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com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints - package com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints


getEntity() - Method in class com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints.JythonRequest
Returns a deserialized entity in case of POST, PUT request.
getEntity() - Method in class com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints.JythonResponse
getHeaders() - Method in class com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints.JythonResponse
getQuery() - Method in class com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints.JythonRequest
Returns a dictionary of query parameters of the request.
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints.JythonResponse


JythonRequest - Class in com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints
Request object of this class is always available as request inside Jython scripts which implement REST endpoints in XL extensions.
JythonRequest(Object, PyDictionary) - Constructor for class com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints.JythonRequest
JythonResponse - Class in com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints
Response object which is always available as response inside Jython scripts which implement REST endpoints in XL extensions.
JythonResponse() - Constructor for class com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints.JythonResponse


setEntity(Object) - Method in class com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints.JythonResponse
Sets body of the response which will be serialized into JSON and returned to the client.
setHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints.JythonResponse
Sets response headers.
setStatusCode(Integer) - Method in class com.xebialabs.xlplatform.endpoints.JythonResponse
Sets an HTTP status code for the response.
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