
Retrieves information about Hosts: which DeployedApplications have deployeds on this host, and which environments does this host take part in? The user must have READ access to the specified host.

GET /host/deployed-applications/{ID:.+} Find deployedApplications that have deployeds on the specified host.
GET /host/{id:.+}/environments Gets all environments that the specified host is part of, including when and by whom this environment was last deployed to.
GET /host/{id:.+}/environments/count Count the number of environments that the user has READ access to and the specified host is part of, optionally filtered by (part of) the environment name

GET /host/deployed-applications/{ID:.+}

Find deployedApplications that have deployeds on the specified host.
Path ID String the host ID
Query deployedAppName String (Optional) (Part of) the deployedApplication's to look for
Request body Paging How many results to display per page, and which page to retrieve
Query order Ordering How to order the search results.
Response body
ConfigurationItemId - A list of {@see com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.ConfigurationItemId} objects corresponding to the deployedApplications
Content type:

GET /host/{id:.+}/environments

Gets all environments that the specified host is part of, including when and by whom this environment was last deployed to.
Path id String The host ID to query for
Query name String (Optional) (part of) the name of the environment(s) to look for
Request body Paging How many results to display per page, and which page to retrieve
Query order Ordering How to order the search results.
Response body
DeploymentInfo - a list of {@see com.xebialabs.deployit.engine.api.dto.DeploymentInfo} objects
Content type:

GET /host/{id:.+}/environments/count

Count the number of environments that the user has READ access to and the specified host is part of, optionally filtered by (part of) the environment name
Path id String The host ID to query
Query name String (Optional) (part of) the environment name(s) to look for.
Response body
Integer - The number of environments that this host is part of
Content type: