features. The aim of this manual is to describe and teach how to use the CLI.

    Discovering middleware topology, setting up environments, importing packages and performing deployments are just some examples of what you can do from the CLI.

    The CLI has been designed to allow it to be programmed by using the Python programming language. Python is a well-known scripting language and will be familiar to most system administrators and developers.

    Throughout this manual, examples will show how to use the objects to perform various tasks when using the CLI.

    The XL Deploy Reference Manual contains background information on XL Deploy, an overview of its features and a short explanation of basic deployment concepts. Together with this manual, it will present you with enough information to enable you to use the CLI to its full potential.

    CLI examples

    This manual contains example CLI snippets to illustrate how to use the XL Deploy CLI. These snippets are built using the demo-plugin, a sample plugin that shows some of XL Deploy's core features. The demo plugin can be downloaded from the XL Deploy community plugins website at GitHub:

    Using the CLI

    The XL Deploy CLI connects to the XL Deploy Server using the standard HTTP / HTTPS protocol. This makes it possible to use the CLI remotely without firewall issues.

    Before you start using the XL Deploy CLI, make sure the XL Deploy Server is running. Please refer to the XL Deploy System Administrator Manual for more information on starting the server.

    Environment variables

    After installing the XL Deploy CLI, it's good practice to set an environment variable named DEPLOYIT_CLI_HOME which points to the root directory where the CLI has been installed. In the remainder of this manual, the DEPLOYIT_CLI_HOME environment variable will be assumed to be set and to refer to the XL Deploy CLI installation directory.

    A second environment variable, DEPLOYIT_CLI_OPTS, can be used to provide JVM options for the XL Deploy CLI process. For example, to set the initial Java heap size to 512 megabytes of memory, and the maximum Java heap size to 2 gigabytes of memory, the environment variable would be set as follows:

    • Unix: export DEPLOYIT_CLI_OPTIONS="-Xms512m -Xmx2g"
    • Windows: set DEPLOYIT_CLI_OPTIONS="-Xms512m -Xmx2g"

    If not set, the CLI startup scripts provide sensible defaults.

    Starting the XL Deploy CLI

    To access the XL Deploy CLI, open a terminal window or command shell and change to the DEPLOYIT_CLI_HOME/bin directory.

    Start the CLI with the command ./ on Unix or cli.cmd on Windows.

    When the CLI starts, it will prompt you for a username and password combination. After you provide them, the CLI will attempt to connect to the XL Deploy Server on localhost running on XL Deploy's standard port of 4516.

    After you are connected to the XL Deploy Server, you can start sending commands. Note that access restrictions may apply; see the XL Deploy Security Manual for more information.

    CLI startup options

    Start the CLI with the -h flag to see the options that you can use during startup:

    Usage: ./ [options] [[--] arguments]
     -configuration VAL : Specify the location of the configuration directory. The
                          CLI will look for a deployit.conf in this location.
     -context VAL       : Context url XL Deploy is running at, defaults to ''
     -f (-source) VAL   : Execute a specified python source file
     -help              : Prints this usage message
     -host VAL          : Connect to a specified host, defaults to
     -password VAL      : Connect with the specified password
     -port N            : Connect to a specified port, defaults to 4516
     -proxyHost VAL     : Proxy host
     -proxyPort N       : Proxy port
     -q (-quiet)        : Suppresses the welcome banner
     -secure            : Use https to connect to the XL Deploy server
     -username VAL      : Connect as the specified user

    Note: Use cli.cmd instead of ./ on Windows.

    The options are:

    • -configuration config_directory

      Pass an alternative configuration directory to the CLI. The CLI will look for a deployit.conf in this location. The configuration file supports the following options:

      • cli.username: Connect as the specified user
      • cli.password: Connect with the specified password
    • -context newcontext

      If provided, the context value will be added to the XL Deploy Server connection URL. For example, if newcontext is given, the CLI will attempt to connect to the XL Deploy Server REST API at http://host:port/newcontext/deployit. Note that the leading slash and REST API endpoint (deployit) will automatically be added if they are omitted from the parameter.

      Tip: If the XL Deploy context root is set to deployit, the -context value must be /deployit/deployit.

    • -f Python_script_file

      Starts the CLI in batch mode to run the provided Python file. After the script completes, the CLI will terminate.

      Note: The XL Deploy CLI can load and run Python script files of up to 100K in size.

    • -source Python_script_file

      Alternative for the -f option.

    • -host

      Specifies the host the XL Deploy Server is running on. The default host is (that is, localhost).

    • -port 1234

      Specifies the port at which to connect to the XL Deploy Server. If the port is not specified, it will default to XL Deploy's default port, 4516.

    • -proxyHost VAL

      Specifies the HTTP proxy host if XL Deploy needs to be accessed via an HTTP proxy.

    • -proxyPort N

      Specifies the HTTP proxy port if XL Deploy needs to be accessed via an HTTP proxy.

    • -secure

      Instruct the CLI connect to the XL Deploy Server using HTTPS. By default it will connect to the secure port 4517, unless a different port is specified with the -port option. To connect, the XL Deploy Server must have been started using this secured port (on by the default).

    • -username myusername

      The username to use for login. If the username is not specified, the CLI will enter interactive mode and prompt the user.

    • -password mypassword

      The password to use for login. If the password is not specified, the CLI will enter interactive mode and prompt the user.

    • -q

      Suppresses display of the welcome banner.

    • -quiet

      Alternative for the -q option.

    One example of using options might be:

    ./ -username User -password UserPassword -host xl-deploy.local

    This will connect the CLI as User with password UserPassword to the XL Deploy Server running on the host xl-deploy.local and listening on port 4516.

    Entering XL Deploy server credentials

    To provide the user name and password for accessing the XL Deploy server, you can:

    • Enter them interactively in the CLI
    • Provide them with the -username and password options
    • Store them in the cli.username and cli.password properties in the DEPLOYIT_CLI_HOME/conf/deployit.conf file

    Passing arguments to CLI commands or script

    You can pass arguments from the command line to the CLI. You are not required to specify any options in order to pass arguments.

    This is an example of passing arguments, without specifying options:

    ./ these are four arguments

    And with options:

    ./ -username User -port 8443 -secure again with four arguments

    You can start an argument with the character '-'. To instruct the CLI to not interpret it as an option instead of an argument, use the '--' separator between the option list and the argument list:

    ./ -username User -- -some-argument there are six arguments -one

    This separator only needs to be used in case one or more of the arguments begin with '-'.

    The arguments may now be used in commands given on the CLI or be used in a script passed with the -f option, by using the sys.argv[index] method, whereby the index runs from 0 to the number of arguments. Index 0 of the array contains the name of the passed script, or is empty when the CLI was started in interactive mode. The first argument has index 1, the second argument index 2, and so forth. Given the command line in the first example presented above, the following commands:

    import sys
    print sys.argv

    Would yield as a result:

    ['', '-some-argument', 'there', 'are', 'six', 'arguments', '-one']

    Logging in and Logging out

    The CLI will attempt to connect to the XL Deploy Server with the provided credentials and connection settings. If a successful connection can not be established, an error message will be displayed and the CLI will terminate.

    If a successful connection with the XL Deploy Server is established, a welcome message will be printed and the CLI is ready to accept commands.

    In interactive mode, the XL Deploy CLI can be ended by typing quit at the prompt. This will log out the user and terminate the CLI process. In batch mode (when a script is provided), the CLI terminates automatically after finishing the script.

    CLI extensions

    It is possible to install CLI extensions - 'extensions' for short - which are loaded during CLI startup. Extensions are Python scripts, for example with Python class definitions, that will be available in commands or scripts run from the CLI. This feature can be combined with arguments given on the command line when starting up the CLI.

    To install CLI extensions follow these steps:

    1. Create a directory called ext. This directory should be created in the same directory from which you will start the CLI; during startup the current directory will be searched for the existence of the ext directory.
    2. Copy Python scripts into the ext directory.
    3. Restart the CLI. During startup, the CLI will search for, load and execute all scripts with the py or cli suffix found in the extension directory.

    Please note that the order in which scripts from the ext directory are executed is not guaranteed.

    XL Deploy Objects in the CLI

    This chapter describes the various objects available on the CLI for scripting. The XL Deploy CLI provides five objects to interact with the XL Deploy Server: deployit, deployment, repository, factory and security.

    It's also possible to define custom helper objects. A brief description of these four objects and how to define custom helper objects is given below. The next chapters will present examples on how to use these objects for scripting purposes.

    The deployit object

    The deployit object provides access to the main functions of XL Deploy itself. It allows the user to import a package, work with tasks and executing discovery.

    The deployment object

    The deployment object provides access to the deployment engine of XL Deploy. Using this object it is possible to create a task for an initial deployment or upgrade. The created tasks can be executed by using the deployit object.

    The factory object

    The factory object facilitates the creation of new configuration items (CI) and artifacts (files and packages), to be saved in XL Deploy's repository.

    The repository object

    The repository object allows the user to access XL Deploy's repository. It provides Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations on Configuration Items (CI) in the repository. It can also export task overviews to a local XML file.

    The security object

    The security object facilitates the logging in or out of XL Deploy and the creation or deletion of users in the XL Deploy repository. Users of XL Deploy may also be administered using another credentials store like a LDAP directory, but creation and deletion of users on these specific stores is not within XL Deploy's scope.

    Users with administrative permissions my also grant, deny or revoke security permissions to other users, even those users that are not administered in XL Deploy's repository but in some other credentials store. By default, users with administrative permissions own all permissions available in XL Deploy.

    The tasks object

    The tasks object makes it possible to interact with tasks in XL Deploy, such as deployments or discovery tasks. Tasks can be started, stopped or aborted or can be assigned to another user.

    Help with CLI objects when logged in

    When you log in, a welcome message is shown. The message looks like this:

    Welcome to the XL Deploy Jython CLI!
    Type 'help' to learn about the objects you can use to interact with XL Deploy.
    XL Deploy Objects available on the CLI:
    * deployit: The main gateway to interfacing with XL Deploy.
    * deployment: Perform tasks related to setting up deployments
    * factory: Helper that can construct Configuration Items (CI) and Artifacts
    * repository: Gateway to doing CRUD operations on all types of CIs
    * security: Access to the security settings of XL Deploy.
    * tasks: Access to the task engine of XL Deploy.
    To know more about a specific object, type <objectname>.help()
    To get to know more about a specific method of an object, type <objectname>.help("<methodname>")

    To have this message shown again, just type help on the CLI command prompt, followed by <enter>.

    It's easy to obtain information about a specific XL Deploy object by invoking the help() function. This will list all methods on the object that are available for scripting:

    factory: Helper that can construct Configuration Items (CI) and Artifacts
    The methods available are:
    * factory.artifact(String id, String ciType, Map values, byte[] data) : ArtifactAndData
    * factory.configurationItem(String id, String ciType) : ConfigurationItemDto
    * factory.configurationItem(String id, String ciType, Map values) : ConfigurationItemDto
    * factory.types() : void

    Extensive help about the usage of a specific method can be obtained by issuing a command like:


    On the object in question. Notice that the name of the method is given enclosed in quote marks and without parentheses.

    The CLI and special (Unicode) characters

    Per default the CLI uses the platform encoding, this may cause issues in a setting were no uniform encoding is used between systems. Or where multibyte encodings may appear. Of special note is Jython's default behaviour regarding strings and different encodings. When strings need to support unicode it is recommended to make proper unicode strings in your scripts. E.g. use the 'u' prefix for a string and/or use the unicode type. So for instance to create a dictionary with special characters in it you would have to use something similar to this:

    dic = factory.configurationItem('Environments/UnicodeExampleDict', 'udm.Dictionary')
    dic.entries = { 'micro' : u'µ', 'paragraph' : u'§', 'eaccute' : u'é' }
    print dic.entries

    In the case were values come from a database or other web services, you should be aware of the encoding they are in and take care of properly converting the values to unicode.

    Setting up security

    See the XL Deploy Security Manual for more information about how to setup security.

    Discovering middleware

    In order to do effective deployments, you need to have an accurate model of your infrastructure in XL Deploy. This can be done automatically by XL Deploy by using the discovery feature. Using discovery, XL Deploy will populate your infrastructure repository by scanning your middleware environment and creating Configuration Items in the repository.

    The CIs discovered during discovery will help you in setting up your infrastructure. However, they need not be complete: some CIs contain properties that can not be automatically discovered, like passwords. These kind of properties will still need to be entered manually.

    Discovery is part of the XL Deploy plugin suite, and the exact discovery functionality available varies depending on the middleware platforms present in your environment. Please refer to the appropriate plugin manual for more detailed information about discovery on a certain middleware platform, including examples.

    The following steps comprise discovery:

    1. Create a CI representing the starting point for discovery (often a Host CI).
    2. Start discovery with this CI.
    3. Store the discovered CIs in the repository.
    4. Complete the discovered CIs by providing missing properties manually if needed.
    5. Add the discovered CIs to an environment.

    The last step of discovery is optional. The discovered CIs will be stored under the Infrastructure root node in the repository and may be added to an environment at some later time.

    This manual describes how to perform discovery via the CLI but discovery can also be done via the GUI. See the GUI Manual for more information.

    Create a starting point

    The first step taken in discovery is to create a starting point. The starting point is a configuration item that discovery process needs to get going. This is usually a server host. Depending on the middleware you are trying to discover, additional parameters may be needed.

    Following is an example of how to perform discovery based on the demo-plugin, an example plugin that is part of XebiaLabs community-plugins repository. First a CI is created for localhost. Then we create a CI for the demo server we want to discover. This CI will be the starting point for discovery.

    # Create the host CI
    deployit> host = factory.configurationItem('Infrastructure/demoHost', 'overthere.LocalHost')
    deployit> host.os = 'UNIX'
    deployit> repository.create(host)
    deployit> server = factory.configurationItem('Infrastructure/demoHost/demoServer', 'demo.Server')
    deployit> =

    Execute discovery task

    Now discovery task can be created and executed.

    deployit> taskId = deployit.createDiscoveryTask(server)
    deployit> deployit.startTaskAndWait(taskId)
    deployit> discoveredCIs = deployit.retrieveDiscoveryResults(taskId)

    The result of these commands will be an object containing a list of discovered CIs.

    Store the discovered CIs

    XL Deploy returns a list of discovered middleware CIs. Note that these are not yet persisted. To store them in the repository, use the following code:

    deployit> repository.create(discoveredCIs)

    Complete discovered middleware CIs

    The easiest way to find out which of the discovered CIs require additional information is by printing them. Any CI that contains passwords (displayed as ********) will need to be completed. To print the stored CIs, the following code can be used:

    deployit> for ci in discoveredCIs: deployit.print(;

    Note: The created CIs can also be edited in the GUI using the Repository Browser if they have been stored in the repository.

    Adding CIs to Environments

    Middleware that is used as a deployment target must be grouped together in an environment. Environments are CIs of type udm.Environment and, like all CIs, can be created from the CLI by using the factory object. The following command can be used for this:

    deployit> env = factory.configurationItem('Environments/DiscoveredEnv', 'udm.Environment')

    Add the discovered CIs to the environment:

    deployit> env.values['members'] = [ for ci in discoveredCIs]

    Note that not all of the discovered CIs should necessarily be stored in an environment. For example, in the case of WAS, some nested CIs may be discovered of which only the top-level one must be stored.

    Don't forget to store the new environment in the repository:

    deployit> repository.create(env)

    The newly created environment can now be used as a deployment target.

    Note: the user needs specific permission to store CIs in the database. See the XL Deploy System Administration Manual.

    Performing deployments

    You can also do a deployment from the XL Deploy CLI. Here is an example of how to perform a simple deployment.

    # Import package
    deployit> package = deployit.importPackage('demo-application/1.0')
    # Load environment
    deployit> environment ='Environments/DiscoveredEnv')
    # Start deployment
    deployit> deploymentRef = deployment.prepareInitial(,
    deployit> deploymentRef = deployment.generateAllDeployeds(deploymentRef)
    deployit> taskID = deployment.deploy(deploymentRef).id
    deployit> deployit.startTaskAndWait(taskID)

    Undeployment follows the same general flow:

    deployit> taskID = deployment.undeploy('Environments/DiscoveredEnv/demo-application').id
    deployit> deployit.startTaskAndWait(taskID)

    Working with Tasks

    XL Deploy can perform many deployments at the same time. Each of these deployments is called a task. Users can ask XL Deploy to start a task, stop a task or cancel a task.

    Once a task is completed or canceled, it is moved to the task archive. This is where XL Deploy stores its task history. You can query it for tasks and examine the tasks steps and logs or export the task archive to an XML file.

    Active tasks are stored in the XL Deploy task registry which is periodically backed up to a file. If the XL Deploy Server is stopped abruptly, the tasks in the registry are persisted and can be continued when the server is restarted.

    Starting, stopping and canceling

    Whenever you start a deployment or undeployment in XL Deploy, the XL Deploy CLI returns a TaskInfo object. This object describes the steps XL Deploy will take to execute your request, but it doesn't yet start execution. Instead, XL Deploy creates a task for the request and returns its id as the id field in the TaskInfo object. Using the task id, you can start, stop or cancel the task.

    There are two ways to start a task in the XL Deploy CLI: startTaskAndWait and startTask. In the deployment example above we used startTaskAndWait. This method starts the tasks and waits for it to complete. The startTask method starts the task in XL Deploy and returns immediately. The task is run in the background in ths case. Both methods can also be used to restart a failed task.

    If a task is running and you want to to stop it, use the stopTask method. This attempts to interrupt the currently running task.

    The cancelTask method is used to cancel a task. That is, abandon execution of the task and move it to the archive.

    When a task has finished running, you can use the archive method to archive.

    Scheduling tasks

    A task can be scheduled by calling the tasks.schedule(taskId, dateTime) method. First argument is the taskId. Second argument is the date and time.

    Make sure you import the DateTime class:

    from org.joda.time import DateTime

    You can create a DateTime object representing the current local time by calling DateTime(). For example you can schedule a task 2 hours in advance by calling:

    deployit> tasks.schedule(taskId, DateTime().plusHours(2))

    You can also specify a concrete date. For example 31 december 2014, at 23:34 should be passed like: DateTime(2014, 12, 31, 23, 34)

    Notice that the examples shown here will use the local timezone of the user. The server will always return date and time in UTC.

    Listing tasks

    Before you can work with any of the tasks, you'll need to list them:

    deployit> depl = deployment.prepareInitial(,
    deployit> depl = deployment.generateAllDeployeds(depl)
    deployit> taskId = deployment.deploy(depl).id
    deployit> print deployit.listUnfinishedTasks()

    This retrieves and shows a list of unfinished tasks that are assigned to the current user. The method returns an array of TaskInfo objects which you can actually print:

    deployit> for t in deployit.listUnfinishedTasks(): print "Task id " + + " is assigned to user " + t.user

    If you have admin permission, you can also list all tasks in XL Deploy:

    deployit> print deployit.listAllUnfinishedTasks()
    deployit> deployit.cancelTask(taskId)

    Assigning tasks

    Tasks in XL Deploy are assigned to the user that started them. This means that they will appear in the XL Deploy GUI whenever this user logs out and back in again.

    XL Deploy also supports reassigning tasks. If you have task#assign permission, you are allowed to assign a task currently assigned to you to another principal. If you have the admin permission, you can assign any task in the system to another principal.

    This is how you assign a task in the CLI:

    # Import package
    deployit> package ='Applications/demo-application/1.0')
    # Load environment
    deployit> environment ='Environments/DiscoveredEnv')
    # Start deployment
    deployit> deploymentRef = deployment.prepareInitial(,
    deployit> deploymentRef = deployment.generateAllDeployeds(deploymentRef)
    deployit> taskID = deployment.deploy(deploymentRef).id
    deployit> deployit.assignTask(taskID, 'admin')
    # perform some operations on the task
    deployit> deployit.cancelTask(taskID)

    Note: XL Deploy does not validate the principal you enter as the recipient of the task.

    Retrieving archived tasks from the repository

    The repository object has facilities to retrieve an overview of all archived tasks, or a number of tasks within a specified date range.

    The command to export all tasks is:

    deployit> archivedTasks = repository.getArchivedTasks()

    This command will return an object that contains all tasks, and tasks in turn contain all of their steps. For instance, to get the number of tasks retrieved, execute:

    deployit> print repository.getArchivedTasks().size()

    or, when you've assigned the object to a variable named archivedTasks:

    deployit> print archivedTasks.size()

    To obtain the first retrieved Task from the object, yield:

    deployit> firstTask = archivedTasks.getTasks().get(0)

    The task count starts at 0 to size() exclusive. This call will give you a TaskInfo object on which you may call all normally available methods. To obtain the first step from the acquired task, execute:

    deployit> firstStep = firstTask.getSteps().get(0)

    Again, the count of steps starts at 0 to getSteps().size() exclusive. This will give you a StepInfo object on which all regular methods may be called.

    Once you've obtained a TaskInfo or StepInfo object, you can query it for all relevant information, like, for instance in the case of a step, its state:

    deployit> firstStep.getState()

    Or its step number:

    deployit> firstStep.getNr()

    Next to all tasks, one may also just export all tasks within a given date range executing the following command:

    deployit> repository.getArchivedTasks('01/01/2010', '01/01/2011')

    Both date parameters in the method signature should be specified in the following format mm/dd/yyyy, with m a month digit, d a day digit and y a year digit. The above method call will return an object that simply wraps the requested tasks, analogous to the getArchivedTasks() method call.

    Exporting archived tasks from the repository to a local XML file

    It's also possible to store the contents of the task repository to a local XML file. In order to store the complete task repository to a local XML file, use the following command:

    deployit> repository.exportArchivedTasks('/tmp/task-export.xml')

    Note that you can use forward slashes in the path, even on Windows systems.

    It is also possible to export a number of tasks in a certain date range from the task repository to a local XML file using the following command:

    deployit> repository.exportArchivedTasks('/tmp/task-export.xml', '01/01/2010', '01/01/2011')

    Performing Common Tasks

    This section describes common tasks that may be performed using the CLI. Its main purpose is to present examples of how to combine commands to perform the desired tasks.

    Working with Configuration Items

    This section shows some examples of how to work with CIs. The two main objects involved are the factory object and the repository object. The factory object is used to actually create the CI itself, while with the repository object it is possible to store the CI in the repository.

    Finding out types of available CIs and their properties

    The available CIs and their respective type need to be known before being able to create one. Using the command

    deployit> factory.types()

    An overview will be shown on standard output of all the available types that are shipped with XL Deploy. If at some point more plugins are added to XL Deploy, types defined therein will be added to XL Deploy's type registry and will then also be available in addition to the types initially shipped with XL Deploy. The new types should also show up in the output of this command.

    In order to obtain some more details of a specific type, for instance its required properties, execute the describe method on the deployit object with the fully qualified type name as its parameter:

    deployit> deployit.describe('udm.Dictionary')

    The output of this command will show something like:

    ConfigurationItem udm.Dictionary:
    Description: A Dictionary contains key-value pairs that can be replaced
    Control tasks:
        - entries(MAP_STRING_STRING): The dictionary entries
    Properties marked with a '!' are required for discovery.
    Properties marked with a '*' are required.

    Creating common UDM CIs

    The following snippet shows examples of creating common UDM CIs.

    # Create a host
    deployit> sampleHost = factory.configurationItem('Infrastructure/sampleHost', 'overthere.SshHost',
        { 'os': 'UNIX', 'address': 'localhost', 'username': 'scott' })
    deployit> repository.create(sampleHost)
    deployit> deployit.print(sampleHost)
    # Create a dictionary
    deployit> sampleDict = factory.configurationItem('Environments/myDict', 'udm.Dictionary')
    deployit> sampleDict.entries = { 'a': '1', 'b': '2' }
    deployit> repository.create(sampleDict)
    deployit> deployit.print(sampleDict)
    # Create an environment
    deployit> sampleEnv = factory.configurationItem('Environments/sampleEnv', 'udm.Environment')
    deployit> sampleEnv.dictionaries = [ ]
    deployit> sampleEnv.members = [ ]
    deployit> repository.create(sampleEnv)
    deployit> deployit.print(sampleEnv)

    Moving and Renaming CIs

    The repository allows you to move or rename CIs as well. Note that a CI can only be moved within the root node it was created in. That is, a CI under the Application root node can only be moved to another place in this tree.

    The following snippet shows examples of moving and renaming CIs:

    # Create a directory to store environments
    deployit> directory = factory.configurationItem('Environments/ciGroup', 'core.Directory')
    deployit> repository.create(directory)
    # Move the sample environment in the new directory
    deployit> repository.move(sampleEnv, + '/sampleEnv')
    deployit> sampleEnv ='Environments/ciGroup/sampleEnv')
    # Rename the directory
    deployit> repository.rename(directory, 'renamedCiGroup')
    deployit> sampleEnv ='Environments/renamedCiGroup/sampleEnv')
    # References to renamed or moved CIs are kept up-to-date
    deployit> repository.rename(sampleHost, 'renamedSampleHost')
    deployit> sampleEnv ='Environments/renamedCiGroup/sampleEnv')
    deployit> sampleHost =[0])

    Note: Moving or renaming CIs when deployments are in progress or when the CIs concerned are used by XL Deploy clients (GUI or CLI) is discouraged.

    Executing a Control Task

    Control tasks can be executed from the CLI. Take, for example, the start control task on a GlassFish server in the glassfish-plugin (available as a community plugin, see the introduction of this manual). It can be executed as follows:

    deployit> server ='Infrastructure/demoHost/demoServer')
    deployit> deployit.executeControlTask('start', server)

    Executing a Control Task manually with parameters

    Control tasks can also be executed manually. This allows you to set parameters for the control task, and to have more control over the execution of the task. For example:

    deployit> server ='Infrastructure/demoHost/demoServer')
    deployit> control = deployit.prepareControlTask(server, 'methodWithParams')
    deployit> control.parameters.values['paramA'] = 'value'
    deployit> taskId = deployit.createControlTask(control)
    deployit> deployit.startTaskAndWait(taskId)

    Shutting down the Server

    The CLI can also be used to shutdown the XL Deploy Server as follows:


    Note that you must have administrative permissions for this.

    Type reference

    Here's an overview of types used in the CLI

    Artifact A CI with an associated file
    extends ConfigurationItem
    file OverthereFile An abstract representation of a file that can be access through an OverthereConnection
    ArtifactAndData Contains an Artifact and the actual file contents
    artifact Artifact The artifact
    data byte[] The file contents
    filename String The name of the file
    ConfigurationItem A new CI, or a CI from the repository
    id String The ID of the Configuration Item
    type String The UDM type of the Configuration Item
    _ci_attributes CiAttributes Creation and modification date and user of this CI
    values Map The properties of the CI
    validations List<ValidationMessage> The validation errors on the CI
    ConfigurationItemId A CI reference, with type information
    id String The ID of the Configuration Item
    type String The UDM type of the Configuration Item
    Deployment Settings for doing a deployment
    deployedApplication ConfigurationItem The application being deployed
    deployeds List<ConfigurationItem> The configured deployeds
    deployables List<ConfigurationItemId> The available deployables in the package
    containers List<ConfigurationItemId> The containers being deployed to
    deploymentType String The type of deployment. Possible values: INITIAL, UPDATE, UNDEPLOYMENT
    StepState Information about a task step
    description String The human-readable description of the step
    state String The current state of the step. Possible values: PENDING, SKIP, EXECUTING, PAUSED, FAILED, DONE, SKIPPED
    startDate Calendar The date the step was started
    completionDate Calendar The date the step was completed
    log String The log output of the step
    failureCount String The times the step has failed
    metadata map Step metadata, containing the ```order``` and ```deployed```
    TaskState XL Deploy task
    id String The ID of the task
    state String The state the task was in when queried. Possible values: PENDING, QUEUED, EXECUTING, STOPPED, EXECUTED, DONE, CANCELLED
    startDate Calendar The date the task was started
    completionDate Calendar The date the task was completed
    nrSteps int The number of steps in the task
    currentStepNr int The number of the step the task is currently at.
    metadata map Task metadata, including the ```application```, ```environment```, ```version```
    failureCount int The number of times the task has stopped because of a failed step.
    owner String The current owner of the task.
    TaskWithSteps XL Deploy task including its steps
    id String The ID of the task
    state String The state the task was in when queried. Possible values: PENDING, QUEUED, EXECUTING, STOPPED, EXECUTED, DONE, CANCELLED
    startDate Calendar The date the task was started
    completionDate Calendar The date the task was completed
    nrSteps int The number of steps in the task
    currentStepNr int The number of the step the task is currently at.
    metadata map Task metadata, containing the ```application```, ```environment```, ```version```
    failureCount int The number of times the task has stopped because of a failed step.
    owner String The current owner of the task.
    steps List All steps in the task represented as StepState objects
    FullTaskInfo Task that includes step information
    extends TaskInfo
    steps List<StepInfo> The steps in the task.
    FullTaskInfos List of tasks with step information
    tasks List<FullTaskInfo> All retrieved tasks as a list.
    ValidationMessage Indicates a validation error and provides a message
    ciId String The ID of the Configuration Item this validation message refers to
    propertyName String The name of the property in the CI this validation message refers to
    message String The message itself
    StepInfo Deprecated, use StepState Information about a task step
    description String The human-readable description of the step
    state String The current state of the step. Possible values: PENDING, SKIP, EXECUTING, PAUSED, FAILED, DONE, SKIPPED
    startDate Calendar The date the step was started
    completionDate Calendar The date the step was completed
    log String The log output of the step
    failureCount String The times the step has failed
    nr int The position of the step in the task
    TaskInfo Deprecated, use TaskState XL Deploy task
    id String The ID of the task
    label String The label describing the task
    state String The state the task was in when queried. Possible values: PENDING, QUEUED, EXECUTING, STOPPED, EXECUTED, DONE, CANCELLED
    startDate Calendar The date the task was started
    completionDate Calendar The date the task was completed
    nrOfSteps int The number of steps in the task
    currentStepNr int The number of the step the task is currently at.
    application String For deployment tasks - The udm.Application the task is for
    version String For deployment tasks - The version of the udm.Application the task is for. This refers to the actual package being deployed, viz. the deployment package or composite package
    environment String For deployment tasks - The environment the package is being deployed to
    failureCount int The number of times the task has stopped because of a failed step.